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The Forum > Article Comments > Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine: Lapid no guts no vision > Comments

Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine: Lapid no guts no vision : Comments

By David Singer, published 8/9/2022

It is no secret that I support a two-state solution. Unfortunately, there is no current plan for this...If there is eventually a Palestinian state, it must be a peace-loving democracy.

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Why should a Palestinian state be a peace loving democracy when Israel is not a peace loving democracy? A democracy makes no distinction among its citizens on the basis of ethnicity or religion. A Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish or Muslim state cannot also be a democracy. A democracy has an integrated public school system. The US was not a democracy while it had segregation. A democracy has civil marriage. People can marry without the intervention of clergy. Israel calls itself a Jewish democracy. Why should it not be a real democracy?
Posted by david f, Thursday, 8 September 2022 8:42:44 AM
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Same old same old.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 8 September 2022 9:42:13 AM
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"If there is eventually a Palestinian state, it must be a peace-loving democracy."

Well that'd be quite miraculous...the first democratic Arab state that loved peace.

The importance of the Saudi proposal isn't so much that it offers a new path out of the impasse that prevails in the Levant, but more that it signals to the so-called Palestinians that they cannot get the outcome they want. Incorporated into a renewed trans-Jordanian state is the best they can hope for as far as their main paymasters (the Saudis) are concerned. When they learn and accept that lesson, then, and not before then, progress can be made.

In the meantime, the only democracy in the region (Israel) remains a beckon to those Arabs who indeed want peace and security as to what is possible if they overthrow their current leadership.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 8 September 2022 11:00:04 AM
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As usual in this weekly hatred-sermons, the author claims that all 120 members of Israel's Knesset (parliament) are idiots and only he is wise.

One may or may not agree with the ideologies of Israel's politicians, but one thing is clear - despite the differences, they all want Israel to survive, they don't want their families to be killed, which is exactly what Shihabi's scheme is going to result in, if accepted.

The author consistently avoids answering my questions about the nature of his connection (if any) with Judaism and Israel. I suspect that he favours the Saudi plan because he wants to see Israel destroyed and its people drowned in the Mediterranean sea.

Sadly for him, neither Lapid nor Gantz, in fact not even Netanyahu, likes to drown!
Sadly for him, it is one of them who will be at Israel's helm after Israel's elections, rather than himself...
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 8 September 2022 2:41:35 PM
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Sadly Yuyutsu, Israel is drowning itself in the same quicksands of Wokeism as the West.

Arabs are patient! Definitely not that I wish it.

Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 8 September 2022 2:56:25 PM
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Dear Dan,

As I see it, it is the continued occupation of 1967 which sadly drowns Israel in the quicksands of losing its integrity and moral compass, which rusts it from within, and as you just said, Arabs are patient.

I want Israel to get out of these cursed territories, not because I care about these stupid "Palestinians", but because I care about Israel!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 8 September 2022 6:38:48 PM
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Well as they say in certain circles, “Normal isn’t coming back but Jesus is”.
And hopefully so too is Donald Trump.
Don’t give up just yet!

Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 8 September 2022 7:34:02 PM
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