The Forum > Article Comments > Where are our climate and weather scientists? > Comments
Where are our climate and weather scientists? : Comments
By Terry Ryan, published 12/10/2022A massive volcano erupts in the Pacific Ocean and no one factors it into the weather despite the record of volcanoes of smaller size doing this in the past.
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Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 12 October 2022 8:21:46 AM
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Well, for starters, the "breaking records" claim is absolute nonsense as records themselves show; but no matter how many times the communists determined to change society are told this, they keep barging on as mindless communists do.
These awful people can't even tell us why the 3% of CO2 emitted by humans is worse than the 97% occurring naturally. And, they have not proved that carbon dioxide is a villian at all. Bluff, bluster and bullying is all they know. And the intellectual pygmies who are politicians bow down to them. Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 12 October 2022 8:25:15 AM
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Throughout the Western world, political decisions to undermine the cheapest and most reliable energy sources are bringing about economic stagnation and, possibly, the collapse of the Western world.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 12 October 2022 8:29:21 AM
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As Ian Climer shows in his book Green Murder the under sea vents and
volcanoes produce perhaps more emissions and are a major source of co2 from the oceans for the 97% natural co2. Posted by Morse, Wednesday, 12 October 2022 10:03:19 AM
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We can do very little about natural events, but plenty about manmade climate change!
We need to stop using all fossil fuels and cease and desist exporting them. For mine that means an ultra-rapid transition to nuclear energy ASAP. And no not conventional nuclear but the much cheaper safer and cleaner MSR technology. In which we can burn abundant thorium or even nuclear waste, which in MSR is mostly unspent fuel. Fuel other folks pay annual millions to take off their hands. And as we burn and burn the stuff time and again reduce the half-life from thousands of years to just 300. And produce power at prices lower than 1 cent PKWH. Using thorium will still allow prices as low as 3 cents PKWH and a profit of 200% for the wholesaler and retailer to split. It will also produce as all but free medicine the miracle cancer cure, the alpha particle, bismuth 213. After 2 world wars and the great depression Australia was in a comparatively worse financial situation than we have today. Yet had the wisdom and future vision to understand the way out of the financial pickle, was to build income earning infrastructure that generated energy. And so, we became the third wealthiest nation on the planet and a debt free creditor one at that! All on the back of copious, cheap clean energy as the massive engineering wonder of the world, the stupendous snowy mountains scheme leading to a publicly owned and operated, energy lead financial recovery. The times and "leadership" have changed but not the economic fundamentals. Today we could have an energy led recovery but for gormless timidity at the top. God help us if we have to go to war with this lot at the helm! It'll be, roll over and beg for tummy rub. After a lot of lectern thumping and how dare they "volcanic" speeches and nobody left they can sell Australia to. Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 12 October 2022 10:06:49 AM
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Elbow claimed pre-election that we were going to become a nation that once again made stuff here. This man allegedly has an economics degree. And such a degree if he comprehended, rather than cramming just to get past the exams, then lost it all soon after. Would enable him to understand, you'd think, to make stuff here you need energy at internationally competitive prices! No ifs, buts or maybes.
And that isn't in the plan! Instead, we look to a future with energy increases of 35%+! And that translates to 45 cents or more PKWH! At those prices what little manufacturing we do here will all be offshored, and food and cost of living price will skyrocket into the stratosphere! Making verbose VIP speeches all over the joint and blame shifting while grinning like the proverbial cat that licked the cream (we won treasury benches) will not advance Australia anywhere much. Addressing manmade climate change by transitioning to carbon-free nuclear power will and all the income we earn from selling rocks and food to the world could be more than trebled by just selling transmitted electrical energy, via graphene cored undersea cables, to an energy starved world. Build it and they will come. Led and others will follow! Volcanic eruptions that pour tons of CO2 into the atmosphere make this CO2 free transition our most urgent survival imperative! Don't just do something, stand there. Cant died in a cornfield over a century ago. What our Grandparents did! We can also do! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 12 October 2022 10:54:45 AM
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I had hoped that the "it's the volcanoes" myth had been put to bed years ago but it seems that the desperate still cling to it the hope of appearing to understand science when in fact all it shows is delusion and ignorance. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration fossil fuels emissions numbers are about 100 times bigger than even the maximum estimated volcanic CO2 fluxes. Counter claims that volcanoes, especially submarine volcanoes, produce vastly greater amounts of CO2 than these estimates are not supported by any papers published by the scientists who study the subject. Posted by WTF? - Not Again, Wednesday, 12 October 2022 11:54:02 AM
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Does Terry Ryan realise how far Tonga is rom Alice Springs? It should be obvious that the unusually heavy rain in central Australia two days after a volcanic eruption way out in the Pacific is nothing more than coincidence.
