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Overruling Roe v Wade: the international dimension : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 5/7/2022

'As a global abortion provider, we know that the impact of this decision will be also felt around the word,' warned Sarah Shaw, Global Head of Advocacy at MSI Reproductive Choices..

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You know who the left should blame for the overturning of Roe versus Wade?
Not the Supreme Court, not Christians, not Conservatives not Republicans, not Pro-Lifers

The only ones they should be blaming are themselves, it is 100 percent their fault

Roe got overturned, a lot of people - myself included at one point in time
- Could sympathize with the scared teenager, with the drug addict
- who had no business bringing a baby into this world
we could understand that, We didn't like it, we didn't agree with it - but we could at least understand it

We went from safe legal and rare to up to the moment of birth
We gave you an inch and you took a mile
We drew the line when you decided that you should be able to murder a fully formed infant up to the moment it exits your body
You have no one to blame but yourselves
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 14 July 2022 12:27:33 PM
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Divergence – you say, “Abortion is an ugly business and best avoided if possible” but why should it be avoided? If it is not the destruction of a young human life, then so what? Having a tooth removed is not pretty but we do it without any moral qualms at all. We all innately know that abortion ends the life of a fellow human being and that is why the whole issue is so controversial.

Who is commandeering a woman’s body? Urging people to take responsibility for their own behaviour is not “commandeering a woman’s body”! The vast majority of abortions are done after a consensual act by a man and a woman. Everyone knows that you can get pregnant from having sex and that contraception can fail. A child’s life should not be forfeited if their parents have behaved irresponsibly. If you are not in a position to have a child then the responsible thing to do is to refrain from sex. But no, we would rather indulge ourselves and solve any “problems” that come along by killing the child. Barbarity.
Posted by JP, Friday, 15 July 2022 9:41:21 AM
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We are in fundamental disagreement (in the case of abortion in early pregnancy) about whether a zygote, embryo, or early fetus really is a child or just the instructions for building a child. If there is brain death, then there must also be brain birth. Calling it a child at this early stage is begging the question. You calling a single-cell zygote a person doesn't make it one.

Using abortion for family planning is irresponsible (an ugly business) because it is a medical or surgical procedure with risks, albeit not as many as with pregnancy and childbirth. All the same, terrible things happen when countries try to make abortion illegal, as I showed in a previous post. Are you happy with the collateral damage?

Sex is not always consensual, and women can be put under various sorts of pressure that don't amount to out-and-out rape. In any case, expecting people to forgo sex for years on end and maybe for their whole lives is unrealistic, especially when the best contraceptives have a 0.1% failure rate.
Posted by Divergence, Sunday, 17 July 2022 9:51:24 AM
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Divergence – you are mistaken: the blue print for human life is not the young human being but rather the DNA that is in every cell, starting with first unique cell formed at conception, and which has the instructions for every step of our development.

Just as a building has foundations and those foundations are an essential part of the building, although hidden, the young human being in the womb, although hidden, is the essential foundation for the rest of human life. That stage of our lives is just as important and real as any other part of our life.

I would encourage you to read this article by C Ward Kischer, PhD, “When Does Human Life Begin? The Final Answer: A human embryologist speaks out about socio-legal issues involving the human embryo”. It is quite comprehensive in its coverage of the issue. I will be interested to hear what you think of what he says.

You say that I am begging the question by using the word “child” to refer to the new human life formed at conception. Your insistence on naming them a zygote or embryo – with the associated inference that that thereby makes them something less than fully human – is equally question-begging. If a person insists that a teenager must be called an adolescent, that does not mean that they are not also a teenager. The entity in the womb can, at all stages, reasonably be called a child while also technically being a zygote then an embryo.

You say that using abortion for family planning is irresponsible. Well that is the reason for the vast majority of abortions – the child is just not wanted. You say that abortion is not as risky as pregnancy and childbirth – which is absurd for those who believe as I do, that every abortion ends the life of a young human being.

According to the pro-abortion organisation Children By Choice, “Studies of Australian and New Zealand women seeking abortion have shown that over half of women presenting for abortion had been using contraception prior to becoming pregnant.”
Posted by JP, Monday, 18 July 2022 2:54:05 PM
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