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The Forum > Article Comments > Australian foreign policy under the Albanese government > Comments

Australian foreign policy under the Albanese government : Comments

By Ordan Andreevski, published 26/6/2023

The first conclusion is that we have a new Australian government but the foreign and defence policies and ideology remain unchanged and elitist in a post-truth age in global politics.

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As long as we can maintain civil diplomatic ties with China, we should. But we need to end our servile dependence on them for the bulk of our trade, and need to rebuild a robust manufacturing sector that can and should compete with China and the rest of the world.

That and our economic wellbeing is entirely dependent on ultracheap energy! Namely, MSR thorium or MSR nuclear waste burning technology. Both of which are carbon free.

MSR thorium delivers everything fusion promised but has yet to completely deliver.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 26 June 2023 9:31:28 AM
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There is nothing "positive" about ties with China, a Communist dictatorship. No democratic, freedom-loving society should have a bar of such monstrous regimes. Corporate greed is the only reason for the tenuous relationship that we now have; a relationship we did fine without before, and can do without again, if we get back to being ourselves, and back to providing for ourselves. Until we can replace our political class with a non-corporatist one, interested in getting Australia producing again, China will remain a bully and a threat to us,

In the meantime, the Albanese government is keeping Beijing at arms length as well as, if not better than, the previous government.

The Australian media has "deteriorated". Can't disagree with that. It's a common condition throughout the Western world.

"Australian Macedonians" (shouldn't that be Macedonian Australians?) have no right to "expect" anything different from what any other Australians expect. There are only a couple of hundred thousand of them here, and only two and a half million where they came from.

If "Macedonia and its people must enjoy equal rights to freedom, democracy, human rights, non-coercion, non-discrimination and pride in their distinct identity and nationhood", it is Macedonia where the action - or the whingeing - should be. Not in Australia. Australian foreign policy is for Australia.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 26 June 2023 11:17:11 AM
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Agree with Ordan that Australia's foreign policy is determined by the US military-Industrial complex and is fed to us by the war hawks in Washington. The Noalition government was nothing more than a US toady, and the Labor mob are no better. Australia desperately needs to steer an independent nonaligned foreign policy.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 26 June 2023 12:06:01 PM
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Excellent summary of the sad and disappointing state of Australian foreign policy under the Albanese Government. Yes, he and Wong have introduced a little more civility into our diplomatic relationships, but apart from that, nothing has changed. One would have hoped that a Labor government might at last have exercised some critical and independent judgement, but no, the Albanese Government is rolling over to the US military complex every bit as submissively as the worst of our Coalition governments.
Posted by Bronwyn, Monday, 26 June 2023 10:24:19 PM
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