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Some concluding thoughts about climate change : Comments
By Don Aitkin, published 28/6/2021I became more and more sceptical as I read on, explored much more stuff and then started to give addresses and write essays on the subject.
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The average concentration of CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere is 0.04%. Man-made CO2 represents between 3 – 4% of that.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 28 June 2021 12:09:46 PM
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Don, you have written many coal-fired essays and articles. And showed how in a waning cycle your "logical rational" made the world much, much warmer!
Or if you will, white is really black? Verily I say unto you, the world is flat? And not the first time scholars and men of letters have so postulated? Relying exclusively on the alphabet soup after their names to persuade the usual dropkicks of the veracity of their impeccable arguments And an interesting expose of your "sound mind" and intellectual capacity? That said, none of what you now write, as the devil's advocate, is worth a pinch of it! Given all the important decisions pertaining to climate change and how we confront it? Will be made in boardrooms around the world! As will how punitive the carbon tariffs need to become? Before the coal/fossil fuel industry gets with the program? But hey don't let that reality stop you from writing or sliding down the "moonbeams' of your mind? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Monday, 28 June 2021 12:33:03 PM
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Don, This is a repeat from another thread.
This link may give you some info and also Hendik Svenmark originated as far as I know the work on Cosmic Rays and clouds. The steady rise in temperature since late 18th century fits this observed history rather well. For Alan B and Lego; Alan your advocacy of Thorium could be a winner, I just have no knowledge of that. Lego, the current cycle is about 600 years and the previous cycle seems to be around 1000 years. The reason it changes is because it is made up of severn vaguely connected cycles. 1. The variation in the radiated heat of the sun. 2. The orbit of the earth around the sun. 3. The earths orbit is elliptical. 4. The orbit itself is rotating around the sun. 5. Variation in the tilt of the earth's axis. 6. The sunspot cycle. 7. The maximum level of sunspot plasma ejection from cycle to cycle. 2, 3, 4, and 5 are known as the Milanovitch cycles. Because of these various cycles the scientists at Turku and Kobe universities were working on using a Fourier Transform technique to calculate the length of the cycles and predict them. The way it works is that cosmic rays entering the earths atmosphere cause clouds to be formed. When the cycles all work together they vary the formation of clouds as the earth's magnetic field is disturbed. The allows more or less cosmic rays into the atmosphere. When more clouds are formed more radiation is reflected back into space and the earth is shaded more. So a cool period exists. When less clouds are formed less heat is lost to space and the earth warms. That is it in a nutshell. PS The Fourier technique was used by CSIRO to dig your weak wifi signal out of the noise. Posted by Bazz, Monday, 28 June 2021 1:52:49 PM
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All around the world, glaciers are melting
VK3AUU, Better replace the word glaciers with the word brains & you'll be closer to the truth ! Posted by individual, Monday, 28 June 2021 3:24:06 PM
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I think warming scepticism is up against it when heat records keep getting broken, for example Canada had its hottest day ever recorded yesterday. I believe most of the public is/are convinced except they kid themselves that wind and solar can adequately replace fossil fuels. That said FFs must run out one day as we'll see with east Australian gas. Having a long range plan to replace fossil fuels would be prudent even if it takes some sacrifice now.
Posted by Taswegian, Monday, 28 June 2021 4:34:26 PM
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Well VK3AAU, the earth has been warming for about 300 years so perhaps
we should expect the glaciers to be melting. J Kauppinen was a member of the IPPC until his retirement. According to their theory the earths temperature has probably peaked around 2000 but might take another hundred years before we can be certain that the temperature will fall. Posted by Bazz, Monday, 28 June 2021 5:06:18 PM