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The fragmentation of society by difference : Comments
By Peter Sellick, published 17/2/2022While political correctness still hangs around and in some cases is understandable, we are faced with a new crisis in what John McWhorter, calls 'Woke Racism'.
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Dear Canem Malum,
You wrote :
« All ideology is a source of conflict and division throughout history … Religion is a drug- similar to what Marx said- "religion is the opiate of the masses"- as if communism isn't a drug »
Agreed, Canem Malum.
All ideology is a source of conflict and division. Religion just happens to have been with us much longer than Marxism, communism, Nazism, capitalism, and every other “ism” we have conceived throughout history.
Religious ideology has been a major source of conflict and division ever since primeval man emerged from our common ancestor with the chimpanzees about five to seven million years ago. All the other “isms” were conceived much later.
An “ism” is a distinctive practice, system, philosophy, or ideology (OED). All “isms” are sources of conflict and division. All are potential drugs, “opiates of the masses”, including, as you suggest, communism – as well as capitalism, of course.