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The dark side of The Voice : Comments

By Murray Hunter, published 23/1/2023

Without arguing the actual merits of The Voice, there is a dark side. These 'dark' issues would be 'collateral' to the existence of The Voice, and must be given due consideration.

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Dear SteeleRedux

Re: “Many in agencies like ASIO, the AFP and State Police forces believe.”

No links available - as the advise and sources providing it remains protected.

But here's a hint:

"In 2021, we changed the umbrella terms we use to describe violent extremism to reflect emerging and evolving threats...investigations focus on individuals or groups based on their use or advocacy of violence.

...A growing number of individuals and groups no longer fit on the left-right spectrum, rather they are motivated by fear of societal collapse or a specific social or economic grievance or conspiracy.

As we predicted when we updated our language, protests in Australia and overseas are being driven by anti-vaccination agendas, conspiracy theories and anti-government sovereign citizen beliefs.

ASIO now refers to two categories: [eg.] ideologically motivated violent extremism (IMVE)...

ASIO’s terminology focuses on an individual or group’s support for violence, which is what triggers ASIO’s interest.

...Some sub-categories for ideologically motivated violent extremism include nationalist and racist violent extremists, anarchist and revolutionary violent extremists, and specific issue violent extremists....

Specific issue violent extremists are motivated by a particular grievance or belief, such as opposition to a government policy [eg. Voice in Parliament, race based Treaty and the Reparations Tax] or action..."



You're right. The "non-Aborigines" (more specifically White people) who vote for the Voice can frequently be identified. This is if they vote by Postal Vote, which ties their name to their Yes Vote.

Hence the Postal Voted Yes Guilty will be added to the Reparations Tax Register of Whites required to pay "rent" to their self-appointed Black Landlords under the future Race Treaty.

Cheers Mavs
Posted by Maverick, Wednesday, 25 January 2023 8:28:20 AM
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Posted by Josephus, Wednesday, 25 January 2023 11:20:25 AM
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"This is if they vote by Postal Vote, which ties their name to their Yes Vote."

I'm not sure if that is meant to be a joke but just in case, it is factually wrong.

When postal votes are opened they are done so with the name on the envelope facing down and the the actual voting paper and the envelope are physically and permanently placed in separate boxes. The vote is never linked to the voter.

We've always known this whole thing is about rent-seeking.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 25 January 2023 12:59:21 PM
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Dear mhaze,

You write: "We've always known this whole thing is about rent-seeking."

Do we really?

So nothing to do with a significant gap in life expectancy, or world topping incarceration rates, or 20 to a home living conditions?

Most thinking Australians are appalled at this blight on us as a so called progressive nation and are looking to solutions.

Your lot is ignoring all of that and ascribing purely selfish motives to the Voice.

More pity you.

Dear Maverick,

"No links available - as the advise and sources providing it remains protected."

Of course there isn't a link because it is all rubbish.

The link you did quote from said only this: "Specific issue violent extremists are motivated by a particular grievance or belief, such as opposition to a government policy or action, and not motivated primarily by nationalist and racist, religious, or anarchist and revolutionary ideologies."

But you had to include this: "[eg. Voice in Parliament, race based Treaty and the Reparations Tax]" making it look like part of the original quote. Further you dropped the part it being NOT motivated by "racist" ideologies.

You are both dishonest and race baiting.

Dear Josephus,

Standard deflection. Answer the question. Albo did not remove the alcohol bans but rather the Stronger Futures laws lapsed as dictated by the legislation. So why claim otherwise?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Wednesday, 25 January 2023 2:02:34 PM
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Giday Steeleredux


A big thanks to Josephus

For “PAY THE RENT” ie the Daily Mail article of January 25, 2023 at which states in part:

“Australian property owners have been urged to start paying a weekly 'rent' tax to indigenous groups based on their ancestral claim to the land.

Under the 'Pay the Rent' model proposed by a campaign of the same name, and backed by celebrities, homeowners would voluntarily pay a percentage of their income to a body led by Aboriginal elders and administered without any government oversight or intervention.

…The scheme could then be extended further to all users of the land - people having weddings or holding concerts would also be encouraged to hand over money.

…Supporters of the scheme include feminist author Clementine Ford and high-profile Greens senator and activist Lidia Thorpe.

…The organisers of a website which already collects this type of rent for traditional owners in Victoria, say the scheme could go further than taxing homeowners."

Cheers Mav
Posted by Maverick, Wednesday, 25 January 2023 2:04:59 PM
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"Your lot is ignoring all of that and ascribing purely selfish motives to the Voice."

Oh! Do you think the Voice is going to be involved in handing out the money? Seems right. Perhaps that's why they refuse to provide details.

The bit I found most representative was..."[they] passed it on to their Aboriginal counterparts, who then used and distributed the funds as they saw fit.".

Distributed to whom? Part of the problem with the old ATSIC was that they distributed the money to close family and friends - at least what was left over after they distributed to themselves.

Grift all the way down
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 25 January 2023 2:34:49 PM
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