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HKOPS: The other two-state solution Biden could endorse : Comments

By David Singer, published 5/4/2024

President Biden has for the first time suggested his readiness to abandon the failed two-state solution embodied in Security Council Resolution 2334.

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Could but won't! One thing management teaches, there is always a better way.

While not without dome merit, HKOPS has too much weight in the saddle bags and consequently, has all but killed the horse. That no amount of flogging will get it back on its feet and running.

Agreement from HAMAS, a bullet in its skull.

Time to bury the poor beast and try another, something the Palestinians and the Palestinian leaders can and will indorse, i.e., a wo state solution as emphatically endorsed by Biden in his recent, state of the nation, national address!

Silent, he is not!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 5 April 2024 11:22:08 AM
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Oh David the Dreamer

Your dreams have long been frustrated by Arab inter-tribal animosities.

Do you think Jordan, an Arab country, would give up a sizable part of its territory to solve the problems of other Arab tribes. Sadly Arab culture has never been that forward looking. It will take them a few hundred years to make mature solutions, like the European Union.

And remember what the Jordanian Army did to Palestinians during "Black September"
Posted by Maverick, Friday, 5 April 2024 6:53:48 PM
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It would be great if the Arabs endorsed that plan, but ----
For 1400 years the Arabs under Islam have held as a religious truism
that the Jews must die.
Right from the very beginning it was written in their scriptures that
the Jews were cursed by Allah.
They have been so successful in spreading Islam by conquest why should
they even consider giving it up ?
In the west they have found immigration to be a less warlike way to
accomplish the same result.
Even Britain now has Sharia courts !

Any settlement with the Islamic countries can only be considered temporary.
Posted by Bezza, Sunday, 7 April 2024 11:59:13 AM
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#Alan B #Maverick

How do you explain the silence of King Abdullah, Mahmoud Abbas and Ismail Haniyeh to trash the Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine solution since its publication on 8 June 2022? Each had every reason to declare it dead and buried on birth - but have not done so.

Remember how Abbas trashed the 2020 Trump Plan even before he knew what was in it - and then on the day it was issued he trashed it. Why has he not done the same with HKOPS?

You state: "Do you think Jordan, an Arab country, would give up a sizable part of its territory to solve the problems of other Arab tribes?"

Jordan is not giving up any part of its sizable territory. It would acquire territory - Gaza and part of the West Bank - under HKOPS.

Seems you have not read HKOPS. Am I right in so assuming?

It is dangerous to say "Never". Israel has had peace treaties with Egypt since 1979 and Jordan since 1993 - bolstered by the signing of the 2020 Abraham Accords. Maybe HKOPS could be a further step on the path to ending the 100 years conflict between Arabs and Jews.
Posted by david singer, Monday, 8 April 2024 3:16:52 AM
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Hi David

You may be King of detail of your HKOPS obsession, but history and hatreds, especially since October 7, make it even more of a lost dream.

What with Israel expending enormous blood, gold and losing its international reputation to seize Gaza I don't think Netanyahu would then hand Gaza to Jordan.

I also think it extremely unlikely that the West Bank settlers, many of whom are represent by Netanyahu's allies in Israel's governing coalition, would surrender even part of the West Bank to Jordan.

The overall problem is that the Jordanian military is extremely weak compared to the IDF. Jordan could not be trusted to prevent Gaza returning to a Hamas terrorist-rocket launching pad against Israel.

Particularly after Israel's Gaza experience, Israel would also fear the West Bank, under Jordanian rule, also becoming PLO and/or Hamas terrorist and rocket launching pad against Israel.

If you don't yield a bit on your unrealistic precious dreams you will again be ignored, even by people like me, who not only have some Jewish blood, but who know more about the Middle East than 90% of Australians.

Cheers Mavs
Posted by Maverick, Monday, 8 April 2024 6:09:14 PM
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Israel managed to render the 'Holocaust' a dim memory that may have had roots of just cause that today's youth will see as merely as a historical event.
Israel's conduct, still to be exposed fully to the world stage, will lose it whatever positive standing it had.
The US, true to form, will disavow any knowledge and claim it didn't know the extent of Israel's behaviour just as they did with Germany in WW2 with the holocaust.
No one is going to believe Israel had the right to commit genocide under any circumstances, and members of it's armed forces will be seen as mere thugs no better than German Nazis.
In this fiasco Germany has also put itself front and foremost in it's assistance to the Israeli/Gaza carnage.
Just goes to show how true colours will always come to the fore.
Posted by Special Delivery, Tuesday, 9 April 2024 8:30:02 AM
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