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Israel-Palestine: four scenarios : Comments

By Keith Suter, published 19/10/2023

I remain very pessimistic about the long-term prospects of any reconciliation between Israel and Palestine. Too many people are making too many claims on too little land.

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Dear SteeleRedux,

«a two state solution would mean that Jews to agree would have to defy their Jewish faith to allow some of that land to be held by Palestinians."»

What's the problem with that? Many Jews, the majority in fact, already defy their faith in so many ways!

Not only that, but many other Jews (and unlike Muslims) believe that God has taken away their land as punishment, and that they must not reclaim their land until God wills to forgive them.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 20 October 2023 3:22:07 PM
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I'm not sure there any realistic solution.
Lets say there was a 2 state solution or a 5 state solution.
Or even a 50 state solution...

Do you think the both sides can come together, shake hands and share Jerusalem, and be respectful of one another?

No chance, and that's why the circle of violence will continue forever, with the Palestinians on the short end of the stick or until we get a full blown holy war, with blood flowing on the street of every city and every nation and the nukes start dropping.

At what point do we say 'We need to cut off the leg, to save the rest of the body?'
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 20 October 2023 3:41:32 PM
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Dear Critic,

One possibility in a comprehensive solution is for Eastern Jerusalem (or at least the walled old city) to be handed to some third party.

But even if there are two small fundamentalist states still fighting over Jerusalem between them and shedding each others' blood, at least the other states could live in peace!

My preferred solution, which is more drastic, is to exchange populations: create a Kurdish state in the West Bank and send the "Palestinians" to Syria where ultimately they will feel more at home. In that case, the Kurds will then become the guardians of the "holy" places. Syria would not oppose this arrangement because it will end up with the same net population, but much more cohesive. Turkey too will enthusiastically support it because they want to get rid of the Kurds.

If it was up to me, then I would just buldoze and erase that whole "holy" area which creates so many troubles.

I am not proposing violence and forced eviction, but rather offering the "Palestinians" financial incentives to leave for Syria, as well as letting them live in the former houses of the Kurds. Likewise, Jewish settlers in the West Bank will be offered financial incentives to return to Israel. I estimate that about half of the Jews and 3/4 of the Muslims will accept the offers - while the rest will have to live as minorities under Kurdish rule.

Gaza will remain as is, but without Hamas and with open borders and significant international rehabilitation funds.

An internal split of Israel was imminent in the last months, but then Hamas' attack changed everything and now it would take many years for Israel to again be ready to split on its own.

Now this will not happen by itself and will require a massive unified international effort, including cooperation between America and China.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 20 October 2023 5:39:08 PM
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No Steele in past negotiations Israel had accepted a two state solution.
The Arabs just cannot accept the two state solution.

The Koran is at the heart of the Palestinians protests here and
elsewhere. They call the Jews the worst of people, Kill them wherever
you find them, on and on it goes verse by verse.
Actually, it does not exempt us, we Kaffirs are pretty terrible
people also.
Islam is supposed to be the religion of peace, but only if you submit.
Lets not fool ourselves; they migrate to bring Islam. They even have
a word for it. Their intention is to bring Sharia law. Even Britain
has Sharia Courts recognised.
There is even a new word for Europe; Eurabia.
It is long overdue for our immigration programs to adjust to that.
Where will Albo's 600,000 this year come from ?
Posted by Bezza, Saturday, 21 October 2023 10:30:37 PM
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Dear Bezza,

The majority of nominal Muslims do not take the Koran as seriously as yourself.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Saturday, 21 October 2023 10:56:05 PM
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I can agree that you might be right. But where are they when needed ?
I have seen various articles that suggest that some muslims do fall
away from Islam. I did read that there is a antiIslam Arab society in Sydney.
They must keep their head down of course or they risk being killed.
There are many Arab shootings in SW Sydney which the police put
down to criminal activity. Could some be religious ? Who knows ?
The NSW police had a Middle Eastern Squad at one time, now disbanded
I believe.
One thing for sure I know, I heard the organisation of the raid on the
Cronulla riots being organised from the Lakemba mosque and one
individual was giving the orders.
They had radios on most Police frequencies plus a couple adjacent.
They were well equipped and operated very much like a police operation
net runs an operation. The police became aware that they were being
monitored, then a voice came up and said something I did not
understand and all the police disappeared.
I heard later from a source that they went to previously unknown
scrambled frequencies.
It was quite an exciting night for those like me out of loops like that.
Posted by Bezza, Sunday, 22 October 2023 10:21:46 PM
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