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9 things government can do to reduce your living costs : Comments

By Graham Young, published 22/11/2023

The federal government is belatedly recognising that some of its economic policies are contributing to inflation

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shadowminister says: "So you are just accessing crappy sites."

I provided information from the World Bank.

The same information is provided from The International Monitory Fund.

Any reputable source would be quoting both these organisations.

The fact remains that Abbott (and the coalition) inherited a per capita GDP of US$68,156 at the end of 2013. By end 2016 it had been reduced to US$49,877.

The source you quoted claims that it uses information obtained from the World Bank. This data does not match that provided by the World Bank.

Why does your source data not match the World Bank data when it claims to be using that said data?
Posted by WTF? - Not Again, Friday, 24 November 2023 12:32:40 AM
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The information you quoted is not from the World Bank. Trading Economics (probably the most referred to site in the world) gets its information directly from the ABS which is where the World Bank gets its information.

Secondly, your post indicates that you have zero economic knowledge, as with the minor population change, the drop in GDP of 30% in 3 years would be apocalyptic and worse than even the great depression of the late 1920s with mass bankruptcies, huge unemployment, riots etc. Somehow no one seemed to notice.
Posted by shadowminister, Friday, 24 November 2023 2:51:33 AM
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shadowminister says: “….gets its information directly from the ABS”

Only partly true.

Your source does use the ABS for a lot of its data.

It clearly states, however, that information about GDP per Capita is sourced directly from the world bank not the ABS as you allege. .

So you are wrong there and the data does not match the reported source, an inconsistency you cannot explain.

You also say “...the drop in GDP of 30% in 3 years .”

I have been talking about the GDP per Capita.

I was, after all, responding to mhaze’s comment and it is clear that the topic was GDP per Capita but for your sake I have clarified my statement.

So maybe I should have more correctly stated:

“In 2014 (Abbott's first full year as P.M ) the GDP per capita growth was -8.28%.

In his second year the GDP per capita growth was -9.29%.

And as a result of his disastrous management growth was -12.05% in the year after he was given the boot. This was turned around in the following year with GDP per capita growth of +8.13%.”

If trying to be brief has confused you then I will also restate from earlier using $US rather than percentages.

“Abbott (and the coalition) inherited a per capita GDP of US$68,156 at the end of 2013. By end 2016 it had been reduced to US$49,877.” - once again I’ve clearly been discussing GDP per capita.
Posted by WTF? - Not Again, Friday, 24 November 2023 10:43:47 AM
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I will use small words because you are too stupid.

With the population growth at roughly 1.5% over the years in question a per capita growth of -9.3% in one year = a GDP growth of -7.8% or roughly -25.2% over 3 years. Which as I said before would be an economic disaster. Which again never happened. Hence the crappy information you posted.

Trading economics puts the PC GDP growth at 3% over this time and GDP growth at 7.5% over the 3 years.

The lesson for you is if what you read sounds stupid, check it before making yourself look stupid.
Posted by shadowminister, Friday, 24 November 2023 2:21:34 PM
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This is what happens when you lie to the voters and implement stupid policies.

"Labor’s primary vote has tumbled to below its 2022 election result for the first time with both major parties now neck and neck on a two-party-preferred basis as cost-of-living pressures escalate and the Albanese government faces a mounting list of political and policy crises.

An exclusive Newspoll conducted for The Australian shows Labor’s primary vote falling four points to 31 per cent in the past three weeks.

But the government has also been plagued with unexpected political events since the failure of the voice referendum in October which marked the beginning of a slide in electoral support for the government and the prime minister personally.

Since the last Newspoll, the government has stood accused of bungling the policy response to the High Court’s decision to overturn indefinite immigration detention, while the Prime Minister was criticised for his delayed and secretive response to the Chinese navy’s ­aggressive manoeuvres against Australian navy divers.

The opposition has also taken the government to task over a ­perceived slow response to rising anti-Semitism and pro-Palestinian protests against a backdrop of Mr Albanese’s frequent overseas travel.

While electoral support for Labor fell following the loss of the referendum, the latest Newspoll conducted between last Monday and Friday marks the single greatest fall in a single period for the government."

The government now heads into the final parliamentary sitting of the year with its primary support lower than its election result of 32.6 per cent. The Coalition’s primary vote has lifted a point to 38 per cent – its highest level of support since the election.

In two-party-preferred terms, this puts Labor and the Coalition at 50-50 for the first time, on the back of a four-point turnaround since the last Newspoll on November 3.
Posted by shadowminister, Monday, 27 November 2023 1:56:56 AM
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