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The Forum > Article Comments > The cult of the leader is not the answer to revive political parties > Comments

The cult of the leader is not the answer to revive political parties : Comments

By Scott Prasser, published 8/6/2022

The change of leaders and their deputies of the federal Liberal and National parties this week following their recent election loss, highlights both the cult of the leader that now pervades our political parties as well as their very vulnerability.

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The 'leaders' hog the limelight; they do all the talking, and if they are lucky, ministers get to stand behind them, acting as "noddies". Political leaders are bullies, which is the reason they are not turned over more often, even when they are appalling.

None of this matters to uninterested voters, most of whom wouldn't be voters if they were not forced to go to the polls or be fined. This is why there is little point in trying to tell the hoi polloi about anything political, or thinking that they are interested in doing anything about it.

If you try to tell them that their lack of interest can lead to dictatorship and thugs like Hitler, Stalin, Xi Jinping, Pol Pot etc, they won't be interested in that, either.

Then there is the media - the only place the fools get information from; often wrong or biased.

"We no longer have a Liberal or a Labor government, but a Morrison or Albanese one". Of course. You don't have to tell the ninnies that. Many of them don't know the name of the person supposed to be representing them. They think that they are voting for one or other of two boofheads when they put their numbers in the order it says on the red or blue forms thrust into their faces as they line up like sheep at the polling booth.

Mr.Prasser is on the ball, but he is most certainly casting his pearls of wisdom 'before swine'.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 8 June 2022 9:52:11 AM
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Well, it can't be one who comes to us from the extreme right wing cult! Who does look idiotic trying to make some political capital out of a two week old government's inability to fix what he and his phucked! Pardon the French.

If there is an opening for that individual it has to be promoting nuclear energy as the the answer to our soaring energy prices! Yes but, nuclear energy power plants take 15 years to build, labor will claim. Rubbish given the fastest build of a nuclear reactor was just six short months! Even so, SMR MSR thorium reactors could be built one a month as factory assembled mass produced units.

Other than that, only economies of scale solar thermal comes close. and needs that economy of scale to allow automation to produce the polished steel reflectors that will need to cover hundreds of hectares to outperform coal!

The above two options could be built by us and off budget without the involvement of tax avoiding, price gouging, profit repatriating foreign investors! By rolling out locally available, social credit coupled to cooperative capitalism. However politically unpalatable, as that may be!

The time for trying to make political capital out of stage managed division, is over. when what we need are leaders who unite the nation as one indivisible unit that works for all of us. Needed as never before!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 8 June 2022 10:50:51 AM
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The biggest problem is this:

It doesn't matter for WHOM you vote. All you'll ever get is an Orstrayun!
Posted by Zbygnyu, Monday, 13 June 2022 9:57:19 AM
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