The Forum > Article Comments > Antisemitic EU & ECRI policies on Israel cannot be whitewashed > Comments
Antisemitic EU & ECRI policies on Israel cannot be whitewashed : Comments
By David Singer, published 14/10/2021ECRI's choice of the phrase 'Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories' is itself a manifestation of antisemitism, denying Jews have the right to reconstitute their national homeland in any part of Judea and Samaria.
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Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 14 October 2021 10:02:10 AM
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I agree with the author on one point:
Other occupiers who conquered adjoining lands by military force, ought to be treated and sanctioned in the exact manner as Israel. ESPECIALLY CHINA! This is neither antisemitism nor antisinoism, this is the rejection of military occupation by anyone (yes, including the American brutal occupation and annexation of Hawaii). Possibly SOME of the resisters to Israel's occupation are indeed anti-Semites: that's regrettable, but their actions nevertheless remain positive and should help Israel to come back to itself, withdraw and heal from the terrible effects of its 1967 occupation. Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 14 October 2021 2:26:21 PM
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You don't have any moral right to bulldoze anyone's house.
You're the one who's racist against the people known as Palestinians. Stop screaming antisemite when all you do is rob and pillage from others. You did it to the Palenstinians and you do it to Americans. And you do it to anyway you can, always screaming the victim with your sights set on what you can gain. Your ways are like cancer. Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 14 October 2021 4:32:57 PM
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Dear Armchair Critic,
Indeed. He really is a toxic individual but it is to such a degree he has become OLO's Punch and Judy show. Kind of horrific in his own right but i m continually finding him more and more laughable. Apparently now even the most basic of statements such as "Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories" is itself a manifestation of antisemitism". Even the most hardcore of Singers supporters on OLO surely have to baulk at that one. For a further bit of levity: Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 14 October 2021 8:33:46 PM
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And also in keeping with this pathetic article: Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 14 October 2021 8:44:52 PM
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And for something just in from B'Tselem but a little less amusing:
"The harvest season has only just begun, and already we have documented 11 cases in which settlers attacked Palestinian families who came to harvest their trees, cut down and uprooted about 300 olive trees, harvested Palestinian-owned olive trees and stole equipment (four of the incidents were recorded even before the season began). In the photo: Olive trees cut down by settlers near a-Tuwani and discovered on Monday (45 olive trees, in addition to 27 almond trees, 11 vines, and 16 sabra bushes)." Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 14 October 2021 9:29:23 PM
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#Alan B, #Yuyutsu, #Armchair Critic, #Steele Critic
Right on cue - all of you - the Jew-hating choir singing its poisonous Jew-hating chorus on OLO - deny that Jews have any right to live in any part of Judea and Samaria - the ancient and biblical homeland of the Jewish People - and the right to reconstitute the Jewish National Home there - under the authority vested in them to do so by the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine and article 80 of the United Nations Charter. You are accompanied by an orchestra made up of the PLO, Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Iran, the United Nations, the Arab League and European Union who share your vile viewpoint. The United Nations is especially to be condemned - playing out of tune - as it does - in violating the terms of its own Charter. You do not reveal your real names - and for good reason. Preaching - as you do - the abhorrent principles of Jew-hatred, apartheid and racism would not look very good on your CV's and your friends, neighbours and workmates might be shocked to learn you harbour such a view. You are entitled to sing your song of hate - as I am to condemn and expose it and those who seem totally consumed by it. Wallow in your Jew-hatred anonymous cowards - whoever you are and wherever you live. Posted by david singer, Saturday, 16 October 2021 7:36:50 AM
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Singer you present as deranged. Get some help.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Saturday, 16 October 2021 10:55:50 AM
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Dear David,
«all of you - the Jew-hating choir singing its poisonous Jew-hating chorus on OLO - deny that Jews have any right to live in any part of Judea and Samaria» Excuse me, but why have you included my name on that list? I never claimed that Jews may not live in the West Bank, nor do I hold such view: in fact I invited you time and again to go and live there and make it your Jewish homeland to your heart's content, it's all yours to grab. I only requested one thing of you: go live there yourself, take responsibility for your actions and whatever results, without disturbing the state of Israel, do not entangle it and its citizens in your pursuits! If Arabs have 22 states (or whatever that changing number is now), then why could Jews not have just two?! Posted by Yuyutsu, Saturday, 16 October 2021 10:46:24 PM
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"Right on cue - all of you - the Jew-hating choir singing its poisonous Jew-hating chorus on OLO - deny that Jews have any right to live in any part of Judea and Samaria - the ancient and biblical homeland of the Jewish People - and the right to reconstitute the Jewish National Home there - under the authority vested in them to do so by the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine and article 80 of the United Nations Charter."
