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The Forum > Article Comments > Legal concerns about the emergency powers exercised under COVID-19 > Comments

Legal concerns about the emergency powers exercised under COVID-19 : Comments

By Andrea Tokaji, published 11/8/2021

As a refugee child from a Communist Dictatorship Regime, a lawyer, law lecturer, human rights advocate and lobbyist, I've had some legal concerns in relation to the current lock-downs.

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Australia is NOT in 'the middle of a (sic) biochemical warfare with China'.
We are battling to control the same lab-concocted virus that every other country is, including China.
And yes, according to currently-accepted wisdom, China was the first country to report its presence, but that does not mean it originated in China.
And it does not mean that China is engaging in biowarfare with Australia, or with anyone else. China did not and is not releasing this virus intentionally, which is what biowarfare would entail.
The author has made some worthwhile points, but ending her article with this fearmongering hyperbole tends to invalidate all that's gone before.
Posted by Bronwyn, Wednesday, 11 August 2021 12:17:54 PM
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As for vaccinations? Wouldn't make them mandatory, but you'd need an up to date vaccination passport/certificate to get on a train, plane, or any other form of public transport or into any entertainment venue, pub, club, shopping precinct, or school ground etc!

And if ignored could cost the licensee their licence to trade, conduct or operate any future commercial enterprise!

Nonetheless, you'd remain free to refuse any vaccination, be it against whooping cough, polio, smallpox, scarlet fever and so on! But a greater freedom than that, would be a freedom to leave the country ASAP and never return!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 11 August 2021 12:28:23 PM
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Why bother with "legal concerns", picking out issues with this or that particular mandate?
Why choose this worst of all times to complain, when a pandemic is rampant: where was the author in previous years?

If you accept the legitimacy of the existence of states as they stand, then the rest follows automatically, because states by nature are predators and predators do what they are best designed for - to prey on the weak!

If you consider the state to be legitimate then do not complain of what they do because it is their nature to do so - and if you understand that states are, violent and therefore illegitimate by nature, then do not complain either because it is not going to help anyway:
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 11 August 2021 2:37:48 PM
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Many of the totally frustrated arrive at the sharp end of decision called anarchy,
for many and varied reasons.
I’m a bit perplexed, but otherwise very interested to know how you got there.

Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 11 August 2021 7:05:50 PM
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Lockdowns delay the inevitable, destroy small and medium sized businesses, allow the Australian Treasurer Frydenberg to provide corporate welfare no questions asked yet harass those getting unemployment benefits who might be overpaid $10 a week. This Cdn site provides a wide range of opinions on this pandemic.
Posted by Francesca, Wednesday, 11 August 2021 8:34:57 PM
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Dear Dan,

«I’m a bit perplexed, but otherwise very interested to know how you got there.»

By faith and logic:

The first observance in Hinduism (akin to the Bible's 10 commandments) is non-violence ("ahimsa"). One cannot even begin to approach God while hurting others (who are, in Christian terms, His children). While none of us is a perfectly non-violent saint, at least we should try.

Controlling others against their will, ordering them what to do and not do, is hurtful, is injurious, it instills fear, so one should do their best to avoid it.

If a group of people takes control and threatens everyone who lives in a given land to obey them or else, then this is violence, no matter what the group calls itself. Had participation in that group been voluntary this could be different, but as it stands, participation in the group which calls itself "The State", is not - not just in Australia but throughout the globe. Some such groups are relatively better (i.e. less violent and fearful) than others, but still, such behaviour is unacceptable.

As spiritual seekers we should not stoop down to their level telling others how to behave, especially those who are not interested in God thus would not listen anyway, yet we ourselves who know better, should keep away from bad company, not benefit from it nor cooperate with evil.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 12 August 2021 7:36:37 AM
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