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The Forum > Article Comments > UN: Adopt Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine or see conflict worsen > Comments

UN: Adopt Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine or see conflict worsen : Comments

By David Singer, published 29/2/2024

This follows Israel's rejection of any attempt to unilaterally impose the creation of an independent Palestinian Arab state between Israel and Jordan by 99 of Israel's 120 politicians on 21 February.

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What an atrocious article!
The genocide happening before our eyes in Gaza is not the fault of the United Nations. The UN has long tried to implement a ceasefire, but has been stymied at every turn by the power of US veto. Israel is the aggressor here, aided and abetted each step of the way by its US benefactor. The slaughter and forced starvation of the Palestinian people is an utter tragedy and a war crime of the highest order. Israel is deliberately preventing food and aid supplies from reaching Gaza. It's bombing delivery trucks. What sort of monsters are the people supplying, orchestrating and dropping these bombs? The answer does not as the author suggests lie in transferring the people of Gaza to refugee camps in neighbouring countries, from which Israel will never allow them to return. The only solution is an immediate and permanent ceasefire. Why is the international community so powerless to enact one? This is the real question of importance, not some academic agonising over obscure perceived legal injustice suffered by Israel. Netanyahu's government and military have long ago lost any claim to international sympathy.
Posted by Bronwyn, Thursday, 29 February 2024 10:34:26 AM
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Could not agree more Bronwyn.
When the worst terrorist state in the world, Israel, including the thieving, murdering settlers, and its supporter, the US, leaves occupied lands completely, then peace may be found. Won`t happen overnight and only may be possible. Until then the present mayhem and terror will only get worse.
You cannot invade and steal other`s land with a fairy tale as the reason.
As bad as putin.
Posted by ateday, Thursday, 29 February 2024 11:28:23 AM
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Dear Bronwyn,

«What an atrocious article!»

Have you never heard of the atrocity called "AI"?

Robots can never commit atrocities, only the people who programmed them!

«The answer does not as the author suggests...»

The author is not suggesting anything, it only combines words and sentences according to given grammatical rules.

Nevertheless I am surprised of your reaction to this "Hashemite" scheme, because from all your other OLO posts, I gather that you would be quite happy for Israel to be destroyed as well as for Russia and Iran to gain strategic Mediterranean posts where Israel once used to be. That is exactly what would happen if that sinister scheme were adopted.

As for me, compared with that monstrous "Hashemite" scheme, I rather see the conflict worsen...
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 29 February 2024 11:37:33 AM
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The UN has a lot to answer for.

How do you know Israel will not let any Gazans removed to the 50 UNRWA refugee camps outside Gaza return after the War is concluded? Has the UN approached Israel to seek its approval and been rebuffed? Why would the Gazans want to return anyway?

The UN - in keeping Gazans penned in Gaza when the UN has the means and the power to move them to safe havens - is acting in a shameful and callous manner.

The working relationship between Hamas and the UN is surely but steadily being uncovered and the UN is increasingly looking to have been fully aware of the tunnel system being built under Gaza.

The schools in the 8 UNRWA camps in Gaza have been using textbooks calling for the killing of Jews for decades - being a breeding ground for poor brainwashed kids to become jihadi terrorists.

The UN has knowingly left Gaza's civilians in place as human shields to prevent Israel hunting down those monsters responsible for the atrocities committed in Israel on 7 October 2027.

Ceasefires that do not condition the immediate and unconditional release of the hostages taken in Israel and currently held in Gaza are worthless.

Have you considered that if the United Nations had discussed the implementation of the Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine solution at any time after its publication on 8 June 2022 - Gaza's invasion of Israel might never have occurred? Can you explain why Secretary-General Guterres refused to bring this solution to the Security Council?

Can you explain why the United Nations is seeking an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice based on only half the available documents that are relevant to the advisory opinion being sought?
Posted by david singer, Saturday, 2 March 2024 10:30:55 PM
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Your use of such pejorative terms as "the thieving, murdering settlers" "occupied lands" and "You cannot invade and steal other`s land with a fairy tale as the reason" indicate you have been completely brainwashed with Arab propaganda and are totally unaware of the provisions of article 80 of the UN Charter which preserves the right of Jews to live in any part of the territory of former Palestine located west of the Jordan River - which was conferred on them by articles 6 and 25 of the 1922 League of Nations Mandate for Palestine.

The Mandate for Palestine was no fairy tale - nor were the Mandate for Syria and Lebanon and the Mandate for Mesopotamia which gave the Arabs 99.99% of the conquered Ottoman Empire for self determination leaving the Jews with the remaining 0.01%. That apportionment has never been enough to satisfy the Arabs - nor you apparently. They want 100%
Jew-free. Do you too? Do you go to demos chanting "From the River to the Sea"?

The sooner the UN starts acting within - and not outside - its own Charter - as it disgracefully does every time it claims Jewish settlements are illegal in international law - the sooner an end to more than 100 years of conflict between Arabs and Jews becomes a possibility.
Posted by david singer, Saturday, 2 March 2024 10:58:44 PM
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