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The Forum > Article Comments > Living in the 'Latter Days' > Comments

Living in the 'Latter Days' : Comments

By Viv Forbes, published 7/11/2022

Australians are living in the latter days of the Anglo/American Empire.

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Australia in 2022 is more vulnerable to capture or destruction than any Western nation in living memory, except for New Zealand. American failures of leadership and judgment are emerging as serious threats to Australia’s future because we cannot defend ourselves without them.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 7 November 2022 8:06:03 AM
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Spot-on analysis !

But, have no fear, the Woke Left will sweet-talk our potential enemies by inviting them to these Rainbow morning teas & our tough feminists spear-headed by Penny Wong will show them they mean business by making them watch Mardi Grass parades !
That should make any potential invader turn back !
Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 7 November 2022 8:44:05 AM
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I wonder if those who claim (no, not the real ones) Indigenous heritage would welcome being taken over by Russia or China & be rid of those terrible Europeans ?
Paul, Steele ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 7 November 2022 8:47:20 AM
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REQUIRED: Trigger pullers, ammo, food and transport.
OR: White flag,
Posted by legoof, Monday, 7 November 2022 11:01:07 AM
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If push comes to shove, the current parliament will do a Singapore and surrender. Beg for terms etc.

Don't have the stomach to even tell the greens, GFY.

Conscription? Buy some modern weapons, build them here with our prohibitive energy costs! It's a joke, right?

This is not 1939, but we could not in any way shape or form defend ourselves against a nuclear armed foe. Particularly if that foe is led by a madman with a nuclear arsenal. A madman who needs medicating, with a little lead pill right between the peepers.

"We" decided we would have no truck with nuclear weapons, nuclear power or nuclear-powered machines of war. Because "we" were safe behind the moat. What we need and are prevented from obtaining or building is a self-imposed and extraordinarily asinine embargo on nuclear power.

Future wars will not be fought on front lines or governed by the rules of war. But by more and more autonomous machines and against civilian populations and infrastructure/manufacturing facilities.

Simply put, in any future war the front line as such will be arguably the safest if still horrific place!

Put the politicians in harm's way and hey presto, no more war! And no more self-imposed embargos on what we need to adequately defend this nation and her considerable assets and natural wealth.

Nowadays we are too busy giving away what is ours to make sense out of defending it. And the dispossessed poor living below the poverty line padding the bank balances of fat cat landlords, are going to say, conscription, GFY.

WGAFFF who owns it, we're still screwed anyway. You fight for it, we haven't anything to lose that's worth dying for! Give me a gun? And guess who I might chose to use it on?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 7 November 2022 11:15:39 AM
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Don’t vote, you only encourage the idiots.

Posted by diver dan, Monday, 7 November 2022 11:23:19 AM
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