The Forum > Article Comments > Nuclear, and Labor's lying lips > Comments
Nuclear, and Labor's lying lips : Comments
By John Mikkelsen, published 25/6/2024First stop France, whose President Macron called on Australia to lift its nuclear ban after our government rejected a nuclear pledge at the Cop 28 summit last year.
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Climate change? Yeah right Tim flip a coin, floods or droughts you can't lose.
As for computer modelling, many os us are still aware of "Climategate" - the flurry of "Hide the decline" emails emanating from East Anglia University when they realised actual temperatures weren't playing the game the computers predicted, as exposed by James Delingpole
You have also used the term "ocean acidification" which displays a lack of scientific knowledge as it is a misnomer used to help scare the gullible:
"A good way to excite people is to tell them that something is becoming more ‘acid,’ as ‘the oceans are undergoing acidification and this is a potential environmental catastrophe.’
"The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the leading proponent of the doom of global warming, states that the mean pH of surface waters ranges between 7.9 and 8.3 in the open oceans, so the oceans remain alkaline. It is dishonest to present to a lay audience that any perceived reduction in alkalinity means the oceans are turning to acid. (1) Since the pH of the oceans is higher than neutral (pH = 7), this means the oceans are alkaline..."
And the Great Barrier Reef records record coral cover for the third year in a row" .. From Australian scientist Joanne Nova
You also continually refer to the authenticity of "peer reviewed" articles but if you search for faulty or fake peer reviews you will find numerous examples including this one: