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Saint Brittany or scheming charlatan? : Comments

By Bettina Arndt, published 15/6/2023

This last week the ground shifted, shattering the believe-all-women straight-jacket imposed on us by feminists for the last decade or two.

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The LIBERAL PARTY is at it again, with one of their own being kicked out by Dutton.

From the Guardian;

"The opposition leader, Peter Dutton, has announced senator David Van will no longer sit in the Liberal party room, following further allegations against him."
"Dutton told reporters in Canberra that following independent senator Lidia Thorpe’s allegation of sexual assault against Van in the Senate on Wednesday evening, “further allegations in relation to Senator Van have been brought to my attention overnight”." These latest allegations are from another LIBERAL PARTY Senator.

What is the culture with some men in the LIBERAL PARTY, not only do they believe they are born to rule, but it seems they also believe they are born to rule over all women as well!
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 15 June 2023 6:22:23 PM
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Well, I did say in the very beginning of this that it had the smell of a Labor-backed setup !
It's now starting to backfire.
Posted by Indyvidual, Thursday, 15 June 2023 6:35:01 PM
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Correction; The latest allegation against David Van Grub of being a touchy-feely is made by former LNP senator Amanda Stoker.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 15 June 2023 6:41:33 PM
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How much longer do we have to hold our breath before a Lesbian or Transgender will be accused of one of those "assaults' within Parliament ? It's definitely well overdue.
Posted by Indyvidual, Thursday, 15 June 2023 8:17:40 PM
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What exactly has gone so terribly wrong lately apart from the Left having lost the plot totally !
Years ago, if a bloke squeezed the bottom of a woman, sheilah or Lady he'd get two reactions from them.
A resounding hiss of disapproval & even a slap or a loving, approving glance followed by a nice time together !
End of incident !
Are they so callously exploitive now that they have to wait until the bloke has a nice well-paid career before they make a complaint ?
Only one word is suitable to describe such females (women, sheilahs & ladies aren't like that anyway) sickening !
Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 16 June 2023 8:30:42 AM
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Why doesn't anyone mention the real culprit in all of this, aka the sstirrer? This whole business should have dealt with a stern warning of hellfire and damnation should there be a repeat offence. Instead, because of the actions of the aforementioned, behold the storm of hurt and destruction that has followed. The impulsive and possibly alcohol fueled conduct of two young employees has been ruthlessly exploited politically and wasted valuable court time and resources. Both parties are considerably aggrieved and shamed.

The only person likely to be deriving any satisfaction from this is the miserable pathetic person who pushed for the initial dismissal when discretion would have seemed far more sensible. The only injustice in this silly business is that the sstirrer remains anonymous and unscathed.
Posted by Fester, Friday, 16 June 2023 9:42:38 AM
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