The Forum > Article Comments > Why do our governments and public institutions defame Australia by embracing an embellished 'Stolen Generations' narrative? > Comments
Why do our governments and public institutions defame Australia by embracing an embellished 'Stolen Generations' narrative? : Comments
By Brendan O'Reilly, published 17/11/2021Every nation has a skeleton or three in its history cupboard. Australia is no different, except that in recent decades we have not only proclaimed our culpability to the world but have also exaggerated our crimes.
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Child removal continues to this day for both aboriginal and non-aboriginal families. We could have 'stolen generations' centuries from now. I thought that adults that were formerly such children in Victoria at least were to get $300k compensation. Many seem to be healthy and well educated which may not have been the case had they not been moved. That means they want reparations for being helped if not saved. Next badly injured trauma victims might sue ambulances since they didn't need help.
Posted by Taswegian, Wednesday, 17 November 2021 8:18:58 AM
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For the answer, you need look no further than our cowardly political class and it's obsession with loud, nasty minorities.
The subject has been too done-to-death to warrant three pages. Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 17 November 2021 8:30:55 AM
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"Charles Perkins was the son of an Alice Springs woman who was deserted by her husband after giving birth to her 11th child, and who begged a priest to at least give her brightest boy an education."
I can personally attest to the truth of that statement. It was told to me by Perkins' cousin who grew up with him at a school at The Old Telegraph Station at the time of the actual event. He certainly wasn't disadvantaged by being "stolen". Perkins was supposed to be the son of a Kalkadoon man, but I wonder how he got the surname of Perkins. Perhaps his daughter Rachel can explain that. David Posted by VK3AUU, Wednesday, 17 November 2021 9:09:22 AM
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The starting point for any rational debate has to be the acknowledgement that the state has a duty of care for children.
Bruce Pascoe’s Dark Emu has been exposed as a travesty by world renown anthropologist Professor Peter Sutton and archaeologist Keryn Walshe in Farmers or Hunter-Gatherers? The Dark Emu Debate Posted by Leslie, Wednesday, 17 November 2021 11:22:02 AM
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Thank you, thank you, Brendan O'Reilly
Goebbels once famously said that "The bigger the lie, the more people will tend to believe it." The validity of this master propagandist was born out by the whole, sorry, so called "stolen generation(s)" saga. It is wonderful to see that once again, somebody is taking the time to re examine this BIG LIE, how it came about, and why so many people wanted to believe it. The fact that the whole thing was a fabrication based upon a complete misrepresentation of historical events, is born out by the indisputable fact that every so called "stolen generations" compensation court case has fallen flat on it's face. The only case which is claimed to be a genuine case, which was won by the plaintiff, had nothing to do with any claimed desire for genocide, or "breeding out the black". It was the result of an overly zealous child welfare officer who was convinced that the child was neglected, (probably because she had seen too many aboriginal kids who were neglected) and who broke South Australian law by removing the child from it's parents. This lie equates with the Nazis claim that the Jews burned down the Reichstag. How this monstrous lie was invented, propagated, and widely accepted by so many people IS the issue that should be taught to our kids in history lessons school. Knowing how easy it is for a small minority of influential people with hidden agendas to create a completely false narratives would pay huge dividends in the future, as our young could be inoculated from unquestionably accepting propaganda from totalitarians of either the right or the left. As a matter of fact, I thought that was the whole point of teaching them history. Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 17 November 2021 11:51:19 AM
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Just a lucrative bandwagon enabled & kept running by insipid Labor supporting incompetent bureaucrats !
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 17 November 2021 12:18:12 PM
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This humbug is trotted out by mostly mixed-race activists, to win compensation for what has happened around the world? I speak with some authority here given my Celtic forbears include dispossessed scot forbears and Irish political prisoners, dispossessed by cruel laws that arbitrarily made them subjects of a foreign monarchy!
