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The Forum > Article Comments > COP26 media-spin is a woke love-in to save the planet > Comments

COP26 media-spin is a woke love-in to save the planet : Comments

By Charles Essery, published 19/11/2021

They will expect us to subsidise their: NZE carbon offset airline tickets; Tesla electric cars; the free infrastructure and electricity to charge them and; solar panels/batteries.

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Yes, AJ and Hasbeen, correct on both counts. When we go into a waning phase the climate cools and the ice advances. As the sun waxes, the joint warms up! But not as it wanes! And we have been in a waning phase since the mid-seventies (NASA)

CO2 supports the greenhouse effect as a super fertilizer. And greens up the planet. As it does so, more water vapour is aspirated from the increased plant growth, it is added to the water vapour in the air. This process is known as the greenhouse effect. Because that is pretty much what occurs in greenhouses. And air with more moisture in it also acts as a thermal blanket retaining heat. So, we do need to rein in some of the greenhouse effect by using a lot less CO2 producing fuels!

One of which coal! Now we could cook coal to release the methane content And pipe it directly into our domiciles then use it to fire up ceramic fuel cells with the exhaust product mostly water vapour. With the remaining carbon buried or used in other carbon-based products While that would be prohibitively costly, It would be a clean coal solution!

Or we could simply phase out all our reliance on fossil fuel and coal exports and use something else that would cost a lot less!

That something else is the most energy-dense material on the planet, thorium! Just 8 grams of thorium, contains enough energy to power your house and car for a century without refuelling.

The estimated cost to mine and refine 8 grams of thorium is just $100,00.0 AUD And that my friends, is just one dollar a year. Industrial power that cheap would not just kick start our manufacturing sector, but turbocharge it!

I get by your comments, you believe that would be a bad thing? As would be the huge range of value-added or manufactured goods and produce we could export for a far greater return currently, than all our energy exports!

It's the economy stupid!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 20 November 2021 6:34:30 PM
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Please, please, Please.... stop trying to convince us that MSR nuclear has value. Nuclear is good... end of story. The fact that MSR still is being tested ( particularly in China) means it has potential... until then lets support "proven nuclear technology"?

Take care mate, your MSR time will come, but don't use climate change cultism as a crutch... the greenies and lefties who RUN that cult will NEVER support MSR. Hippo Weekend Mate.
Posted by Alison Jane, Saturday, 20 November 2021 6:45:50 PM
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NASA and markets are not leftwing, global warming has most people and experts in agreement.
Posted by Chris Lewis, Sunday, 21 November 2021 6:53:32 AM
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Cancel Culture is alive and well on OLO, with some posters not content with expressing their own opinions, but insisting on criticising other people's opinions. Childish. Arrogant. Pointless.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 21 November 2021 6:54:40 AM
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OLO should be about all opinions, not just those who reject the majority view out there that supports the human activity link to global warming.

It must get very frustrating for many on the conservative side whose opinions are very often on the wrong side of history.
Posted by Chris Lewis, Sunday, 21 November 2021 8:00:17 AM
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*… markets are not leftwing…*

Neither are they right wing.
Markets are skewed towards profit: but profit for whomever at whomevers expense?
Eg manipulated interest rates skewed to promote property sector.
Eg manipulated global warming ideology to promote clean energy sector and promote profits.

Skewing the market is unhealthy and promotes real social inequality, as opposed to the pretence of inequality known as the gay rights movement and its exaggerations.

Posted by diver dan, Sunday, 21 November 2021 9:07:53 AM
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