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How Afghanistan will influence geo-politics in the region : Comments

By Murray Hunter, published 25/8/2021

The US withdrawal from Afghanistan has left a massive geo-political vacuum.

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...God, said Dan, slapping the palm of his scrawny right hand against his aching forehead. Buy the book!

Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 25 August 2021 9:56:03 AM
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The story of Afghanistan is for us, far from over! These (Satans servants) folk are born and bred terrorists! Drug dealers, hostage-taking people traffickers and use an extreme form of (malignant cancer) Islam, seen nowhere else, as protection from other Islamic states and believers!

If the Islamic world is prepared to live with this vile corruption of Islamic belief in its midst? Then it needs to prepare to wear the inevitable consequences for all of, tarred with the same brush, Islam!

And the inevitable nuclear war between competing ideologies!?

WE for our part need to rearm ASAP, as if our very survival as a Christian idealogy depended on it and total defence, self-sufficiency!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 25 August 2021 11:08:52 AM
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A useful informed overview. Bloomberg 25/8 enlarges on a consideration you raise, “China Eyes Afghanistan’s $1 Trillion of Minerals With Risky Bet on Taliban”.
“at the cutting edge of a modern economy driven by advancements in high-tech chips and large-capacity batteries that are made with a range of minerals, including rare earths. And Afghanistan is sitting on deposits estimated to be worth $1 trillion or more, including what may be the world’s largest lithium reserves –
Leaders of the militant group have said they want good international relations, particularly with China. Officials and state-run media in Beijing have softened the ground for closer ties, with the Communist Party-backed Global Times reporting that Chinese investment is likely to be “widely accepted” in Afghanistan. Another report argued the “the U.S. is in no position to meddle with any potential cooperation between China and Afghanistan, including on rare earths.
Posted by Leslie, Wednesday, 25 August 2021 12:12:48 PM
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The only thing Australia has to do about Afghanistan from now on is, keep the hell out of it, and don't place too much reliance on Biden US.

According to something I read last night, there are quite a few warlords who have no time for the Taliban, and are gearing up to resist them. Leave to them to deal with things the way they always did without foreign interference. We don't have to like the way they do things. It's none of our business. And, we are bringing a parcel of strife down on ourselves by bring Afghan "refugees" here. Our politicians and their minders will never learn. They are the ones we should be sending overseas.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 25 August 2021 12:45:05 PM
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Meanwhile Australian CCPA or Chinese Communist Party of Australia members are encouraging & assisting Xi-Jing Ping to colonise the entire planet.

Is QLD Premier Xi-Jing Ping Palashay "keeping us safe" by selling several Barrier Reef islands to Admirals in the Communist Chinese Navy?
Posted by imacentristmoderate, Friday, 27 August 2021 2:52:00 AM
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