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Don’t welcome me to my country : Comments

By David Leyonhjelm, published 25/1/2024

The definition of racism is treating people differently on the basis of race. The result of the Voice referendum demonstrated that Australians are profoundly anti-racist.

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Some use science to justify morality- there is a long standing view that science is descriptive not moral- and shouldn't be used for moral purposes. There isn't always a right way of doing something. Marx said that culture is an elitist conspiracy the solution being Class Consciousness.

Q- I read of your annoyance at anti-white sentiment, but wouldn't it be better to take a generalist approach and object to any discrimination based on any ethnicity?

A- No. Everyone discriminates not just white people. Is overpopulation in China a form of discrimination as a proportion of world population? Multiculturalism discriminates against western nations. There are reasons related to both nature and nurture. Those naively discounting natural alliances are doomed to be exploited by them. All animals try to maximize their genetic impact on their environment "The Selfish Gene". At any rate views of "natural law" principles such as so called Anti-Racism/ Multiculturalism shouldn't be used to subvert a communities right to manage it's own affairs (even if Anti-Racism was actually Anti-Racism).

Q- You might note that I am also arguing with Banjo: I think of you two like poles of a magnet: Both arguing for inequality, but pushing in opposite directions.

A- Different equality systems. I believe that I am supporting a policy that 'all cultures' should 'equally' live in their traditional territories according to their own cultures and languages or we should try to create opportunities for this to occur. There are disruptive people within societies (perhaps of dark triad personality types) that perhaps want 'war'- should we allow them to dictate policy to the whole of 'peaceful' society- based on their arbitrary opinions- they are free to leave if they want. Don't we want to reduce instability in society and globally rather than increase conflict, complexity, and turbulence. Communism killed 100 million people for equality.

Many Traditionalist's are from moderate (socialist) politics until realizing this position is manipulated by deceptive extreme self interested dictatorial forces including woke/ communism- 'The Overton Window'. Woke/ Communist forces are well organized and resourced seemingly through universities- and foreign education industry trillion dollar funding.
Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 30 January 2024 4:48:42 AM
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Traditionalist forms of government are the oldest and well tested but reframed from "moderate normality" to "extremist far right"- because the one dimensional landscape of left/ right politics doesn't allow for nuance- another form of communist dictatorship- tyranny of distorted reality. The left right continuum from French Revolution which Communists seem to consider the pinnacle of 'anti-elitism' The Terror murder of thousands of Aristo's. What about universities academic aristocracy "Aristo's"- perhaps having no basis in productivity- or public interest. It seems those assumed to be professionally objective are biased.
Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 30 January 2024 4:50:17 AM
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Thank you very much for the explanation. You are very patient and courteous with me. I will take the time to read the links as I do have a bit to learn about the arguments you present.
Posted by Fester, Tuesday, 30 January 2024 7:12:55 PM
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Thank you CM. You think a lot about the world, like AC. I guess that my positive view of multiculturalism has a number of foundations. One is that I view the culture of indigenous Australians a consequence of having little or no interaction with the rest of the world. So, I see the incredible sophistication and diversity of humanity today a direct consequence of the interaction of human beings, not from their isolation from one another. I get disappointed that some people today feel that the arrival of the First Fleet was a catastrophe, whereas I look at Australia today, giving so many people lives of great diversity, to be an undeniably good outcome. I wish that was what people would celebrate on Australia Day, and I think that the great majority of Australians do want to celebrate, not condemn.

Another reason is that I interact with people from diverse backgrounds and enjoy the experience, which is why I look at urbanised Australians with indigenous heritage seeing themselves as distinct from other Australians as a bit silly, a bit like the Nazis developing the Aryan fantasy to make themselves feel special. I see it as a divisive path, one well trodden by the PM. Be proud about your heritage for sure, but realise that the diversity and richness of life today has many origins.
Posted by Fester, Tuesday, 30 January 2024 10:11:52 PM
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Fester said- "Thank you CM. You think a lot about the world, like AC. "

Answer- AC is more about current affairs than I. We all have our strengths and weaknesses some more than others. I just read different/ more books- perhaps more controversial- than other people. I see myself as fairly balanced based on my reading material- others would disagree based on my opinion. I don't expect to convince anyone of anything based on one post but hopefully I can help them think- hopefully I have been able to partner with you in this regard Fester.

Your views are very different than mine- and at certain levels I find them offensive- but at least our conversation has been constructive.

Orwell talks about weak and strong nationalism though he's a little ambiguous and doesn't define his terms well- but it may be helpful. Even Australian Neo-Nazi's could be seen as being in the "Soft-Nationalism" camp in a sense.
See what you make of it...

I'm sure that Orwell isn't correct about everything- no one is- but he had some interesting and perhaps more importantly useful perspectives
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 31 January 2024 2:07:27 PM
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