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The Forum > Article Comments > Israel tags Guterres and UN as anti-Semitic and anti-Israel > Comments

Israel tags Guterres and UN as anti-Semitic and anti-Israel : Comments

By David Singer, published 28/3/2024

Guterres, the UN and UNRWA have seemingly gone out of their way to prevent Israel speedily chasing down and eliminating those monsters from Gaza who invaded Israel on 7 October 2023.

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Can't see more here than the very biased opinion of one shite stirrer.
Anybody who disagrees with the gentleman is anti-Israel anti-Semitic in his eyes!

Israel has a right to defend itself, but not the mass slaughter of women, children and babies.

Yes, Hamas must be eliminated. But, there has to be a better way, with less thoughtless collateral damage!

Have you considered the possibility of cutting off the funding by going after its source, i.e., Iran!

Take the fight to the mad Mullahs and allow Iran to once again become a democracy. And while the US is in the red sea with considerable military might.

Otherwise, this scenario could repeat and repeat until the Iranian people revolt and put the mad mullahs to the sword.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 28 March 2024 11:06:29 AM
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We in Australia should take serious note of the Israeli plight and its double crossing by US interests.

We need urgently to unhitch the wagons, Nationalise their Australian assets , and boot them all out!
Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 28 March 2024 12:26:34 PM
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You call it anti-semitic when someone criticises your genocide of others.
That in itself says a lot, maybe too much.

Wasn't 100 million people dead under the Trotsy / Bolshevist / Communism (Jewish socialism) project enough?
Now you want to keep killing people indefinitely for Jewish nationalism?

Is it wrong or incorrect to say that trouble follows you people wherever you go?
Probably not incorrect, but I'm sure you'll argue it's wrong anyway.

Keep acting this way, keep killing innocent people and celebrating;
- And soon people will begin to argue that Hitler was right to try to exterminate you all.

By far the worlds biggest whingers.
Even worse than gay people.

Everything is everyone else's fault, right?
If you didn't have something to whinge about David you wouldn't have a reason to go on living.
Keep telling you to take a good hard look at yourselves.
You reap what you sow. (Hatred)
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 28 March 2024 5:25:01 PM
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Hear, hear and well said, A.C.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 29 March 2024 10:48:21 AM
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#Armchair Critic

One Jewish State in the world living on an area of land one third the size of Tasmania - threatened with extinction ever since its reconstitution after 3000 years was first proposed 100 years ago - is apparently too much for you to tolerate.

Enjoy your love affair with the 57 Islamic States in this world plus Hamas, ISIS, Islamic Jihad, the PLO, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and Hezbollah. You deserve each other.
Posted by david singer, Thursday, 4 April 2024 6:33:54 AM
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The Guardian reports April 4, 2024

“The Israeli military’s bombing campaign in Gaza used a previously undisclosed AI-powered database that at one stage identified 37,000 potential targets based on their apparent links to Hamas, according to intelligence sources involved in the war.

In addition to talking about their use of the AI system, called LAVENDER, the intelligence sources claim that Israeli military officials permitted large numbers of Palestinian civilians to be killed, particularly during the early weeks and months of the conflict.

...“This is unparalleled, in my memory,” said one intelligence officer who used Lavender, adding that they had more faith in a “statistical mechanism” than a grieving soldier. “EVERYONE THERE, INCLUDING ME, LOST PEOPLE ON OCTOBER 7. THE MACHINE DID IT COLDLY. AND THAT MADE IT EASIER.”

...Several of the sources described how, for certain categories of targets, the IDF applied pre-authorised allowances for the estimated number of civilians who could be killed before a strike was authorised.

Two sources said that during the early weeks of the war they were permitted to kill 15 or 20 civilians during airstrikes on low-ranking militants. Attacks on such targets were typically carried out using unguided munitions known as “dumb bombs”, the sources said, destroying entire homes and killing all their occupants.

...Another said the principal question they were faced with was whether the “collateral damage” to civilians allowed for an attack.

“Because we usually carried out the attacks with dumb bombs, and that meant literally dropping the whole house on its occupants. But even if an attack is averted, you don’t care – you immediately move on to the next target. Because of the system, the targets never end. You have another 36,000 waiting.”

According to conflict experts, if Israel has been using dumb bombs to flatten the homes of thousands of Palestinians who were linked, with the assistance of AI, to militant groups in Gaza, that could help explain the shockingly high death toll in the war..." MORE
Posted by Maverick, Thursday, 4 April 2024 11:41:44 AM
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