Rabble rabble rabble, blah blah blah David, you're full of shite mate. The UN Charter ARTICLE 1 ITEM 2 recognises the right of self determination. We can all click the link, we can all read it, right here: The moment that document was signed, all your other agreements became NULL AND VOID, - Palestinians ALREADY LIVING THERE had a recognised right to decide for themselves their own future. This -signed in 1945, was BEFORE the establishment of Israel in '48. The UN Charter precedes the establishment of Israel David. Do you not understand this? Are you mentally retarded? Do you brain cells not communicate with each other? Whats wrong with you David? Why are your leaps of logic all wrong? So it don't matter whether Palestine didn't specifically exist as a country under Ottoman rule, the previous agreements you cite don't matter anymore, and your League of Nations no longer exists. - It's like calling my current electricity company and saying I had a deal with SEQEB 30 years ago, and that they should honour it. Even the Balfour declaration which you cite states specifically that: 'it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of non-Jewish communities in Palestine' DOES IT NOT DAVID? (They called it Palestine oh my goodness) Anyone can click the link and read the original David. All you are is a blabbering moron, in my opinion. Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 17 October 2021 8:00:14 PM
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You are the ones who wanted to plonk your donk back in your claimed 'biblical homeland' and it's been nothing but ENDLESS DEATH and a cancer on the planet ever since.
And you want to tell everyone else what they can and cant do or say in their own countries as well, so I say just pick one already and be done with it, - if you care about Israel so much GO BACK THERE because I don't really care for you telling me what I can or can't do or say in my own country when your national loyalties lie elsewhere first. Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 17 October 2021 8:06:54 PM
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Dear Critic,
«if you care about Israel so much GO BACK THERE» David Singer does not belong in Israel, I doubt he ever even visited it, he is not an Israeli citizen and doesn't care for the state of Israel or its citizens. He likes Israel only so long as it does his bidding, if it carries out all the heavy lifting for his so-called-Jewish ideas and pays in blood, sweat and tears for the fulfillment of his private ambitions: for Jews (an amorphous cohort which he declines to define) to control the maximal area of Israel and its surrounds, which if you believe the Bible, was ever held by Jews/Israelites for no more than 100 years, 3000 years ago. No, Israel does not need more people like him. As far as I am concerned, he may settle in the West Bank with his friends, establish another Jewish state there if he can or otherwise experience the consequences of his actions. And why would he even want to come to Israel anyway while he considers about half of its citizens, those who disagree with his ideas and ambitions, to be anti-Semites? Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 18 October 2021 1:16:28 AM
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Hey Yuyutsu,
I believe everybody has a right to live however they choose so long as it doesn't harm others. - Both Jews and Palestinians included. People call me antisemitic and all sorts of things because I don't agree with their point of view, but lucky for me I don't even care what they say, I'll say what I think anyway. Do you see how if I hold the basic beliefs I do (as above) - That what Israel does would be a problem to me - per my beliefs? Nothing to do with being an anti-semite specifically; I'm openly honest in my criticism of religions; I've criticised just about all of the common ones at one time or another. I don't care for Jewish religious beliefs and I don't care for Islamic beliefs either. I find flaws in things based on ethics. I even criticise Christianity sometimes as well, but I recognise all the religions probably have bits of good in them too. I know you care about what happens in Israel, that's fair enough. I care just as much what happens in the world because of Israel. Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 18 October 2021 1:49:39 AM
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You state: "I never claimed that Jews may not live in the West Bank, nor do I hold such view" Well you do. "I would make Israel withdraw within one month. Any Israeli living in the West Bank will have the option: return to Israel and receive financial compensation for their home/business in the West Bank (and have all their goods and household items trucked back for free), or remain there and lose their Israeli citizenship. Then build a strong and tall wall over Israel's [pre-1967] border line. Then whatever happens over the other side of the wall, however the cards fall between the Jewish settlers and "Palestinians" will be left for them to settle and no longer be any of Israel's business: Good riddance of both!" The attempt to paper over your Jew-hatred is pathetic - as is further evidenced by your refusal to accept that Israel is the Jewish National Home. Posted by david singer, Monday, 18 October 2021 9:46:05 AM
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Last Thursday night.
