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The insurgency against big oil : Comments
By Binoy Kampmark, published 25/6/2021While Australian politicians languish in a world blotched by climate change scepticism and fossil fuel love-ins, global oil and gas companies have been shaken.
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Alan B could argue that sooner or later mankind will have to stop changing the composition of the atmosphere with CO2 and start looking at alternatives, and I would agree with him. But for alarmists like himself to keep pushing for the total destruction of western economies while our Chinese totalitarian enemy laughs at us while building a coal fired power station every 2 weeks, is totally insane.
The alarmism is being driven by a coven of public service climate "scientists" more interested in gaining ever increasing public taxpayer support for their relatively unimportant scientific discipline, than any concern for their community. And you only have to look at Dr Fauci and his virologist friends who lied when they signed a declaration attesting that the Chinese virus could not have been engineered, to see the same thing happening again in real time.
Like the Chinese virus, the climate alarmism cause was taken up by a left wing press who supported their public service mates, had apparently slept through their history classes in school, and who pointedly never asked any pertinent and obvious questions of the self aggrandising "scientists." They in their turn were supported by the "anti everything" brigade who dream of a nation "of the public service, by the public service, and for the public service." Then every other bunch of nutters like vegans rallied to the cause, as an indirect way of justifying their nutty beliefs.
And Alan B fell for it. Hook, line, and sinker.