And taxed to the point of dispossession, then sent to workhouses as intrinsically, cheap labour! Working for pennies to make their rich English masters even richer! My Scottish forbears were treated as little more than goods and chattels that could be used as it pleased their English masters. And thus was also the case for my Irish ancestors. Every nation on the planet has been conquered at some point and the resident population butchered or enslaved or assimilated. Decency finally prevailed when the geneva convention was signed and the time for any post-war, conqueror occupation, limited. Many of the narratives of so-called stolen generations are in complete conflict with official records and seem to be further embellished with every generation? And they seem to want to vent their spleen on whites who simply weren't there, took no part in any of the outcomes, but are held to account only because their skins are not black. And that's a form of racism? None of the atrocities committed by blackfellas on blackfellas is routinely trotted out, because there's no money to be made/votes to be gained with the endless retelling, embellishment and exaggeration? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 17 November 2021 12:20:57 PM
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Interesting use of the word defame in the title of this essay.
Never mind that in law you can only defame individual living human beings. You cannot defame groups of people however small or large. And certainly not Australia which is only the name of a particular piece of very large real estate on planet earth, which was not in any way named as such by the Aboriginal inhabitants prior to the arrival of the white invaders. Nor by any other human beings that knew of its existence prior to the arrival of the white settlers who were of course really invaders. Traders from the islands and countries to the north of the continent, and other earlier European explorers. All "official" his-stories are of course weapons. All official his-stories are fabrications based on the golden rule: namely those who have the most gold and of course superior weapons and who won the political conflicts in their time and place ALWAYS get to write the self-justifying "official" his-stories. Even pretending that their actions were ordained or justified by their tribalistic "god". The contents and disputes of the Australian his-story wars altogether really have nothing to do with the fanciful writings of Bruce Pascoe. Very few of the continents, countries and regions which now have Anglicized names were called that by the inhabitants who lived there prior to the Western colonial invasions Posted by Daffy Duck, Wednesday, 17 November 2021 12:23:11 PM
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Deborah Melville.
Foster child Deborah died in the dirt in a suburban Darwin backyard, propped against a trailer. She was suffering from a leg infection which had spread into the bone, and was visited by FACS case workers the day before she died. A FACS worker assured the child, “I am not here to take you away.” A manslaughter trial and coronial inquiry was told that Deborah probably died in excruciating pain, and that she had been unable to control her bowel and bladder in the days before her death. Because of this, her carers, Denise Reynolds and Tony Melville, put her outside to sit in the dirt. One witness told the manslaughter hearing that Reynold’s had said that “If Deborah wanted to wet and soil herself, she can go outside and do it like an animal.” Though Deborah was living in filthy circumstances, FACS reported that she was “happy and healthy.” Peter. Seven week old Peter starved to death in the back of a hot car on the Stuart Highway in 2005. Peter was born to a drug using mother who’s six other children were known to FACS. In 2002, one of the children, a daughter, was taken (stolen?) and taken to Alice Springs Hospital at three months old, “haunted and looking like a bony skeleton.” Peter at death weighed 1kg less than his birth weight, and during his brief life, FACS officers were repeatedly contacted with reports that the baby was extremely skinny. There were various attempts to remove Peter from his mother’s care, but she was unco-operative, and FACS did not ask the police to forcibly remove (steal) the child. Joy. Joy was assessed by health workers as being ‘at risk of severe harm”, and she was one of eight teenage girls in a remote mining town who were being sexually abused by a government official. The teenager, who was born with fetal alcohol syndrome, had a long history of neglect in her aboriginal family. As early as two, she was deposited at a local health clinic because nobody was looking after her. Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 17 November 2021 2:19:36 PM
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Stolen generation board sacked, cops called