"Israeli soldiers killed, on Thursday at night, a Palestinian child, and abducted another near Beit Jala city, west of Bethlehem, in the occupied West Bank. Local sources said the soldiers fired many live rounds at two Palestinian children in the Be’er Owna area in Beit Jala city, killing one. The slain Palestinian child has been identified as Amjad Osama Jalal Abu Sultan, 15, from the Hindaza Mountain area, southeast of Bethlehem. They added that the soldiers abducted another child, identified as Mohammad Khalil ‘ Al-Arouj, 14, and took him to an interrogation facility. In a short statement, the Israeli army claimed the soldiers opened fire at the Palestinians when they “tried to hurl Molotov cocktails at the Tunnels Road,” connecting the Gush Etzion colony with occupied Jerusalem." Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 18 October 2021 12:47:01 PM
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Dear Critic,
You claim to be honest in your criticism of religions, and I believe you are. However, this means that you are misinformed about religion, because religion never harms others, since harming others would be an affront to their common Maker! What you see and are critical of, is rather the shameful abuse of religion, hitching on religion for ulterior motives, especially ethnic/national motives, not religion itself. Specifically, Jewish teachings tell that God gave the land to the people of Israel, on condition that they follow His commandments. When they failed to keep His commandments, despite being warned about it time and again by the prophets, God took their land away. Jews continue to pray three times daily for God to pardon their transgressions and return them the land, but then it is up to Him whether and when to forgive, not for people to preempt His judgement by trying to grab the land by force. Please note also, that Israel's 1967 conquest and subsequent occupation was conducted by irreligious socialist Labor governments, and the real driving force behind the occupation was the greed of the thief, Moshe Dayan, to raid new archaeological sites in the West Bank and Golan Heights to increase his private archaeological-artifact collection in his backyard. This you call "religion"? --- Dear David, If this is what you read in the quoted paragraphs from my earlier post, then I suggest that you might require reading-glasses. Nothing there says that Jews should not live in the West-Bank, only that Israel and its citizens should be kept out of it. Israel belongs to its citizens and not to anybody else. You seem to be walking around it like a hungry lion in a cage, but Israel is not yours to eat! Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 18 October 2021 1:14:44 PM
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#Armchair Critic
You state: "The UN Charter precedes the establishment of Israel David. Do you not understand this? Are you mentally retarded? Do you brain cells not communicate with each other? Whats wrong with you David? Why are your leaps of logic all wrong?" Article 80 of the UN Charter is the article which preserves the right of the Jewish People to reconstitute the Jewish National Home in Palestine as mandated by the League of Nations. It was specifically included in the UN Charter so that Jew-haters like you could not make the following moronic assertion that you do: "So it don't matter whether Palestine didn't specifically exist as a country under Ottoman rule, the previous agreements you cite don't matter anymore, and your League of Nations no longer exists. - It's like calling my current electricity company and saying I had a deal with SEQEB 30 years ago, and that they should honour it." Article 80 preserved the rights given to the Jewish People under the League of Nations Mandate. They have never been extinguished or withdrawn Article 80 is alive and kicking today and validates the right of the Jewish people to reconstitute the Jewish National Home in Judea and Samaria. Yes - there was a deal and the UN obligated itself to honour the deal. That it has sought to get out of the deal is one reason the UN is regarded as a joke today as UN members act in violation of their own Charter. You are a joke too - talking a lot of nonsense that exposes you as being so consumed by your Jew-hatred that you cannot separate fact from fiction. Posted by david singer, Monday, 18 October 2021 2:57:23 PM
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#Armchair Critic (Part 2)
You further state: " Even the Balfour declaration which you cite states specifically that: 'it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of non-Jewish communities in Palestine' DOES IT NOT DAVID?" Yes it does indeed. Please note however it does not make mention of any "political rights" - only "civil and religious rights" for the non-Jewish communities. The only mention of "political rights" is "the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country" which were not to be prejudiced by the Mandate. Also note the Arab residents of Palestine were not recognized as the "Palestinians" at the time - only as comprising part of the "existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine" of which there were many. It was not until 1964 that these Arab residents unilaterally decided to define themselves exclusively as the "Palestinians" - when fools like you jumped in and starting using that term without knowing when and where it originated. Nor are you apparently aware it excluded Jews, non-Arab Christians and non-Arab Moslems - racism and apartheid at its worst which you so shamefully support. Arguing with a biased Jew-hating brainwashed ignoramus like yourself is a waste of time. One thing that is clearly established is that you don't know what you are talking about. You would do better to crawl back under your cloak of anonymity. Posted by david singer, Monday, 18 October 2021 3:02:15 PM
Second of all, the rights of returning and resettling Jews, do not trump those of other sons and daughters of Abraham who never left! And that's the only area of whitewashing in relation to this issue, that's occurring
Alan B.