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The Forum > Article Comments > Labor must walk the talk on the Indigenous Voice > Comments

Labor must walk the talk on the Indigenous Voice : Comments

By Jim Green and Michele Madigan, published 17/7/2023

Currently, the government is ignoring the Barngarla Traditional Owners who are unanimous in their opposition to the government's plan for a national nuclear waste dump (or 'facility') near Kimba on South Australia's Eyre Peninsula.

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Call me cynical but I suspect the non-indigenous authors of this piece are using aboriginal organisations for their own agenda. To my knowledge central Eyre Peninsula has not had much native use or occupation for more than a century so all this concern about radiation is somewhat contrived. I understand the Napandee property was a pastoral lease which normally precludes people besides the farmer from hunting and camping. Therefore claiming it as traditional land is a bit of stretch.

Most of the material going to Kimba is at Lucas Heights near Sydney or in hospital radiology departments. In other words it's close to millions of people. Seems they can cope but apparently not people who live nowhere near Kimba. This is the kind of thing that will embroil the Voice. If it fails the authors will have doe their bit to make that happen.
Posted by Taswegian, Monday, 17 July 2023 8:12:45 AM
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As they are part of the community, they would not have been "excluded" - unless they excluded themselves in the mistaken belief that they are somehow special, and are entitled to special consideration, as activists and Albanese think they are.

This is just another 'let's-jump-on-the-Voice-wagon effort from known Leftist anti-everything activists. Nothing to do with the Voice, which should be voted down no matter what goes on near Kimba with uranium waste.

The area is perfect for the storage of uranium waste, and should be used for that purpose. It is not much good for anything else, and SA could use the revenue.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 17 July 2023 8:49:07 AM
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Can anybody explain to dumb me what this "voice" is supposed to do and how it may/may not affect me?
Are we in the 21st century or what?
Posted by ateday, Monday, 17 July 2023 11:00:04 AM
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We are in the 21st. Century, but we are going back to the Middle Ages, politically and socially.

The Voice will do nothing for anyone but the fat cats already in the aboriginal industry, plus Albanese in his march to totalitarianism via division of society.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 17 July 2023 11:43:14 AM
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Thank you. I suspected as much but am anxiously waiting for the, no doubt extremely informative and easy to understand, leaflet which is supposed to be "in the mail".
Posted by ateday, Monday, 17 July 2023 3:00:32 PM
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That article sounds like a lining up for more $$ into the pockets of people with no interest whatsoever about the concerns of the indigenous !
Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 17 July 2023 3:13:23 PM
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Labor in Parliament should hear the voice of all Australians.
Posted by JF Aus, Monday, 17 July 2023 3:40:57 PM
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What safety switch is there in the Voice to prevent hijacking well meant policies by the pseudo-Indigenous for their main agenda, the anti-white movement ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 18 July 2023 7:46:55 AM
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Hi ateday and others

Here are the Voice Yes and No cases just published on the Australian Electoral Commission site today. These are the:

- "Yes" case in 13 poorly formatted (by Labor) pages
with the tone of a Sunday School teacher instructing 4 year olds


- the perfectly reasonable "No" case in 7 pages

Cheers Mavs
Posted by Maverick, Tuesday, 18 July 2023 6:44:51 PM
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Hi ateday and all

What we've all been waiting for:

Here are the Voice Yes and No cases just published on the Australian Electoral Commission site today. These are the:

- "Yes" case in 13 unfortunately, poorly formatted (by Labor) pages


- the sound "No" case in 7 pages

Cheers Mavs
Posted by Maverick, Tuesday, 18 July 2023 7:21:23 PM
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It is immoral to give apartheid the nod by saying Yes !
We already have more than enough people suffering without this sinister nonsense being permanently installed !
Don't forget that the people proposed for the panel are already very wealthy bureaucrats & activists who don't give the working a class a second thought.
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 18 July 2023 8:37:51 PM
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The many unfortunate are a strong case for Yes.
ATSIC leftovers, NIAA, Labor, ABC/SBS are a strong case for No !
Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 21 July 2023 8:54:58 AM
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Be warned.

"The matter is before the Federal Court and a decision is expected on July 18 (with the proviso that an appeal to the full bench of the Federal Court may follow)."

Should the yes vote get up, see this as the direction that will be taken on any and every subject that the aboriginal industry has exception or does not suite their needs. The "leaders and speakers" of the aboriginal industry will manipulate and benefit greatly, others will be caste aside to fend for themselves.

NO NO and NO again is the vote
Posted by gj123, Monday, 24 July 2023 9:55:05 AM
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The Voice outcome will finally establish how smart Australian Academics really are !
Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 24 July 2023 11:10:11 AM
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