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China's arrogance opens a window of opportunity : Comments

By Jeffrey Wall, published 3/6/2022

China mistakenly believed that having delivered a secret agreement with the Solomon Islands with ease it could do so country by country across the Pacific.

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I have based my assessment on the Chinese living in China.
Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 8 June 2022 6:58:35 AM
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Hey Canem Malum,
I can confirm that Jackson Hinkle is.
Not sure about the others, I mainly just make my opinions based on whether or not their arguments hold merit.

"Jackson is a leftist, anti-imperialist. Marxist-Leninist based out of Los Angeles California"

I never really looked into this topic much (Marxist-Leninist), and it seems I need to.
I remember something about 'bourgeoisie and the proletariat', but I'm not well versed on it.
If you have any good links for me to get a relatively quick overview that would be appreciated, otherwise I'll try to find some info and look into it.

I may not be knowledgeable on everything, but I'm not necessarily dishonest.
I'm fairly sure you should all know I support the right mixture of socialism and capitalism, and not one or the other outright.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 8 June 2022 9:43:12 PM
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Armchair Critic said- "I never really looked into this topic much (Marxist-Leninist), and it seems I need to. I remember something about 'bourgeoisie and the proletariat', but I'm not well versed on it.
If you have any good links for me to get a relatively quick overview that would be appreciated, otherwise I'll try to find some info and look into it."

Answer- Thanks for your question Armchair Critic. I'll try to find some better information for you- but I hope the items below are a start. I try to use original sources. Youtube sometimes has short versions of content.

Jordan Peterson has "some" good information to get you thinking- depending on the topic- but it might take a while till you get the juice- he talks about Dostoevsky (The Demons), Solzhenitsyn (The Gulag Archipelago), Yuri Bezmenov (The Harvard Address)-

Try some of these-

Peterson's debates with Sam Harris are interesting too- but a bit off topic- one of the classic debates is with feminist Cathy Newman.

Politics and Marxist-Leninism is a little complicated requiring contextual history of political ideology- I'm not an expert- I try to see the bones and this helps to flesh out the context of particular situations. All opinions tend to be fashioned through the lense of socio-political context- sometimes it's hard to see through the smoke to discern the view point of the author but the words and constructs that they use are a good clue. Some of the tactics below are used by different ideologies but the stamp of communism can usually be determined. In history society has moved from Tribalism to Feudalism to Industrialism to Liberalism/ Socialism but vestiges of preceding stages have co-existed- partly the reason for the "evolution" of society is because of population growth- but evolution doesn't have to be in a positive direction. Mile posts such as the- seizing of church land late 1500's, English Civil War/ Locke Liberalism/ People's Government (1660), Industrial Revolution/ Rise of the middle class (1800's Manchester), French Revolution/ Democratic Revolution (1800's), Paris Commune/ Marx/Engel's (1860's), Russian Revolution (1919 Feb/ Oct), Chinese Revolution.
Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 9 June 2022 1:44:36 AM
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Common themes in Marxism-Leninism-Socialism- some of my references may be inaccurate- this is just a few of the communist concepts that keep popping up in social opinion and dialogue- often presented as authoritative fact. As others come to be familiar with communist tactics they are bound to use them too as part of their tool kit.

Equality- but this is their version of equality without the Westminster- Principle of separation of powers. And with the academics ruling the people under enlightened principles. A corollary to academic rule is a mistrust of the population to make decisions for themselves. Bob Whitacker (Book- Why Johnny Can't Think- America's Professor Priesthood) talked about this.
Permanent Revolution- from memory a Trotskyist idea- this can be compared to the rolling strike.
Tabula Rasa/ Blank Slate- destruction of traditional societies and cultures and their history due to the view that these are imposed from the elites and blind the people to their slavery- false consciousness.
"From those with the ability to those with the need"- Ayn Rand (Hebrew/ proto-Libertarian- Free Trader) talks about this a fair bit in her criticism- she wrote a SciFi book- "Atlas Shrugged"- 1000 pages- it was made into a three part series of movies in 2003 (Rand died in 1981). This book is worth reading but some parts are difficult- available on Librevox as an audio book.
Dengism- the idea of allowing capitalism within a communist overlay.
Mao- talk about the evil landlords rather than the evil capitalists- as the people can relate to landlords better than capitalists. Grass roots/ astro-turfing/ gas-lighting.
Stalin- "thank you Stalin for my wonderful childhood" Propaganda Posters depicting children with Stalin. Mao had similar propaganda.
Trotsky- Total destruction of capitalism is more important than the lives of the starving Russians. Universal Communism rather than Russian Communism.
Stalin- thoughts are more dangerous than guns so why should we let people think.
Recently one way to control thought and speech is through political correctness over free speech.
Britain has long been thought of as a key road block to communism.
Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 9 June 2022 1:47:18 AM
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There seems to be some use of psychological and propaganda tactics in Socialism (these were invented by Freud and Bernays).
There is a lot of information on Wikipedia's Socialism project- but it's hard going- try to build up a picture rather than trying to understand everything- it's easy to become confused.
Communism doesn't believe in private ownership or private companies.
Mao- Village square struggle sessions. Strike and fade warfare. Using children against their parents. Flipping the social hierarchy.
Marx- Communism is inevitable- James Burnham (Managerialism) reformed Trotskyist and CIA employee disputed this.
Negative Freedom- Known as "negative freedom" (Mill)- corollary is responsibility and discipline is deprocated- in Aristotle's view "positive freedom" is based on principled discipline.
Marcuse- Free sexuality- Trotskyite/ Hebrew- Father of the new left.
Liberalism- seems to favour a gossip culture rather than a restrained one. Though communism is totalitarian about speech once implemented.
Liberalism- is embodied as so called Left Liberalism (free society) and Right Liberalism (free trade)
Marx- saw Liberalism as one of the stages along the path to Communism- implemented by useful idiots- moderates. One of the problems in society it's sometimes difficult to judge situations because every one is subtly different- so how can a judge or policy maker make decisions that are fair to stakeholders. It seems that Marxists see this as an opportunity to bias the system in their favour by applying pressure at appropriate points. "Overton Window" is the window of acceptable dialogue at a particular time and place- this can be moved over time by ideological pressure- for example the Labor Party would have had a similar political stance to One Nation in the 1950's.
Entryism- Communist's create multiple organisations and subvert existing organisations.
Anarchism is closely allied with Socialism and Communism- Antifa is an explicit example of this in their flag.
Orwell’s 1984 and Animal Farm are good. Both in movie form.
Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 9 June 2022 1:48:51 AM
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