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How does God work in the world? : Comments
By Peter Sellick, published 2/7/2021If you start reading the bible from the beginning, you will find that God is very busy. He creates the world (twice) has conversations with Adam and Eve, floods the earth, calls Abraham, etc
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Posted by VK3AUU, Friday, 2 July 2021 9:52:40 AM
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One wonders what kind of religiously illiterate though bubble and century Peter supposedly lives in - probably the mid 19th!
All of the many "god's" created by the human mind, whether single as in mono-theism, or plural as in polytheism,and whether male or female in their naming are creations/projections of the collective tribal/cultic ego of those who created and "worship them. Sinners, especially in their collective form always create hell on earth. Even more so when the collective numbers in the billions as is the case with both christian-ism and islam-ism - have you read the news? All "god"-ideas, especially those of the monotheistic type have been created by intrinsically Godless self-possessed egos. As such they reduce the Living Divine Reality to the fear-saturated mortal human scale thus effectively making the Living Divine Reality into the slave of the collective tribal/cultic ego. The tribalistic cultic ego then uses their "god" to justify all of the inevitable horrors that egoic collective inevitably create. Meanwhile I quite like the understanding of the Gospel of Jesus, and of culture altogether featured on this more-than-wonderful website. Spirit-killing left brained narcissus now rules to here! Posted by Daffy Duck, Friday, 2 July 2021 11:28:22 AM
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How does God work in the world, Peter?
Hang on a sec, I'll ask him. I believe by inspiring each and every human with worthy goals that improve the quality of life for all mankind/life! But never ever with a set of immutable rules that allow any human to demand obedience to this or that organised allegiance! But expressly with those who peddle patent propaganda that is at complete odds with the mighty irrefutable truth! Simply put, one cannot, must not own one's facts! But if serving his or her God? Is made a servant of the truth and unconditional love, before all else! As I look around I can only see a weeping Jesus weeping with profound grief, despairing head in hands, at what we've done with his unconditional love and sacrifice, in his name! Who would ask, who gave you the right to persecute or kill in my name!? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Friday, 2 July 2021 11:59:47 AM
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The Christian religion would be more plausible if it got rid of its beliefs in God and all the phony saints.
David Posted by VK3AUU, Friday, 2 July 2021 12:45:36 PM
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Dear David,
«The Christian religion would be more plausible if it got rid of its beliefs in God and all the phony saints.» You mean like the Delta variant - more infectious but less virulent? Religion is not a social club, it must serve its practitioners and serve them best, most effectively, rather than cater for popularity, especially among those who are anyway not suited or unqualified. Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 2 July 2021 1:33:16 PM
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There is a soon to be published book which is upsetting some people.
It is "Did Mohammad Exist ?" It looks at the history etc. It might be an interesting read. Posted by Bazz, Friday, 2 July 2021 1:55:54 PM
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A good friend has remarked that my article infers that the Trinity was proposed as an explanation with the modern difficulty with God's actions in the physical world. He is right, it was not. It is interesting though, that the doctrine is more useful that its originators had thought.
Posted by Sells, Friday, 2 July 2021 4:58:39 PM
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The question is: How does God work in the world!
Judging by the majority of replies above, he doesn’t work in the world at all, since that majority scoff at the mere idea God exists at all. So this question only applies to believers. That particular group of believers can be further dissected into two categories, those that truely believe, and those that proffer their religion as a status symbol of goodness, and are not actually true believers in the real sense. It was customary in early history, to look for symbolic representations of Gods hand in daily life, through signs of his will and wish. Superstition. Thankfully, the modern world has moved into the enlightened age of reasoning, mostly using science, particularly of physics, to sort out the confusion superstition caused, and to explain previously inexplicable phenomena such as volcanics, plagues, pestilences and weather events. So what is left? The true believer. They are identifiable to God alone, since that condition requires the alignment of harmony between another triad, the body the sole and the spirit, which is connected to the will of God. That roughly answers the question in the Christian sense. Dan Posted by diver dan, Friday, 2 July 2021 5:52:28 PM
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Saw a picture the other day of a mother telling her upset little daughter "your imaginary friend is not real" !
