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Interstate migration: behind the headlines : Comments

By Ross Elliott, published 3/9/2021

Interstate migration is one of those news stories that media networks love because of the easy headlines and 'human interest' angles.

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This needs to b slowed down! So the required infrastructure can be rolled out before the exodus, not after as hospitals schools are overcome. And the cost of housing at a whopping 14% per, etc, are pumped up by unprecedented demand!

Let them resettle if they've to got guaranteed jobs to come to. Not have them move then live on welfare as others struggle to afford housing!

Those jobs cannot include a veritable army of real estate, commission earning agents and sales staff. All salivating over the commissions they'd earn from unprecedented sales and prices.

These prices would remain more contained and affordable if commission sales were forbidden and replaced by fixed prices for service and managed by salaried staff only!

I wouldn't mind too much if they came up to take those jobs we haven't been able to fill, out in rural and regional Queensland!

Finally, you can always tell a Victorian, but you can't tell them very much.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 3 September 2021 12:34:51 PM
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I hope they keep coming so I can use some pricing arbitage to move to Tasmania. I tried moving to NZ but left that too late when I started looking 2 yeaes ago, as housing there is now statospheric. SE Qld is mostly doomed from climate change
Posted by Valley Guy, Saturday, 4 September 2021 1:03:52 PM
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VG. It might get warmer here? But if it does arctic/southern ocean and roaring forties winds will quite massively strengthen and expand northward and blow NZ, i.e., the shakey isles and Tassie away?

Suggest you head west and to much higher ground as the more sensible option?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 5 September 2021 12:44:54 PM
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There's a high disillusionment rate with interstate migrants. I understand in the case of Queensland that is often due to humidity. In the case of Tasmania it's dealing with grey skies and narrow roads perhaps 300 days a year. Couples who move to rural areas find one half yearns for the city after a while so wherever they go someone is unhappy. In my observation the regret rate could be as high as 50% within 5 years for mainlanders moving to Tasmania.

Also for Tasmania some migrants seem to regard it as a refuge with more food and energy security. Other general issues with interstate migration include access to health care, lack of schools for young children, lack of visits by adult children, capital gains tax for those who move often and uncertain employment.
Posted by Taswegian, Monday, 6 September 2021 8:57:04 AM
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