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2023 Hamas' brutal attack could have been avoided. : Comments

By Alon Ben-Meir, published 11/10/2023

It was only a question of time when such a flare-up would take place.

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People will not have their lives "claimed". They will be killed. Just as people don't "die" on the roads. They are killed.

Nothing has "tragically come to pass". Innocent people, men, women and children, have been murdered by terrorists. In defence, Israel will now wage war against the terrorists.

The "Palestinian problem" is a murderous terrorist problem that will not "go away" until the terrorists are wiped out.

And, Israeli unpreparedness is NOT to blame for the actions of barbarians. Netanyahu will pay for that in good time.

Why should Israel remember that the "vast majority" of Palestinians want to live in peace? And who says that Palestinians want to live in peace? Just look at the animal behaviour of Palestinians in Sydney, safe and sound, playing on the gutlessness of Australian police and government.

Israel does it have to give any thought or consideration to Palestinians. This Alon Ben-Meir character has a gall expecting an Israeli government he refers to as "extremist" to care about its sworn enemies.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 11 October 2023 8:28:53 AM
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Think about emailing your federal MP asking if anything will be done about demonstrators in Australia associating themselves with a terrorist organisation.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 11 October 2023 9:05:05 AM
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Absolutely agree 100%!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 11 October 2023 9:56:20 AM
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If not now, when will a negotiated two state solution be done. Or must there be ever increasing violence and reprisals bordering on mass geocide!?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 11 October 2023 10:02:59 AM
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Unfortunately Alan a two state solution is not possible.
In Islam land once held by moslems can never be sold or transfered to
non believers ie not moslems. This applies, as in this case, by land
captured in war or other means.
So in the 8th century the Arab invaders captured, Mesopotamia, Nth Africa
Persia and India. So to this day Islamists believe all those countries
are and must have Islamic governments.
When you understand this then all the problems with Pakistan & India
make some sort of sense. Likewise Israel.
Unfortunately to deny the following is blasphemy so most true believers obey.

Those who oppose Islam will be slain with a fierce slaughter. 33:60-61
Kill the Jews and the Christians if they do not convert to Islam or refuse to pay Jizya tax. (9:29)
Posted by Bezza, Wednesday, 11 October 2023 1:32:13 PM
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'If not now, when will a negotiated two state solution be done'

Alan stick to Thorium, you may have credibility there.
There was never going to be a two state solution other than in the comic books

Read the words carefully 'negotiated two state solution' spells no solution from the beginning.
Grow up!
Posted by Special Delivery, Wednesday, 11 October 2023 1:55:59 PM
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If you're going to bring up historical mantras and titbits then bring up everybody's not just cherry pick those that seemingly suit the situation.
When you When you present historical facts to the ignorant who have only barely made it past bottle labels you're going to confuse them.
Very few can actually identify right from wrong in terms of humanity.
Posted by Special Delivery, Wednesday, 11 October 2023 2:06:39 PM
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Infuriating nonsense!…

This event is purely an extension of the US Woke Coup silently executed in the US ousting the Trump Administration, which coincidentally was on a path to ensure the HAMAS outrage against Israel could never have occurred in the first place.

Israel now finds itself subject to a Coup promoted by the US Woke administration of Obama against a Democratically elected majority coalition in a traditionally Democratic formality, but undermined by overt meddling in Israeli domestic politics using elitist Woke Israeli operatives from inside.

With a foot in two camps, as previously mentioned on OLO, my advice from an ear to the ground across the Lebanese border to Jews in Western Democracies (sic) is to remove your children from Jewish schools for example, and other obviously sign posted give-aways of your Jewish connections, you are on the Arab radar.

That’s a message I simply pass on, and in no way do I condone negative outcomes, but be warned, you will live to regret bowing down to the rainbow flag and your other traitorous actions against your own State of Israel, which you stand responsible for tearing up in your elitist Woke tantrums.

You will pay a high price for your treachery!
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 11 October 2023 2:46:58 PM
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Special Delivery,
No point in bringing up everyones history.
It is the moslems history and beliefs we are talking about.
It is irrelevant as the only "truth is the Koran".
This whole situation exists because of what is written in the Koran.
What others such as ourselves can see is that a situation like this
has to be resolved by agreement or more costs or deaths result.
Situations like this can get solved when moslems are not involved.
There is a verse that I have seen that says moslems can make an
agreement in bad faith as a temporary measure.
It is all very difficult.
Posted by Bezza, Wednesday, 11 October 2023 3:20:14 PM
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I fully agree with this article.

Hamas' Brutal Attack Could Have Been Avoided.

In an interview today, Israel's education minister, Yoav Kisch, of Netanyahu's Likud party said:

"Nobody will escape from responsibility, we are responsible - I am responsible as a member of government. We have been dealing with nonsense, we forgot where we are living".
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 12 October 2023 7:44:46 PM
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