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The Forum > Article Comments > Is Wokeism really secular heretical Christianity rather than neo-Marxism? > Comments

Is Wokeism really secular heretical Christianity rather than neo-Marxism? : Comments

By Graham Young, published 9/4/2024

Postmodernists believe that all truth is relative-your truth, my truth, but never the truth. This does away with most ideas of sin.

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I can't accept that their can be a plural of truth. Something is true or it is false. Some people seem to be confusing truth with opinion.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 9 April 2024 8:52:30 AM
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For Woke Albanese, the UN is the new church, and the "economists" are its priests. Only two beliefs are required - open borders and net zero.
Posted by Steve S, Tuesday, 9 April 2024 9:36:10 AM
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Is this supposed to a well-informed comment on the state of the human world in 2024, or was it featured in the Melbourne Comedy Festival?
I haven't laughed so much in ages!

Regardless of the merits of the dreaded woke phenomenon we now live in a world wherein every possible point-of-view on quite literally every topic is now freely available on the internet, and thus open to all kinds of criticism.
It is self-evidently true that the West (especially in the case of the USA) was built on religious lies, political exploitation and manipulative propaganda of all kinds.
It is also self-evidently true that our inherited religious beliefs about what we are as human beings, our relationship to each other and the natural world, and (especially) the meaning and significance of death are not in any sense true.

Meanwhile Western man (in particular) has always been deeply psychotic even to the extent that this collective psychosis has inevitably brought the entire world to catastrophic disaster.
This essay describes the situation:

It is also self-evidently true that we now living in a collective nightmare which contains the dark visions described in both Orwell's 1984 and Huxley's Brave New World (and Brave New World Revisited). This situation is described here:

The principle source and vector of our collective psychosis is of course TV. What is portrayed on TV is the sum total or all-inclusive description of the state of our culture. Thats all folks!

In any given moment countless hundreds of millions human being are being brain-washed (zombified) by it. This essay describes the situation

Meanwhile this religiously and culturally illiterate barbarian who does not even a teensy-weensy molecule of religious faith/belief in his entire body is much admired by millions of dreadfully sane human beings

He is of course the leader and (toxic) inspiration for the Make American Grotesque Again cult
Posted by Daffy Duck, Tuesday, 9 April 2024 10:59:13 AM
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When will the Camps for Wokes be opened :)
Posted by Maverick, Tuesday, 9 April 2024 11:04:52 AM
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Woke up this morning, is the only woke that has any meaning.

To apply it in a derogatory manner to ideologies and or philosophies, with particular belief systems, is word smith spin of the first water.

All because, Christianity and conservative ideology are mutually incompatible belief systems!

Jesus knew his audiences were for the most part, illiterate and superstitious.

And so, he spoke plain words that have been massively misrepresented to give power to various RELIGIOUNS/church officials.

Moreover, he used parables to prevent just such misrepresentation. Inasmuch as ye do unto the least among you, you also do unto me. It is easier for a camel to pass though the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. So as ye sow, so also shall ye reap. To reach unto the Kingdom of heaven, ye must be born again!

And cannot be misrepresented by word smith spin!

There is only one truth and that is the almighty truth. If you must believe in something, then believe in that and immutable law.

Getting rich is not a crime/sin or bad, but what some do to achieve it.

Ripping of the poor and downtrodden, wages theft and selling rust bucket death traps to kids, for example. Inasmuch as ye do unto the least among ye, ye also do unto me! Putting a few pennies on the plate on Sunday, doesn't buy a free pass!

And there are many other examples, like tax evasion, profit gouging.

Donald Trump's verbal promises are not worth the paper they're written on, etc, etc.

Seriously, some crooks are more honest than many. so called, rich wealthy businessmen.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 9 April 2024 11:35:10 AM
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I think most Western political philosophies draw on Christian values, teaching and mythologies to some degree.

Graham is right to see the roots of wokeism in Christianity’s inversion of social hierarchies and reverence for the poor, despised and marginalised; and traditional socialism’s calls for social justice also have biblical resonances as well as having co-evolved with more recent religious ideas such as liberation theology.

More than 20 years ago novelist Michael Crighton pointed out the strong parallels between Green ideology and the Eden myth - that humanity was once in an idealised state of harmony with God and nature which was destroyed by human sinfulness in a catastrophe so severe that it threatens our very existence, but which can be remedied if we repent our sins and mend our evil ways.

It’s not just left-wing philosophies that draw on Christian traditions. Liberalism does too – in its respect for the freedom of the individual; its belief in the fundamentally equal dignity of all people regardless of race, gender, and social or economic status; and its emphasis on taking responsibility for our own actions. Likewise, Conservatism’s regard for the wisdom of the past and reverence of the value of inherited traditions and social conventions reflects Christian and (sometimes, self-serving) church teaching.

But without acknowledging the religious roots or the external authority on which their values were originally based, secular ideologies too often drift towards a fundamentalism that sees dissent and disagreement as not merely mistaken but heretical, to be suppressed and rooted out. I don’t object to wokeism’s concern for the marginalised; I do object to cancel culture’s attempts to demonise and bully into silence those it disagrees with.
Posted by Rhian, Tuesday, 9 April 2024 6:47:41 PM
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