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The Forum > Article Comments > What is Israel’s end-game in Gaza? > Comments

What is Israel’s end-game in Gaza? : Comments

By Alon Ben-Meir, published 13/11/2023

The war against Hamas will only be another brutal violent episode that will prepare the ground for the next conflagration that will engulf the West Bank and potentially set the entire region on fire.

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That all sounds very war-like and aggressive to me.
But how do we proceed in life?
By having very sound basic principles.
Then, as you look ahead, the way forward should be obvious?

Arrive at these principles by considering the natural world without humans.
Then see how we have overlaid an alternative to this natural state of affairs.
See how we have changed the landscape to better facilitate our existence.
And see that our 'improvements' need constant attention if they are to continue.

I think too many people live in a kind of fantasy world.
They 'believe' in secretive and intangible 'principles'.
The truth is these are in the person's imagination only.
We cannot avoid the reality around us forever by retreating in to a world of make-believe.

Even as I read the posts here in online opinion, I get the sense there is some underlying anger and aggression.
Some of this of course is just 'letting of steam', a healthy pastime. ^_^
But clearly, some rely on faulty principles, which is evident in their writing.
But better express their ideas here than on the streets, methinks.
Posted by Ipso Fatso, Monday, 13 November 2023 4:56:25 PM
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"But better express their ideas here than on the streets, methinks."
Posted by ateday, Monday, 13 November 2023 5:28:17 PM
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Hi Yuyutsu,
"A 19-year old female, a kids-TV celebrity, conscripted as a cook in a military base and dancing in a party on her after-hours leave... is responsible for all that land stealing and occupation... what a monster!"

Yes it's horrible, but little different to the Russian or Ukrainian conscripts (many of the latter dragged off the street and were unable to pay approx US$7000 bribe) who were sent to fight and die.

If you recall, In the Ukraine / Russia war I may support Russia (by default because I oppose sanctions and overthrows and their endless wars) but I always supported a negotiated settlement.

If America did not overthrow the elected Ukrainian government, there would've been no war.
If Ukraine had've honoured the Minsk agreements, there would've been no war.
If America had've agreed to not expand NATO in December 2021
(Something Putin voiced opposition to in 2008 at the NATO summit in Bucharest)
- There would've been no war.
If Ukraine had've negotiated with Russia in March and April 2022 the war would've been over then.

There would not be over 500,000 dead Ukrainians and several times more wounded.
There are now some 70,000+ Ukrainian amputees.

Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 13 November 2023 5:35:32 PM
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Neoconservative warmongers are aligned with Israel and Zionism.

The Neoconservative War on Terror cannot be understood without Israel
"It is important to understand that the neoconservatives are staunchly pro-Israeli and have worked ardently to protect and project Zionist interests."

How Progressive Democrats Were Railroaded in the Primaries by AIPAC and Allied Groups

"A people-powered insurgency threatened to reshape the Democratic Party. Then came the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and its allied super PAC, Democratic Majority for Israel."

The Squad Is Getting Primaried for Standing Against the War

"This week, House Republicans fell short in an effort to censure Representative Rashida Tlaib, but an effort to oust her in a Democratic primary is full steam ahead."

US Congress is owned by the Israel lobby, anyone who doesn't support Israel gets primaried.
The mainstream media is majority owned by Jews.
Jews control the Central banks, and Larry Fink The head of Blackrock, that controls 8.5 trillion in investments is Jewish, and has been profiting off the war in Ukraine.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 13 November 2023 5:37:04 PM
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Dear Critic,

There may be others in this forum who could be interested in discussing with you all about neo-conservatives and Jews and banks and American democrats and media ownership, etc.

I have no time for that and I can squarely admit that I am not up to date.
I am only up to date with the war in Israel and Gaza, because my family lives there. When the news turns to other topics, I turn off the radio.

Since this war started I am no longer even up to date about Ukraine, but as you state that "There are now some 70,000+ Ukrainian amputees.", I can only ask, who amputated them?

Conscription is the worst crime on earth and having been its victim myself, I absolutely reject it in any context, be that in Israel, in Gaza, in Ukraine, in Russia or in Australia. In my view, killing helpless innocent conscripts is as bad as killing innocent helpless civilians.

Don't mistake it - I still strongly support Israel and it's just war against Hamas, but I will never support its practice of conscription.

Whether these "neoconservatives", whoever they may be, truly support Israel (rather than their own agenda which only seems to coincide with Israeli interests) is yet to be discussed, but are you claiming that Liel Weinstein was a neoconservative, or even knew anything about politics at her tender age of 19? A girl just wanted to dance - where have all the flowers gone?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 13 November 2023 6:28:49 PM
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I can only guess but from what I have read over the years it looks to me that Israel is now doing what Palestine as been working on doing with Israel !
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 14 November 2023 6:25:10 AM
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