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The Forum > Article Comments > Koalas prosper despite, or because of, the latest bushfires > Comments

Koalas prosper despite, or because of, the latest bushfires : Comments

By Vic Jurskis, published 10/10/2022

Given that koalas on the north coast increased by about 29% in two years before the fires the logical conclusion is that there was a net increase of more than 15% in koalas despite the fires.

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I am sick of hearing about koalas and extinction from activists who would prefer that the human race would die out - i.e everyone but themselves - in the name of 'saving the planet'.

'Registered charities' are tricksters, rorting the public via politicians.

As this author has said elsewhere, the extinction scam is part of the wider climate scam.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 10 October 2022 8:40:03 AM
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It's a miracle how the species even evolved, 25m years ago, with no homo saps around, to clear the heavily-forested landscape.

Ultimately, the point is, industrial-scale native-forest cutting has lost its social licence. Just like coal mining and mass immigration.
Posted by Steve S, Monday, 10 October 2022 8:54:47 AM
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Burn down Byron Bay will fix the problem!

Posted by diver dan, Monday, 10 October 2022 8:56:44 AM
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The point is, Steve S, that Vic Jurskis has very accurately hit back at 'conservationists' such as yourself who use "the koala is nearly extinct" argument to stop all sorts of development, including small amounts of timber harvesting in State forests.
Posted by MESSMATE, Monday, 10 October 2022 9:38:49 AM
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Steve S. 200 years ago koalas were a rare animal now they are a pest and hypocritical green ideologues are using their suffering as a result of overcrowding as a weapon against a sustainable renewable resource industry.
Posted by Little, Monday, 10 October 2022 9:47:11 AM
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Selectively logged forests conducive to Koalas prospering due to more abundant food supply.

We should continue to selectively log our native forests. Selectively logged forests produce twice the jobs of broad scale clearing and half the lumber take. Produce logging roads that are natural fire breaks and put many more firefighters in areas at risk.

Uncontrolled dogs should be tranquilized, impounded, euthanized, and the noncompliant owner billed for the service.

There must be Koala bridges or underpasses that allow fully fenced highways to allow safe passage to migrating Koalas.

Additional costs even as the interest bill on our trillion-dollar debt exponentially rises as revenues fall due to completely asinine tax relief for the better off.

Looking after our national icon should be our privilege as should be, paying our fair share of tax for the privilege of residency in the best country in the world.

That fair share ought to be an entirely unavoidable flat tax of 15% that is levied against all profit/income earned here in Australia, above a generous tax-free threshold.

Getting the revenue base up and drawing debt down requires the abandonment of idiotic ideologies and the stupid embargo on nuclear power.

Nuclear power as MSR thorium, in public ownership will produce power prices as low as 1 cent PKWH and have the high-tech energy dependent manufacturing tax paying, automated industries of the world, beating a path to our door. And setting up in rural and regional Australia. Because that's where we will allow them to go and where we ought to locate SM MSR thorium power plants, some of which will burn nuclear waste other nations pay us to take off of their hands and provide almost free electricity

Our future defense will rely on total manufacturing self-sufficiency. Rather than just selling rocks to China! I believe, our current leadership, locked and bolted, stupidity personified, mindset.

At least the Asians seem to value our Koalas more than we do.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 10 October 2022 11:38:38 AM
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