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How governments have failed their citizens : Comments

By Murray Hunter, published 12/9/2022

As the world is going through a generational transition in political, administrative, and bureaucratic leadership, governance has been plagued with crisis after crisis.

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Government for the Dullards …don’t vote!

Posted by diver dan, Monday, 12 September 2022 9:23:47 AM
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There is no "rising unemployment" in Australia, with whines about no workers, but the half-witted politicians will bring it back when they recommence mass immigration at the behest of Big Business.

But Covid was certainly mismanaged; climate hysteria is absurd, and we can no longer be sure that we will ever again have reliable energy. Then there's the race-based Voice crap, the threat of digital social credit (surveillance) and no more cash (more surveillance). There is also the chance of dying while waiting for an ambulance.

And, voting will not make any difference.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 12 September 2022 9:41:58 AM
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I can agree with most of this save the comment on natural immunity. Natural immunity may save the infected individual but not necessarily those he or she infects! One notes that the Spanish COVID-19 pandemic and horrific death toll was started by one single Asymptomatic Chinese Tourist with natural immunity!

Apart from that Murray your other points are well made! What you haven't done is provide any credible solution to any of the issues raised! And for mine that turns your essay into, just another bitch by some privileged tugger?

Energy? How about MSR thorium? Thorium delivers everything fusion promised but never ever delivered and may never ever be able to!?

See, LFTR in five minutes.

With thorium universally adopted, Putin's war will fail and all but destroy the Russian fossil fuel dependent economy! And her military adventures!

Don't just do something, stand there! The condemnations and wind bag yackety, yack, blah, blah, blah isn't working.

Ending all western reliance on Russian energy or the very real threat of same, i.e., MSR thorium, just might? And folk with influence, like Murray, might succeed where others (a voice in the wilderness) cannot!
Alan B
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 12 September 2022 11:20:54 AM
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On the rumoured attack on cash, delightedly trumpeted regularly by the media, cash is the only means by which citizens retain some level of independence from totalitarianism. It represents the security of the free market as the solution to government wickedness.

Europeans, jaded by the behaviour of their governments in the past, are resisting the attack on cash. There has been a resurgence in cash across the European Union. Australians need to prepare themselves. Use cash!
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 12 September 2022 11:54:58 AM
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Here is real idiocy, real madness.

"Natural immunity may save the infected individual but not necessarily those he or she infects!"

How does someone, who has gained natural immunity, infect those who presumably have had all
their 'shots'?

Surely the damned criminal unvaccinated b...d's can only infect those who haven't had their
shots or who have not yet gained natural immunity. That's much less than 5% of adult

Oh, the shots do not work ... ahhhhh ok yeah of course.

Now tell ne how do we deal with the criminally idiotic vaccinated who infect others? So since
vaccination won't save the vaccinated it sure as hell won't save those they infect either.
Presumably the vaccinated 95% of adult Australians.

Now I'm walking off to my yacht, shaking my head, understanding why I abandoned the option of
residency among all the idiocy of you 'educated', on solid land. Hang on, you're all residents of Trump's swamp.
Posted by imajulianutter, Monday, 12 September 2022 3:18:51 PM
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While governments can give us hell, no government can fail you - unless you have any expectations of them!

For example: do Ukrainians claim that Russia has failed them?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 12 September 2022 3:24:09 PM
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Here is a solution, to todays problems. They are caused by one group ... only.

Legislate for every, state or federal, current or prospective Public Servants, Public Officials. and Politicians to undergo psychiatric assessment to establish whether they are heteronomous or autonomous.

Ban any who qualify as heteronomous. It is ok, it is a learned behaviour, like lying, only more destructive.

Please read the world renowned and still recognised world authority, Jean Piaget, the Swiss psychoanalyst from the 1920's.

That would fix things overnight.
Posted by imajulianutter, Monday, 12 September 2022 3:33:25 PM
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Murray has written much. His list and history is very impressive.

Whereas I've only ever worked for myself, since seventeen and am now recently retired at 69, and have only written one manuscript. It's taken me ten years. It will be published in time for Christmas next year.

It is a major work of over five hundred pages. It explores the human condition regarding both sexual and personal growth and development since the introduction of the pill in 1968.

Ours is the only civilisation since the ancient Egyptians to have an effective contraceptive controlled by women. ie control of their fertility and sexual behaviour. It establishes much of the stupidity today is a result if us learning to deal with the extraordinary change the pill instigated.

The book was inspired by the largely forgotten, George Sands who was the first effective feminist. She said, 'real happiness is to love and be loved'. Her life showed she wasn't just talking about the traditional long term romantic love.

Currently I've only four critical readers. I need a few more.
Posted by imajulianutter, Monday, 12 September 2022 4:01:12 PM
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Vaccinations for those with no natural immunity, means they don't get as sick and that is all. They can still become infected and infect others as well. And that's the same for those with so-called natural immunity.

Mandatory vaccinations got rid of killer and disabling pathogens like smallpox and polio.

Vacinnated mums protect their newborn bubs from death by whooping cough and the only protection we can give them from the (I'm all right Jack) ignorant unvaccinated who visit maternity wards.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 12 September 2022 5:22:56 PM
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Red sails in the sunset. Goodbye and good riddance! We've got more than our fair share of ignorant folk (10-pound poms) with a well-honed superiority complex! Can't imagine why we just live to beat them at any sport, particularly cricket! Just joking.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 12 September 2022 5:30:13 PM
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Selfish citizens are causing Governments to fail !
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 13 September 2022 6:43:29 AM
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Selfish citizens…and US Howitzers under the harbour bridge, designed to save the same citizens…(Ukraine).

Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 13 September 2022 6:48:48 AM
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Voting is a health hazard…don’t vote!

Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 13 September 2022 7:00:44 AM
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"Vaccinations for those with no natural immunity, means they don't get as sick and that is all."

If they don't prevent the illness then they are not vaccinations. They are like flu shots. The term vaccination here is bs.

If "they don't get as sick"

I've seen no research that supports that bs.

They can still become infected and infect others as well. And that's the same for those with so-called natural immunity."

The second statement is utter bs.
Posted by imajulianutter, Tuesday, 13 September 2022 7:58:25 AM
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Globalism means that no country can be allowed to be a nation of its OWN people solely focused on the best interests of its own nation and people.

If you think I'm wrong, then show me one.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 13 September 2022 11:18:25 AM
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