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The Forum > Article Comments > The budget provisions for our Pacific neighbours won’t have any impact on China > Comments

The budget provisions for our Pacific neighbours won’t have any impact on China : Comments

By Jeffrey Wall, published 28/10/2022

China has ceased competing for development assistance in our region. Its focus is on gaining control of businesses, state-owned enterprises and resource industries.

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Well, we are not the police of the Pacific, and can investigate SFA with regard to the SIs PM and his dealings with the CCP! Nor can we give more and more money (endless nanny teat) that we first must borrow.

What we can do if intelligently led is provide locally manufactured or sourced, goods and services that in the long run will provide better outcomes for the recipients than millions placed in the hands of, as the writer confirms, corrupt official hands.

What the Pacific needs now is affordable energy and real action on runaway climate change. And that energy is affordable carbon-free nuclear SMR power plants, i.e., MSR thorium modules that can be built/mass produced in around 6 months. Done before elsewhere! Very doable therefore/ and packed inside shipping container sized containers. And able to be towed, trucked or choppered into wherever they can replace diesel powered generators.

The Author has called the Chinese out along with their real intentions which have SFA to do with promoting local indigenous outcomes/improvement, but rather, on acquiring their mineral and natural resources, minerals, timber, fish stocks, ports, airfields and arable production.

And as such puts Australia, her massive resources and Australians in the cross hairs of the expansionist CCP! TBC.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 28 October 2022 9:58:43 AM
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Can investigate should be read as can't. TBC.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 28 October 2022 10:01:06 AM
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Elbow claims that there's nothing cheaper than renewables! He's right, but only when you compare it with fossil fuels or conventional nuclear. Nothing else!

An array of acres of solar voltaic as a massive broad scale application during sunlight only, was able to produce power for a lowest ever, 6 cents PKWH, in one of the Arab states with lots of sun-soaked wasteland deserts. Still more than three times more expensive than MSR thorium with an expertly calculated median of just 1.98 cents PKWH.

If I were to do renewable here it would be as large broad acre solar thermal in our huge, available, inland, sun-soaked arid wasteland. We can smelt the steel for mirrors here, polish them here/source everything else here via local manufacture assembly.

At same scale comparable construction costs to any new coal-fired power plants! Useable heat can be stored for days or weeks in molten salt in large scale graphite lined vacuum chambers.

Water from our north can be piped almost anywhere, even lifted, via gravity, the electricity sent without much transmission loss to consumers here/abroad, via under road, cling wrap thin, graphene underlays or graphene cored cables. Become the truly massive scale energy superpower we could be, but only with a visionary leadership at the helm, putting Australia/Australians first!

This sort of infrastructure can be paid for by low yield, tax free, infrastructure bonds. Good, given the future ever increasing earnings will more than cover all outlays. Build one, use the income earnt from that to underwrite the next.

Then use the combined earned income to build more and more and until our deserts are literally paved with income earning export earning power plants.

Preferably run by competing co-ops and best practice paradigms created by the, leave nobody behind, win, win management model. Given regular maintenance, still earning a debt free quid, hundreds of years from now!

What prevents it? The off-budget funding model? NO!

Lack of local material and or acquirable expertise? NO!

lack of testicular fortitude and can-do gumption? HELL YES!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 29 October 2022 11:28:52 AM
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