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Lithuanians organise for freedom and reach out to Russian mothers : Comments

By Zivile Kropaite, published 10/3/2022

We were born just when our country took independence back from the USSR. We are called 'The generation of independence'.

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And so say all of us.
Posted by VK3AUU, Thursday, 10 March 2022 9:16:15 AM
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Yes! And it's so sad, when I think about the sacrifices we made to guarantee the freedom of Europe. My family gave thirteen of my uncles as blood sacrifice.

I myself volunteered for military service! Australia and New Zealand made huge sacrifices in two wars that didn't involve or threaten them.

The field of Flanders now the permanent resting place of more than 60,000 Anzacs. And they fought not for ground just for a principle and against a tyrant who wanted to rule the world!

I believe the Russia people are ready to revolt against Putin and that madman's personal ambitions. Given nobody except a madman completely out of his tree, believes one could deploy nuclear weapons without mutual destruction. How much of Russia could survive a nuclear winter at least three years long!?

In a cave/underground bunker, with a huge stockpile of tinned and dehydrated food? Well, that might include a few dozen Russian mafia/oligarchs, but the rest can go visit the nearest taxidermist!

I can't imagine how betrayed the Ukrainian people must feel now! Or why any of them would roll over for a madman who would bring the world to the brink of WW3, but fight on until there's nobody left to fight on! Better to die unconquered, on your feet fighting for freedom than on your knees as a slave, begging for it!

I hope with all my heart that the free world grows a spine and delivers all the military aid Ukraine needs now. planes, bombs and tanks and a million freedom fighters willing to stand shoulder to shoulder with their Ukrainian brothers and sisters and hurl back the Russian thugs now trying to annex their homeland, without cause!

Tyrants can never ever be allowed to succeed! Given, if they do, then all the blood sacrifice of previous generations and by the millions, will have been in vain!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 10 March 2022 9:31:58 AM
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"This war is between the oppressor and the oppressed."


Then it seems to me your country is at war too.

A quick look on wikipedia shows 80% of your citizens are religious.

"Because you can't discuss feminism, equality, lgbt+ rights when you are being bombed by the enemy."
How do these things sit with all the religious people in your country?
Do they all support the same changes you do?

I suppose with enough EU immigration you can change the demographics (people), and change the government to force in the changes that empowered minorities want.
- It's been tried and tested in our countries already.

The war of oppressor and oppressed hasn't really ended at all has it?
It's just entered a different phase, the battle for immigrants and transgender toilets. (gender equality, diversity)

Welcome to the West, where the goalposts in the war are always shifted by foreign funded NGO's.

You're anything BUT a sovereign country, it's just that nations full of low IQ dummies that can be fooled into identifying as minorities or supporting global issues can then feel liberated by changes they were imposed upon to support.

Like I said how do the religious people feel about these changes?
You talk about culture, what culture, the old one you're trampling on or the new one you wish to manufacture?

I am glad your not occupied by USSR anymore, however they don't actually exist anymore.

Russia (Not the USSR - I think you've got PTSD btw) is only opposing NATO's advance into Ukrainian territory.
The consequences of this expansion were clear and NATO decided to ignore them.
This war was foreseeable and avoidable.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 12 March 2022 1:26:43 PM
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Russia couldn't conquer western Europe again even if it wanted to, but it can still nuke you.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 12 March 2022 1:27:37 PM
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Thank You Zivile. Beautifully put.
I wish your every success with your work.

The USSR was a blood-stained regime
In which millions were murdered as a daily routine
Might is Right was their slogan of choice
Dissenting cries were not given a voice

History has written of the many disposed
The frozen infernos have now been exposed
Putin and Stalin are two of a kind
Yet some in the West to this are still blind

Putin like Stalin will take what he wants
He will kill and destroy those who fight in response
The world can't allow this rampage of terror
Not protecting Ukraine would be a large error

First the Ukraine, then Romania
Followed by Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania
Do we want the USSR re-instated
Ruling Eastern Europe unabated?

The world must unite and be fully aware
That this is a battle that we all need to share
Putin must be stopped in his tracks
Otherwise no sovereign nation can truly relax
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 12 March 2022 1:43:16 PM
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Foxy said- "The USSR was a blood-stained regime"

Answer- Yes but the USSR is not the Federation- history can judge who is worse Stalin or Putin- I'm pretty sure it will be Stalin and the Communist system.

