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The Forum > Article Comments > On the march to destroy Israel as we know it > Comments

On the march to destroy Israel as we know it : Comments

By Alon Ben-Meir, published 16/1/2023

It is nothing short of tragic that the newly-formed Netanyahu government is betraying every single principle of the country's founders' vision, to the detriment of the country.

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But Israel has a right to defend itself with Nuclear weapons, large armed forces and a universal draft for men and Women. This distorts Israeli society and thinking making Israel intolerant of Arabs and just about everyone else.

This includes Australians, who are lumped in with the British former occupiers of Israel/Palestine and with the UN forces Israel dislikes.

In that regard newly promoted General, Prince Harry, has been secretly employed as a Royal Mercenary for Israel (an RMI). Harry the self-described eliminator of 25 "Chess pieces...from the board" shows promise in the tradition of politician-military leaders Menachem Begin* and Ariel Sharon** in defending Israel with excess.


Posted by Maverick, Monday, 16 January 2023 8:01:34 AM
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Those Jews who were slaughtered by inhuman Nazi fanatics. Will be turning in their graves as the current Israeli PM, does his best to emulate their Nazi persecutors. All one can add is, I believe, Seig Heil, Seig Heil, Seig Heil mine Fuher, Netanyahu.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 16 January 2023 9:16:52 AM
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It's just as well that Israel "grew and prospered and became a formidable military power", giving the constant threats from its neighbours, and the bad mouthing it gets from armchair warriors and anti-Semites; Alon Ben-Meir's "revulsion" - very much drama queenish - is his problem not Israel's.

And Netanyahu is back because he is the man for the job - not the weak characters who've had a go and fluffed it.

Israel will do what it has to do; and the usual drivel that this long-time critic of the bravest, toughest little country on Earth, will be ignored - if Israelis have even heard of him, that is.

We could take a few tips from Israel and Netanyahu.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 16 January 2023 9:31:38 AM
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Some early Zionists such as Ahad Ha'am and Max Nordau were not political Zionists. They did not want a Jewish state but Israel to be a centre of Jewish culture. The problem with a Jewish state or any state formed as representative of part of its citizens is that those citizens of the state not part of those in whose image the state was formed are liable to be second-class citizens. It is an inevitable result of a state formed by self-determination of part of its population that the other part are second-class citizens. Israel can be either a Jewish state or a democracy. It cannot be both. Civil marriage, an integrated public school system and separation of religion and state would do a great deal to transform Israel to a democracy. The problem with a Jewish state is that it is not a state that can be fair to its non-Jewish citizens. The present government of Israel is a logical outcome of Israel being a Jewish state.
Posted by david f, Monday, 16 January 2023 10:09:40 AM
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I can only agree with Alan B 100%. The current government in Israel has grown to be the perfect re-incarnation of the state that persecuted them all those years ago. Now sit back and wait for the chorus from those who simply parrot that old, cheap, lazy and inaccurate charge that because I criticise or even dare to question the actions of the Israeli government, I am being antisemitic.
Posted by Aries54, Monday, 16 January 2023 10:21:25 AM
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"Netanyahu is dangerous"
That has been apparent for many years.
Posted by ateday, Monday, 16 January 2023 10:48:51 AM
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