• By Catherine Best • From: AAP • February 17, 2010 4:34PM THE Victorian government has dumped the board of a stolen generations support group, cut its funding and called in the police to investigate alleged misappropriation of funds. The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) is also investigating Stolen Generations Victoria Ltd (SGV) after auditors uncovered almost $100,000 in funds were unaccounted for. Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Minister Richard Wynne announced that funding for the group would be cut immediately and a new body established to provide support services and advocacy for members of the state's stolen generations. He said forensic accountants BDO Australia had uncovered inappropriate expenditure and inadequate documentation for expenditure totalling about $97,000. "We do not tolerate financial mismanagement of any publicly-funded organisation, no matter what services they provide, but we recognise the value of the SGV staff's work and that is why we will ensure services they previously provided continue to be available to those who need them," Mr Wynne said. "This decision was not made easily, but it is in the best interests of the stolen generations community and I am now focused on ensuring the seamless transition of services they need." An investigation was triggered mid last year when SGV's chief executive was stood down and later sacked. The group was established in 2005 in response to the Bringing them Home report and is fully funded by the state government with a three-year budget of about $900,000. SGV acting chief executive Janis Constable said the group would continue to operate under a new name and management structure. Staff and clients would not be affected and only the 10-member board of management would change, she said. "Operationally the services that we provide will continue, it's just under a new governance structure," Ms Constable said. "I can't really comment on the details of the forensic audit ... but there's $97,000 that has come into question. Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 17 November 2021 2:22:40 PM
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Indigenous Leader Sacked The Weekend Australian Feb 6-7 2017
The aboriginal Chief Executive of a Federal government foundation dealing with the trauma of the Stolen Generations has lashed out after he was fired with little explanation less than a month into his job. John Roe was dismissed by the board of the Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander Healing Foundation this week. The Foundation was set up a year ago, on the anniversary of Kevin Rudd’s apology to the Stolen Generations, and was allocated $26.6 million over four years in last years Federal budget. Mr Roe denied speculation that his dismissal was related to his use of a corporate credit card. He confirmed that the card had been nearing it’s $10,000 dollar limit after less than two weeks of use, but denied any wrongdoing. “All expenditure can be accounted for, all expenditure was above board, and all of it was to do with the set up of the Healing Foundation from scratch” he said. “There is absolutely nothing to hide.” Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 17 November 2021 2:25:17 PM
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What a curlish even childish article, and one with so little grace or understanding.
There is no account of those mothers who through deprivation and lack of support handed their children over to the care of authorities but never expected they would never have contact with them again. Where access was routinely denied. Where policies which continue to this day leave indigenous families in spirals of poverty. To hear of 20 living in a single house in Moree and the subsequent threat of Covid is a case in point. We are continuing to fail a large section of our country indigenous folk. While the courts may not recognise a mother forced through circumstance to give up her child as stealing from her, many of us do because that is what it is. Posted by SteeleRedux, Wednesday, 17 November 2021 3:36:18 PM
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I happened to listen to ABC radio this afternoon, they never miss an opportunity to push Climate Change issues and they spoke of burning bagasse, trash from the cane harvest, at Mackay to generate electricity as a green solution; that is nonsense, burning anything creates CO2, but in addition, they had to trash Australia adding that Mackay had a black history as "Blackbirding" established the sugar cane industry.
Posted by C A White, Townsville, Wednesday, 17 November 2021 5:16:50 PM
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Anyone who has looked past the propaganda and sought out the facts on this knows that there isn't and never was a 'Stolen Generation'. But as with so much else these days (eg Pascoe, CAGW, Trump-Russian collusion) facts are outranked by feels.
