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The Forum > Article Comments > Will Albanese walk in the footsteps of Whitlam? > Comments

Will Albanese walk in the footsteps of Whitlam? : Comments

By Graham Young, published 1/3/2023

So all the conditions for stagflation - rapidly increasing government expenditure, skyrocketing energy prices, an inflexible economy, and low productivity growth - are in place as they were for Whitlam, coupled with similarly ambitious social policies.

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I agree it's not bizarre, but your description isn't quite right either.
'Tis not the amount of profiteering which results in inflation, but the increase in it.
And though increased wages can help alleviate the pain of increased inflation, they can also exacerbate the inflation. A better objective, albeit a harder to achieve one, is to ensure more of the benefits are passed on to customers.


Alan B.,
We're years (perhaps decades) away from commercialising MSRs (thorium or otherwise). They will eventually be of great benefit to the world, but they're unlikely to be competitive with solar power in Australia.

>Increased wages= increased consumption. Increased consumption = inflation.
The absence of meaningful increases in wages in the last few years disproves the above claim. In the general sense there's some correlation, but there are other factors at play, and recently it's the other factors that are dominating.
Posted by Aidan, Wednesday, 1 March 2023 6:29:12 PM
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>Increased wages= increased consumption. Increased consumption = inflation.

add to this increased incompetence = increased cost of covering incompetence !
Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 1 March 2023 8:39:44 PM
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A conservative, who was most likely a Young lad when Whitlam was elected. Singing from the same old Tory song sheet, "How bad was Gough", he introduced universal healthcare for Australians, just one of his faults. No mention of the fact he saved young Australian lives by getting use out of the Vietnam War, the Coalition had murdered over 500 Australians in that disgusting conflict, but they don't count. He fails to mention Whitlam replaced the most incompetent post war government we ever had, the reprobate McMahon, I could say more about that bloke and its not to do with politics. Here we are 50 years later and a Tory is trying to associate Albo with Gough. "Whitlam was LABOR, Albanese is LABOR, Whitlam was BAD, therefore Albanese is BAD." I'm sure we can all read about it in the Murdoch Gutter Press, its being well publicised on 'Sky Disater' and in 'The Daily Telecrap' .

No suggestion from the writer that Albanese should be replaced with Mr Potato Head, Dutton, and his gang of thieves. You guys can live in hope, you never know the Fascist loving 'Pig Iron' Bob might be reincarnated one day and save us all.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 2 March 2023 7:13:59 AM
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Whitlam didn't save conscripts, he bought the voices of the many who wanted the benefits without the effort & he could afford to introduce Healthcare before he squandered everything that was in the coffers.
That's not governing, that's appeasing the hangers-on !
Posted by Indyvidual, Thursday, 2 March 2023 8:23:40 AM
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You said so yourself you dodged military service, don't be such a hypocrite. You and your National Service, something you demand for others, but safely avoided yourself. You have to be a Tory, who else would think like that.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 2 March 2023 8:28:30 AM
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To Paul1405,
You should study history more. It was the McMahon Liberal government which took the decision to withdraw Australian troops from Vietnam - see
Whitlam simply became the PM who was in power when the previous government's decision was put into effect. Same as Trump took the decision to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan but his successor Biden implemented the decision (badly, it must be said).
Posted by Bernie Masters, Thursday, 2 March 2023 8:35:43 AM
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