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The Forum > Article Comments > Its in the Australian national interest to comprehensively assist Tonga to rebuild > Comments

Its in the Australian national interest to comprehensively assist Tonga to rebuild : Comments

By Jeffrey Wall, published 28/1/2022

Sadly of all our Pacific neighbours, Tonga has fallen under China's influence more than any other, with the possible exception of the Solomon Islands.

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Yes sure, we've always been there for our small neighbors! As for China, we need to develop some strategy that must include nuclear weapons, nuclear power and space launched missiles that are mach ten and above. And have a top speed just a tad short of light speed. These could be locally developed to eliminate current threats parked up in orbit. While no such engine is in production.

It could be made or assembled here if a boffin who was forced into early retirement is reemployed on acceptable to him salary and conditions And very feasable if the current government accepts without delay, his terms and conditions. And that of whatever shade of government follows.

With the missiles developed and parked in space they could be used to eliminate current space based threats aimed at us and our allies! in one overnight preemtive strike! The the solid state electronic engine with no moving parts in question is still a hypothical gravity defying theory. The science stacks up!

And developed could power anything that moves anywhere in space, on land and on or under water, including torpedoes that have almost unlimited range and speeds well in excess of 100 knots!

That I know this man and could arrange an introduction shouldn't surprise. What would surprise would be a government so stupid as to allow his knowlege to be buried with him in a possible few months.

Nobody to date has survived inoperable brain cancer beyond seven years? And none have survived impending euthanasia!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 29 January 2022 11:43:05 AM
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Two thirds of Tonga's debt is owed to China. China is also infiltrating Samoa, PNG, Fiji and Kiribati.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 29 January 2022 12:51:43 PM
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*… Two thirds of Tonga's debt is owed to China. China is also infiltrating Samoa, PNG, Fiji and Kiribati.…

Turn to Au for welfare…how long will Australia remain the go to Nation for handouts and
a destination for desperadoes under the guise of refugees?

Posted by diver dan, Saturday, 29 January 2022 3:14:04 PM
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I can only agree that Australia and New Zealand should step in and
assist Tonga. It is hard to imagine many other countries doing it on
purely neighborhood basis. True we are looking askance at others on
the scene but there are family and Commonwealth connections.
One firm action will make a new protocol in the South Pacific.
Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 29 January 2022 5:28:05 PM
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"how long will Australia remain the go to Nation for handouts and a destination for desperadoes under the guise of refugees?"

As long as Australians have their heads up their bums, Dan - busying themselves with boozing, cheering on useless athletes at our Communist enemy's propaganda games (similar to the pre-war Hilter games) and woke sport in general. Transgenderism, homosexuality, #me too, political brainwashing in schools and universities, half the population functionally illiterate; everything that marks us as a degenerate society.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 30 January 2022 8:26:01 AM
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On degeneration, I note that the Muslim lady footballer who refused to wear a gay pride guernsey has not copped the flak that a Christian, male rugby player did when he repeated the Bible position on homosexuality; and there's support for the insufferable ignorance and rudeness of Grace Tame against our country's leader. Australians really do not deserve the country that used to be the best in the world before the current mob of no hopers took over.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 30 January 2022 8:36:16 AM
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