The 'Bringing Them Home' report purported to have found that there was "an act of genocide, aimed at wiping out indigenous families, communities, and cultures". Of course it found nothing of the sort and indeed didn't even try to investigate those claims. Instead it boasted that it didn't investigate ANY of the claims of the having been stolen made by those who gave 'evidence' at the inquiry. That felt it would be racist to look into the history of the claimants. So it was left to the courts and others to look into the history and find that the claims were false. As the article says, no one has ever been found who was lawfully 'stolen' solely due their aboriginality. No laws have been identified that sought to 'breed out the black'. A good example of this was Lois O'Donoghue (who started calling herself Lowitja to increase her native cred). She, like many aboriginals, claimed to have been stolen. But when her history was more closely examined she was forced to admit that she'd 'misspoke' and that her parents had voluntarily dumped her at a missionary-run home for abandoned children. She then wanted to describe herself as being 'removed'. The term 'stolen generation' was invented by Prof Peter Read who, asserting that 100,000 kids were stolen, specifically singled out Charlie Perkins and O'Donoghue as being the best examples of that stolen group. Its now conclusively proven that neither was stolen and each was given up by parents who couldn't/wouldn't care for them. So in a way they are perfect examples of the stolen generation. Yet the assertions that there was an act of genocide remain. The evidence is non-existent but the claims are treated as fact. Its the way of the world these days. Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 17 November 2021 5:48:01 PM
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through deprivation and lack of support
SteeleRedux, Deprivation caused by whom ? We are continuing to fail a large section of our country indigenous folk. "We" including the likes of yourself ? I have done more than my part even long after I realised my efforts were taken for granted as many of today's Australian Indigenous have been indoctrinated by Academia pretending to be disadvantaged is more rewarding. Those who really did suffer were never compensated & became stepping stones for career bleaters ! Posted by individual, Wednesday, 17 November 2021 10:49:37 PM
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As for blackbirding, that is a pile of crap too.
A mate of mine's father was a Solomon Islander, recruited to work in the cane fields. He found it much more pleasant than his home island, but was repatriated as required by law after 2 years. He found recruiters & came back, was repatriated again, but after coming the third time, he "disappeared" when repatriation time drew near again, & stayed. He married worked hard, saved his money & bought a few hundred acres on the upper Clarence river, raised a family, including my mate. My mate joined the airforce, became a pilot, & flew in the Korean war. Not too bad for a Solomon islander that some like to refer to as slaves. Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 17 November 2021 11:00:30 PM
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The was Blackbirding in the very early days of Beche de mer & Pearl-shelling. Those who worked on the Cane farms came here by obtaining work a visa.
The South Pacific Islanders integrated very easily & quickly & within less than a Generation became Indigenous. Their descendants are now indigenous. There are many Indigenous with white heritage & they're re-writing history & if needed invent some but mostly they're the colouring-in historians. Posted by individual, Thursday, 18 November 2021 6:40:51 AM
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Dear mhaze,
Flogging another fantasy I see. O'Donoghue's white father took his five children to the half caste mission and then promptly bailed. There is no indication whatsoever that it was with the knowledge or consent of her aboriginal mother who had poor English skills. While O'Donoghue accepts the term 'removed' is more appropriate to her circumstance I have no issue with seeing her as being part of the thousands and thousands of Aboriginal children who were taken from their Aboriginal parent/s. Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 18 November 2021 8:04:22 AM
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Thank you Hasbeen, for pointing out the similarity of the "Trump-Russia collusion" hoax to the "Stolen Generation(s)" hoax. Good work. The only difference is that today, we all now know that the Russia-Trump-collusion hoax was exactly that, a hoax. While today, intellectually challenged people like Steelredux, continue to think that the so called "stolen generation(s)" hoax is true.
