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The Forum > Article Comments > Why do our governments and public institutions defame Australia by embracing an embellished 'Stolen Generations' narrative? > Comments

Why do our governments and public institutions defame Australia by embracing an embellished 'Stolen Generations' narrative? : Comments

By Brendan O'Reilly, published 17/11/2021

Every nation has a skeleton or three in its history cupboard. Australia is no different, except that in recent decades we have not only proclaimed our culpability to the world but have also exaggerated our crimes.

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I happened to listen to ABC radio this afternoon, they never miss an opportunity to push Climate Change issues and they spoke of burning bagasse, trash from the cane harvest, at Mackay to generate electricity as a green solution; that is nonsense, burning anything creates CO2, but in addition, they had to trash Australia adding that Mackay had a black history as "Blackbirding" established the sugar cane industry.
Posted by C A White, Townsville, Wednesday, 17 November 2021 5:16:50 PM
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Anyone who has looked past the propaganda and sought out the facts on this knows that there isn't and never was a 'Stolen Generation'. But as with so much else these days (eg Pascoe, CAGW, Trump-Russian collusion) facts are outranked by feels.

The 'Bringing Them Home' report purported to have found that there was "an act of genocide, aimed at wiping out indigenous families, communities, and cultures". Of course it found nothing of the sort and indeed didn't even try to investigate those claims. Instead it boasted that it didn't investigate ANY of the claims of the having been stolen made by those who gave 'evidence' at the inquiry. That felt it would be racist to look into the history of the claimants. So it was left to the courts and others to look into the history and find that the claims were false.

As the article says, no one has ever been found who was lawfully 'stolen' solely due their aboriginality. No laws have been identified that sought to 'breed out the black'.

A good example of this was Lois O'Donoghue (who started calling herself Lowitja to increase her native cred). She, like many aboriginals, claimed to have been stolen. But when her history was more closely examined she was forced to admit that she'd 'misspoke' and that her parents had voluntarily dumped her at a missionary-run home for abandoned children. She then wanted to describe herself as being 'removed'.

The term 'stolen generation' was invented by Prof Peter Read who, asserting that 100,000 kids were stolen, specifically singled out Charlie Perkins and O'Donoghue as being the best examples of that stolen group. Its now conclusively proven that neither was stolen and each was given up by parents who couldn't/wouldn't care for them. So in a way they are perfect examples of the stolen generation.

Yet the assertions that there was an act of genocide remain. The evidence is non-existent but the claims are treated as fact. Its the way of the world these days.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 17 November 2021 5:48:01 PM
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through deprivation and lack of support
Deprivation caused by whom ?
We are continuing to fail a large section of our country indigenous folk.
"We" including the likes of yourself ?
I have done more than my part even long after I realised my efforts were taken for granted as many of today's Australian Indigenous have been indoctrinated by Academia pretending to be disadvantaged is more rewarding.
Those who really did suffer were never compensated & became stepping stones for career bleaters !
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 17 November 2021 10:49:37 PM
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As for blackbirding, that is a pile of crap too.

A mate of mine's father was a Solomon Islander, recruited to work in the cane fields. He found it much more pleasant than his home island, but was repatriated as required by law after 2 years. He found recruiters & came back, was repatriated again, but after coming the third time, he "disappeared" when repatriation time drew near again, & stayed.

He married worked hard, saved his money & bought a few hundred acres on the upper Clarence river, raised a family, including my mate. My mate joined the airforce, became a pilot, & flew in the Korean war. Not too bad for a Solomon islander that some like to refer to as slaves.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 17 November 2021 11:00:30 PM
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The was Blackbirding in the very early days of Beche de mer & Pearl-shelling. Those who worked on the Cane farms came here by obtaining work a visa.
The South Pacific Islanders integrated very easily & quickly & within less than a Generation became Indigenous. Their descendants are now indigenous. There are many Indigenous with white heritage & they're re-writing history & if needed invent some but mostly they're the colouring-in historians.
Posted by individual, Thursday, 18 November 2021 6:40:51 AM
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Dear mhaze,

Flogging another fantasy I see.

O'Donoghue's white father took his five children to the half caste mission and then promptly bailed. There is no indication whatsoever that it was with the knowledge or consent of her aboriginal mother who had poor English skills.

While O'Donoghue accepts the term 'removed' is more appropriate to her circumstance I have no issue with seeing her as being part of the thousands and thousands of Aboriginal children who were taken from their Aboriginal parent/s.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 18 November 2021 8:04:22 AM
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