Alan B said- "The field of Flanders now the permanent resting place of more than 60,000 Anzacs. And they fought not for ground just for a principle and against a tyrant who wanted to rule the world!"

Answer- With respect Alan B- My understanding of Flanders Field and the Anzacs refer to WWI not WWII and the unnamed person- I'm not certain he wanted to rule the world- though as the song says "everybody wants to rule the world". Though you could be right if you consider WWII as an extension of WWI- but either way your underlying point that that many die fighting tyrants is probably true- is it necessary?- who knows?- a good general tries to conserve their resources where possible. It's good that you value your ancestors sacrifices- sadly in many circles it's not fashionable. The question is should we be fighting the tyrants in The West in our own institutions or overseas.

Zivile Kropaite makes some interesting points-

But many countries took on refugees after the wars to shelter them from the immediate threat but this became a permanent situation- we need to be aware that sheltering refugees and accepting immigrants is dangerous in the current international regime.

Perhaps the desertion of women from the field in the Ukraine is a threat to it's defence. It seems that many women are all talk and no action- when there's work to be done they run away- I'm sure there are some good ones. Maybe it's better- they don't get in the way. Cherry picking opportunists. Men are the bread winners they hunt the game and defend the home and the nation. Women get your act together- either support your men to sustain life- or do something to sustain life- create the food and the shelter defend the nation- not attack your men.
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 13 March 2022 12:25:29 PM
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There's a poem attributed to Martin Niemoller,
a German Lutheran pastor, who was initially a
supporter of Hitler, but as he witnessed the
events in Hitler's Germany he began to strongly
oppose Hitler's regime. He was imprisoned twice
and narrowly escaped execution to survive the
war and in 1950 published the following poem:

"First they came for the Socialists and I did not
speak out - because i was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists and I did not
speak out - because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out -
because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak
for me."

In just a few lines of verse this poem encapsulates the
reason the whole world should strongly protest the invasion
of Ukraine.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 13 March 2022 1:00:38 PM
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Martin Niemöller

He was awarded the Lenin Peace Prize in December 1966.

And Lenin did a lot for peace. Sarcasm.

It sounds as if a lot of what he did and said after the war was because he was afraid. He said that he questioned himself when he was in Nazi custody for 8 years- this probably did have an impact. The power that was lined up against him after the war must have been intimidating and overwhelming to his sense of reality.

"Do it to Julia!" Orwell "1984"

I notice that Foxy quotes this poem a lot- not complaining-
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 13 March 2022 3:55:02 PM
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If the Ukrainian women won't fight for the Ukraine why should we? Should we fight on the Ukraine's behalf based on Traditionalist principles that women shouldn't have to fight- because the Socialists and Communists in Australia (that say they believe in quote "equality") tell us to do so?

Traditionalists should look after themselves- they shouldn't support those that have rejected and are destroying Traditionalism.

By omission it appears that Foxy agrees with at least some of what I've said about women- Kudos Foxy for your cautious support.
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 13 March 2022 4:03:49 PM
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The Ukrainian President Volodymk Zelensky has echoed
Winston Churchill's famous speech "we shall fight on
the beaches" in his address to the House of Commons.
Winston Churchill gave his speech in the same chamber
in 1940 where he vowed "we shall fight until the end,
at sea, in the air. We will continue fighting for our
land whatever the cost. We will fight in the forests,
in the fields, on the shores, in the streets."

And the people of Ukraine are doing precisely that.

And quoting Shakespeare Mr Zelensky said the question
for Ukraine is "to be or not to be. It's definitely -
YES to be."

This is the first time a foreign leader has directly
addressed MPs in the Commons.

A truly inspiring speech. There are also many quotes
about allowing evil to prevail:

At all times, vigilance is the price of liberty.
We must remain vigilant because while it is the Ukraine
today, it can easily be some other sovereign nation
later on. The measure of our society over history is
our fidelity to our principles. We must remind our
people and our governments to remain faithful to those
principles - or otherwise, our society, like so many in
the past, will be swept on the ash heap of history.

Stand with Ukraine - do not allow evil to prosper.

There's a Russian proverb that says - "Don't! Don't dig
up the past! If you dig up the past - you will lose an eye."

However the proverb goes on to say - "Forget the past and
you shall lose both eyes!"
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 14 March 2022 10:16:12 AM
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