The Trump-Russia-collusion hoax was invented by none other than a Clinton dirty tricks department, and it was taken up by the very left leaning mainstream press owned by billionaires. Billionaires in the world today have learned how to make themselves immune from left wing criticism by pretending that they are socialists themselves. Rather perversely, the modern oligarch supports left wing causes like HIGW, while living in their mansions in gated communities, chugging around in their super yachts, and flying everywhere in their private jets. As PT Barnum said "There's a Steelredux born every minute." Rich people portraying themselves as social justice warriors has many benefits. To start with, they can assuage any guilt they have at being super rich by usually being the inheritors of their families wealth. Another, they realise that governments making idiotic decisions based upon presumed moral imperatives instead of hard headed economic reality can give them massive opportunities to mine the rivers of gold called "public spending." One wonders that if the ethnic minority revolution they seem so determined to provoke in the western world ever eventuates, they think it will make them immune from the guillotine? So, very bad "journalist" hacks can make themselves rich and can enhance their social standing with the ever increasing, self flagellating "woke" crowd by pushing the social justice warrior line. The top echelons of the ABC are rolling in money. While one would think that private enterprise journos would be more attuned to being what journos are supposed to be, fearless seekers of the truth, it can be much more lucrative to their careers, and enhance their social standing in their own peer group, suck up to their billionaire bosses, be activists themselves, and be fearless promoters of leftist propaganda. Posted by LEGO, Thursday, 18 November 2021 12:42:28 PM
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A few corrections:
SR, "There is no indication whatsoever that it was with the knowledge or consent of her aboriginal mother " There is if you bother to look. "I have no issue with seeing her as being part of the thousands and thousands of Aboriginal children who were taken from their Aboriginal parent/s." And I have no problem seeing you as one of those who've completely misunderstood the meaning of "stolen". LEGO, "Thank you Hasbeen, for pointing out the similarity of the "Trump-Russia collusion" hoax to the "Stolen Generation(s)" hoax" That was moi. "people like Steelredux, continue to think.." I dispute that. This probably isn't the place to discuss the Trump-Russia hoax. A new thread would probably be order. But quickly, the Durham revelations are showing that a fable that was completely fictitious could be used to bamboozle well over half the US electorate and stymie changes that were disadvantageous to that nation's elites. Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 18 November 2021 2:28:21 PM
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Dear mhaze,
The fact you haven't rolled it out is telling. Either that or it is from a Bolt piece. Come on cough up. You are the one asserting this. Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 18 November 2021 3:58:40 PM
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You really want me to explain 'stolen'? Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 18 November 2021 4:43:39 PM
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Ion Idriess claimed that the tribal practices of aboriginal people over the whole top half of Australia were almost identical.
He wrote that aboriginal tribal society was a gerontocracy where the Old Men were the real power in the tribe. They owned all the women and demanded and got the best cuts of meat. Young girls were "stolen" from their mothers at puberty and given to the Old Men as wives. When a middle aged man was destined by the Old Men to become a future Old Man leader , he attended a ceremony where an Old Man displayed a baby female and declared that all females born of that baby would become wives to the middle aged man. Young boys were "stolen" from their mothers before puberty and made to live in lodges with older boys, who taught them how to track and hunt. They were never allowed to speak to their mothers or sisters again. Young men as they went through life were subject to a series of painful and degrading ceremonies held under the supervision of the Old Men. This was to terrorise the young men and boys into absolute obedience to the Old Men. Especially keeping their hands off the girls. These ceremonies apparently included homosexual rape, as Australia's famous Fred Hollow got into trouble with the homosexual community for saying that if aboriginal people did not stop "certain practices, there would soon be no aborigines at all." Apparently, the Australian homosexual community think that initiating young boys into society by having unprotected anal sex with them is a great idea. Idriess claimed that one of the reasons why there was little frontier warfare at the time of white settlement on the scale of the Indian wars in the USA, was because the young make and female aborigines, saw in the coming of the white man, the chance of a better life. On the frontier they were needed. The girls as cooks, domestic help, exceptional stockwomen, and the wives of lonely frontier white men. The boys as exceptional stockman, fencers, and teamsters. Posted by LEGO, Thursday, 18 November 2021 7:42:32 PM
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Lego, all very true. Not very palatable for the present generation of academic apologists.
David Posted by VK3AUU, Friday, 19 November 2021 12:21:17 AM
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Read 'By Flood & Field' by Alfred Searcy !
Posted by individual, Friday, 19 November 2021 7:00:44 AM
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Also, the very first account of contact by Europeans with the the Darnley Islanders is eye-opening reading. Not the Macfarlane account, the one written in 1795 by the survivors.
Posted by individual, Sunday, 21 November 2021 8:13:59 AM