_____________________________________________________________________________ ttbn, >These awful people can't even tell us why the 3% of CO2 emitted by humans is worse than the 97% occurring naturally Seriously? You STILL don't know! Let me enlighten you:: The 97% is gross. Nature's contribution to atmospheric CO2 levels is net zero in the long term and net negative in the short term. The 3% is net - we're putting CO2 into the atmosphere but failing to take it out again. Once we reach net zero, the problem will be far less serious. But it will continue to be a problem for a long time afterwards, as human activity has already increased the atmospheric CO2 concentration by 50%. BTW just because an energy source was the cheapest and most reliable decades ago doesn't mean it still is. Posted by Aidan, Wednesday, 12 October 2022 12:10:49 PM
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Morse, I see you have mentioned Ian Plimer. That fact that Plimer's views are not supported by the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the United States Geological Survey, the United States Environmental Protection Agency nor the American Geophysical Union would suggest that his opinions are very much outside of current scientific research. Plimer is ,however, an outspoken critic of creationism which is a good thing and that would indicate that there is room for his scientific understanding to shift in the future. Posted by WTF? - Not Again, Wednesday, 12 October 2022 12:15:26 PM
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I'll stick with qualified people who know what they are talking about, not carpet-baggers and anonymous drongo posters who get all their information from Google. Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 12 October 2022 1:36:43 PM
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Terry if we ever had any climate scientists they have long been cowered into silence by the overwhelming force of the global warming agenda.
What we have today is academic hacks who are happy to sell their soul for a new grant, & a few idiots who actually believe the scam. Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 12 October 2022 4:01:11 PM
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A volcano walks into a bar and the barmaid says "Whoa! You're huge. Why the big eruption?" Posted by Maverick, Wednesday, 12 October 2022 4:44:43 PM
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"Where are our climate and weather scientists?"
Hopefully thrown into the volcano as a sacrifice to appease the climate gods. - It's about as good of a worthwhile contribution as they will ever make. Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 12 October 2022 5:08:06 PM
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Where are our climate and weather scientists?
probably on holiday in Hawaii on their generous public-funded Superannuations ! Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 12 October 2022 6:33:51 PM
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Why the big eruption? Says volcano: That’s not an eruption, I’m just pleased to see the rain! Dan Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 12 October 2022 7:57:58 PM
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>I'll stick with qualified people who know what they are talking about
Fine words, ttbn when we look at what else you've posted on the subject, it's obvious they're a pack of lies! You prefer to stick with the misinformation the Murdoch Press spews out. You don't even listen to the qualified people who know what they're talking about, because you consider their predictions (which you haven't actually read) to be alarmist. In reality the scientists knew in the early '90s that the problem was serious but the timescale was much longer than the alarmists were claiming. But that wasn't very widely reported because it wasn't sensational enough to sell newspapers. Those pushing their own agendas could shout much louder. >...not carpet-baggers and anonymous drongo posters Quite ironic considering I post using my real name, while you use a pseudonym that seems ill suited to your personality. >...who get all their information from Google. Google's a very useful tool for finding information. I suggest you try it sometime - you might actually learn something. And rest assured, it's not the only way I find information. But more importantly, I've explained something you didn't know. You've reacted in the wilfully ignorant way of denying it because you dislike the source. Whereas the sensible way would be to investigate what I'm saying. Try to prove it wrong if you like, but don't pretend you don't now know why the 3% is more significant than the 97%. Posted by Aidan, Friday, 14 October 2022 8:54:10 PM
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What we have today is academic hacks who are happy to sell their soul for a new grant, & a few idiots who actually believe the scam
You are not wrong about that, Hasbeen. Back in 2007........ Posted by JF Aus, Monday, 17 October 2022 8:35:18 PM
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And every creek a banker ran,
And dams filled overtop;
"We'll all be rooned," said Hanrahan,
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"There'll be bush-fires for sure, me man,
There will, without a doubt;
We'll all be rooned," said Hanrahan,
"Before the year is out