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The Forum > Article Comments > New two-state solution: Israel & Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine > Comments

New two-state solution: Israel & Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine : Comments

By David Singer, published 16/2/2023

Indications that a new-two state solution - Israel and the Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine – continues to progress towards its successful implementation were in evidence again this past week.

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A new two state solution the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and Israel? And tunnel connecting the bits not yet annexed by Israel?

Interesting the lack of media reporting on this "momentous outcome", isn't it?

I suppose they want to see the signed and validated documents with the ink well and truly dry.

Otherwise, all they see is endless speculation and official obfuscation. And, I believe, all I've ever seen from the reptations pen of this author.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 16 February 2023 10:43:26 AM
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I wish he would go away. But I suppose I don`t have to read his contributions in support of that terrorist state.
As for his cartoonist........
Posted by ateday, Thursday, 16 February 2023 10:47:38 AM
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And of course, not forgetting Chinese influence over forty five years with Jordan; its backing of the two state solution and Jordan’s growing economic crisis.

Jordan is pretty much a basket case of US capture by donated dollars. Along with this, the Democrats atr pushing the purity of a mad ideology including in this case a down trodden Palestine that must be saved as par for rainbow-think!

It’s already obvious, the Hashemite Kingdom, although a far superior solution, will fail in the ideological shadow of the Obama rainbow flag!
Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 16 February 2023 3:02:00 PM
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Dear Dan,

«It’s already obvious, the Hashemite Kingdom, although a far superior solution,...»

So you too, like the author, consider the total destruction of Israel to be "superior"?

Well, if you really want Israel destroyed and all its people killed, then you will need to look for another way because there is no chance in the world that either Israel or Jordan, or anyone who cares about them, will ever accept that monstrous Saudi scheme.


Dear Ateday,

«I wish he would go away.»

He won't, so long as people respond.


Dear Alan,

There you did it again. Please allow our patient to rest peacefully.

Now whether we like it or not (and I don't), there is no point in discussing any "solution" because Israel's new Nazi government is determined to expel all "Palestinians" (if it even allows them to remain alive) and annex the whole territory, and they don't care about anyone, not about the Americans and especially not about their own citizens. Their first step is to neutralise Israel's justice system, next they will neutralise the press, next they will expel and/or kill all "Palestinians" and next they will do the same to all Israelis who do not agree with their ideology. Neither you nor I nor anyone else can do anything about it!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 16 February 2023 3:58:57 PM
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Hi ateday

He may perhaps have a monetary arrangement? to keep his "column" appearing each week or two?

Short Answer: ...not going "away".
Posted by Maverick, Thursday, 16 February 2023 6:35:13 PM
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Sounds like this is the 2 state solution:

Israel takes one half, then Israel takes the other half.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 16 February 2023 6:40:45 PM
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Hey AC, got it in one, buddy.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 16 February 2023 7:31:02 PM
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…So you too, like the author, consider the total destruction of Israel to be "superior"?…

The Palestinians are a thorn in the side of Israel. Fighting over those terrorists is totally unnecessary as a comparison to the current threat from Iran and a very unreliable alliance with the US under the Democrats US vagaries.

The unreliability of the US is the core reason for the return of Netanyahu. A majority of Israelis are heaving a sigh of relief now because of it.

There is still hope for a Trump return, and with it, the return of some much needed traditional realignment among US allies in the ME .
Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 16 February 2023 8:23:13 PM
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Dear Dan,

Israel is not run by this stupid US, Israel is run by its own internal forces and Netanyahu's rise is due to demographic changes, namely that orthodox Jews reproduce much faster than secular people, while those with a universal outlook who are economically capable of leaving, despair of the situation and are giving up and leaving the country in droves. Yes, Israel used to depend on America, but that was long ago and Israel no longer cares whether the Americans will like it or not (Netanyahu's government doesn't even care about the American Jews, who mostly belong to the Reform-Jewish stream, which they just declared a war over). Netanyahu declared that within 25 years Israel will be a global super-power.

Anyway, you seem to have completely missed my point, which is:
If the author and his Saudi friends get their way with their evil "Hashemite" scheme, then both Jordan and Israel would be destroyed, wiped off, annihilated, their people killed like ants by Russia and Iran and Russia would then set up naval bases along the Mediterranean shores where Israel is now, from which it will proceed to attack Europe from the south as well.

I was shocked and surprised to hear that you too support that plan.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 16 February 2023 10:49:59 PM
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The Jews pretended not to be dominated by the Roman oppressors two thousand years ago as well, and the world ended up with Christianity.

Unfortunately no free Democratic countries (sic), inclusive of Israel and Jordan, can pretend not to need the alliance of the US.

Fortunately for Israel, they have a pragmatic Statesman now who can tread the fine line between independence and subservience.
Israel realises its reliance on the U.S. iron dome technology for its ultimate security is a magnetic attachment to the US alliance, but not only.
Israel like Jordan rely on US dollar sponsorship for survival. The US is the Middle East, which tends to give its Allies dyspepsia in moments like the present, with its destabilisation program dreamt up by Obama, (and continued on by Biden), to cosy up with Iran.

I wonder if you are ignorant to the dangers of this unreliability of the US, that it is to Israel.

I repeat, the diversion of the two state solution V the Hashemite Kingdom, becomes a sleight of hand in dangers posed by an Iran destabilised by US meddling. And that fact is the only reason Israel risks becoming another Ukraine involving the Russians, who have long been taking advantage of it.
Posted by diver dan, Friday, 17 February 2023 7:51:41 AM
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Dear Dan,

Iron Dome was developed in Israel among other advanced air-defense systems that America and the rest of the world can only dream of.

Israel's GDP this year is expected to be 502.70 Billion USD.
These 3 billion dollars that the US gives Israel annually are therefore just a drop in the ocean, what more, Israel is only allowed to use it for buying American weapons, often of inferior quality to Israel's own weapons, thus is just a hidden form of subsidy of the American government to American weapon manufacturers.

This "pragmatic statesman", just 7 weeks into his office has already angered the US enough that it might not veto the condemnation of Israel in the UN security council next week. But then he is indeed very pragmatic - he needs to stay out of jail and therefore satisfy his coalition partners at any cost. He is also planning to attack Iran this year whether the Americans like it or not.

But Israel has a weak point - its long eastern border, mainly with Jordan. Israel is very narrow (east to west), so a formidable army like the Russian on the east side of the Jordan river can make it worse for Israel than Ukraine, because Ukraine has the strategic depth which Israel hasn't.

So long as Jordan is there as a free country which is friendly to Israel, Israel is secure, but should Jordan fall, it would be taken over by Syria which is only a puppet of Russia and Iran. If "Palestinians" are allowed to enter Jordan as citizens, they will surely undermine Jordan just as they have in the past and invite Syria in, along with its patrons, Russia and Iran. That would be the end of Israel and that is what the author here wants all along under the guise of "a solution" - yes, if Israel is no longer then the Middle-East conflict would be over too.. solved... Is this what you ask for?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 17 February 2023 11:45:01 AM
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