The next photo showed them both sitting in church, mother with bowed head & little daughter looking perplexed ! Posted by individual, Friday, 2 July 2021 8:37:54 PM
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Is the author still around ? Posted by individual, Friday, 2 July 2021 8:42:04 PM
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Individua; Yes for now. he sometimes has a Youtube debate with an imman.
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 2 July 2021 10:33:18 PM
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Well, one can see Satan's hand in many of today's outcomes and some of the foregoing commentary? Dan's unrequited hate is inspired by the latter, in my view.
Therefore, it then follows that the God of unconditional love also exists? And is everywhere present! While life may not be a bowl of cookies for many right now? They are where they are meant to be and in a situation, they've earned somewhere at some time? And may need to return time and again to absorb the lessons life is laying on them. Albeit, there is a finite limit to all those second chances to be a good person for no other reason than, it is the right thing to aspire to be! When you are on the bottom? Say as a 78-year cripple and on your own (over twenty solitary years now) and housebound! The only way left is up! And what doesn't kill you? Only makes you stronger! At life's end, there will be a day of judgment for all! And that judge the hardest judge of all! That judge is the guy or gal you see in the mirror and the only one who knows everything you've done, including what is in your heart! The latter is what really matters! I say this as a returning eyewitness! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Friday, 2 July 2021 10:42:16 PM
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I read an article in a spiritual U tube blog, about a wealthy Canadian businessman, who got very sick was rushed to hospital where he lay clinically dead for 11 long minutes!
His story validated by publically available hospital records. During the time he was clinically dead he saw both heaven and hell! And pure, totally terrifying, evil! Saw that the latter was his destination and begged Jesus to be forgiven. His rare second chance at life sees a changed man and on the public speaking tour, retelling, again and again, his eyewitness account of not just a near-death experience, but that of an actual crossing of the life and death divide. And comes back to witness that everything just does not ends when you die! And will suffer the consequences of how you did or did not conduct your life! Some deluded folk believe if you just sit and meditate and be a part-time good person is good enough to get to the promised land? And sweep away earned Karma? While nobody is perfect! And many make many, many mistakes along the way!? At the end of the day, it's what's in your heart that matters and one needs to be able to forgive and move on if one doesn't want to be hurtling headlong into hell? 11 MINUTES CLINICALLY DEAD AND RETURNS TO BEAR WITNESS AS A RETURNING EYEWITNESS! AND ASSURES US THAT THERE ARE VERY REAL AND ETERNAL CONSEQUENCES FOR THE WAY YOU CONDUCT YOURSELF HERE IN THE PHYSICAL REALM! UNDERSTAND JUST THIS MUCH, IT'S NOT ALL ABOUT YOU AND YOURS! BUT WHAT DO WITH ALL THE CONFERRED ADVANTAGES! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 4 July 2021 11:45:31 AM
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"Besides, we have no reason to believe that the laws of physics did not rule in biblical times and hence God did not intervene in the physical processes of the world back then as now."
Parting the water to allow the crossing of Red sea. Now that would've be a sight wouldn't it? - Assuming the fire and brimstone version is to be believed; We can't let facts get in the way of a good story, right? - Chinese whispers, essentially - There was a small point along that waterway which could be crossed on a king tide. Maybe the water still flowed but became ankle-deep for a few hours, which allowed the crossing, but not for the pursuers when the tide was flowing back in. Some of the things in the bible probably have a historical significance. Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 4 July 2021 11:34:25 PM
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Alan, during our lives we have all seen paintings done in the times
of the Italian well known artists, Their painting of Hell are certainly like what your visionary saw when he was dead. Their paintings reinforced the Churches teachings. Do you think that the Canadian businessman's brain knowing it was dying, conjured up a vision based on those Italian paintings ? Posted by Bazz, Monday, 5 July 2021 8:35:31 AM
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Sorry for the no show for the last couple of months. I've been busy upgrading my new home & I've had a prostrate problem that I've beaten. PSA: .4 to 10 to .014 in six months. We'll see what the future brings.
Now the God thing. It really doesn't seem to matter which kind of Religion it is, Monotheism or Polytheism, or, any of the variants of those two, of which there are many & sub-groups of sub-groups of each of those. It's all the same. It just boils down to each variant’s "Dogma" & how they treat miscreants of their particular "Dogmas." I have been doing my Genealogy & discovered something amazing. Now, I already knew that one of my early ancestors was Mary Magdalene, through the Mergovian Kings. That doesn't mean Jesus was a descendent. It means that MM's descendants were. I have two lines that meet up in Scandinavia. One from the Stewarts & track sideways (MM). The ones that I'm interested are from William the Conqueror (Stewarts, also) & Somerled, (Donald’s) My Grandmother was a Donald. Both these lines meet up in Scandinavia then track back to Xerxes 1 in Persia. So what's so great about that. I hear you ask. Well, he was married to Ester, of the Bible. Ester was the 19th. descendant of Benjamin of the Bible. I know her father then there is a skip of 7 to the next known then there are 10 known to Benjamin. Multiple Jewish, Christian & Islamic Sites are working on the missing 10. Now i will give you a rundown of descendants from there. Don't worry, there is a reason for this. Cont Posted by Jayb, Friday, 9 July 2021 12:20:21 PM
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Benjamin, Jacob, Issac, Abraham, Terah, Nahor, Serug, Rehu, Peleg, Eber, Shelah, Arpachshad, Shem. I little explanation here. Shem is the Youngest of Noah's sons. He was persuaded to marry young. His wife was the result of a coupling of a human Woman & a Nephilim. The tall skinny ones. It's all there in Chronicles & Numbers. Interesting. Ay. Then it's Noah, Lamech, Methuselah, Enoch, Jarod. Mahalalel, Keman, Enosh, Seth, & lastly Adam. Then of course God. God is my 123rd. Great, great Grandfather. WOW! Some interesting things in the early writings. God had a wife. Eh What! Yes he did, & she started to disappear from 600 BC to 300 BC in the Jewish scriptures. She was removed altogether from Christian Scripture by the Septuagint. Her name, Asherah. Adam, also had a pre-wife. Lilith, yes, she does also get a mention in the early writings. Apparently, God created them using both hands to mold. Persons, from the same Clay, at the same time. She objected to being Second to Adam, as she was created at the same time & therefore an equal. Adam didn’t like that so he sent her away. Lilith coupled with Cane to produce off-spring. Then God created Eve from Adams Rib & she had to be subservient to Adam. It's all there in the early writings. Although, it is refused but still included by the three Monotheist Sects. Lilith also disappeared between 600 BC & 300 BC. I have come to the conclusion that Genesis; Chronical & Numbers are the related remembering of one particular set of peoples. As in the Dreamtime & African Tribes relating their Ancestors back thousands of years. Apparently, some special people have that knowledge. The Australian & African, & for most other early Religious Beliefs throughout the World trace their Ancestry to one or other Sky People. or, I'd put it, back from there has been lost. Really, it all boils down to an attempt by early man to explain his surrounding once there started to be an intelligible language & curiosity. Posted by Jayb, Friday, 9 July 2021 12:30:54 PM
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Dear Jayb,
However interesting these stories about deities, their wives and the like are, they are not about God. If true at all, then these must be just gods with a small 'g' and as much as we can be fond of them, they are limited and not worthy of worship. Similarly, the telling of these stories is a matter of culture, not religion. I will not go into whether or not these stories are true, there may also be some merit in them too, just let us keep our perspective please. Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 9 July 2021 1:04:25 PM
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Yuyutsu: the telling of these stories is a matter of culture, not religion. I will not go into whether or not these stories are true, there may also be some merit in them too, just let us keep our perspective please.
I have no problem with that. It was the gist of my story. The Torah, Bible, Koran, The Indian Stories of their Gods etc are just Local Cultural Stories. Nothing more. There is no Primevil God, Supreme Being or any other unknown higher Creator Being. The Stories of how Man came to be, are primative peoples examples of where everything came from. These stories are sacred to the People, Culture & places they come from. How does God work in the World? God doesn't. Man does. Man, tries to force Man's Beliefs, Culture & Stories on other People. This is where it all goes wrong. It has nothing to do with a, non-existant, God. Man creates Good & Bad in the form of Power over other Peoples. By the way if find that the Jewish Tribe traces it history from one Man named Yehwah & a Woman named Asherah about 3958 BC. Posted by Jayb, Friday, 9 July 2021 3:27:56 PM