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The insurgency against big oil : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 25/6/2021

While Australian politicians languish in a world blotched by climate change scepticism and fossil fuel love-ins, global oil and gas companies have been shaken.

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One would not only need to be blind, wilfully deaf, and totally ignorant of history, not to know that the earth warms and cools in 1000 year cycles. We are right in the middle of the latest warming period which just happens to be right on schedule. Leftists today rely on the total ignorance of history that well meaning useful fools like Alan B have to promote their public service expanding and ever higher taxing agenda.

Alan B could argue that sooner or later mankind will have to stop changing the composition of the atmosphere with CO2 and start looking at alternatives, and I would agree with him. But for alarmists like himself to keep pushing for the total destruction of western economies while our Chinese totalitarian enemy laughs at us while building a coal fired power station every 2 weeks, is totally insane.

The alarmism is being driven by a coven of public service climate "scientists" more interested in gaining ever increasing public taxpayer support for their relatively unimportant scientific discipline, than any concern for their community. And you only have to look at Dr Fauci and his virologist friends who lied when they signed a declaration attesting that the Chinese virus could not have been engineered, to see the same thing happening again in real time.

Like the Chinese virus, the climate alarmism cause was taken up by a left wing press who supported their public service mates, had apparently slept through their history classes in school, and who pointedly never asked any pertinent and obvious questions of the self aggrandising "scientists." They in their turn were supported by the "anti everything" brigade who dream of a nation "of the public service, by the public service, and for the public service." Then every other bunch of nutters like vegans rallied to the cause, as an indirect way of justifying their nutty beliefs.

And Alan B fell for it. Hook, line, and sinker.
Posted by LEGO, Saturday, 26 June 2021 7:45:28 AM
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Actually LEGO, the cycles vary every 200 years or so. as the sun waxes and wanes as part of that normal cycle. As it waxes, the joint warms up! And as it wanes, it cools. We have been in a waning (cooling) phase since the mid-seventies (NASA

And should normally experience the ice advancing sea levels dropping and the tundra remaining solidly frozen the year-round! Instead of record hottest days, years and heatwaves. More record extreme weather events and fire seasons the like of which none have ever seen!

I get that you don't have a single clue given the garbage you have written! And you are no brighter than a (bird brain) parrot! Given all you have managed here is to repeat the (Polly want a cracker) garbage in garbage out, bulldust that is your particular forte!

I also get that don't want us to electrify the economy nor experience the massive economic growth that would include, if we also embraced MSR thorium, cooperative capitalism and genuine bracket creep free, tax reform! Manifesting as an unavoidable 15% flat tax that kicks in above a very generous tax-free threshold!

You'll have a nice day now y'hear.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 26 June 2021 10:46:11 AM
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WE could have the world's cheapest, cleanest and safest energy if it was MSR and retasked to burn nuclear waste we'd b paid annual millions to store.

As as we burnt and burnt the unspent fuel (90%) in this material. Reduce the half-life to just 300 years. With the annual millions paying for all the R+D and the factory produced, mass-manufactured, fully operational modules.

Where we would burn about 90% of the remaining unspent fuel leaving as little as 5% as waste that stabilises in around 30 tears and may be available as long-life space batteries. That sail forever skyward or burn up in the sun or with reentry.

With energy that cheap and abundant, we could deploy the surplus to create all the fuel, fertiliser and plastics from seawater using long known science! And never ever need to import another drop of (big) oil from anybody! And pocket the annual 26 odd billions we'd save as we did so!

And here I am saying, we'd have abundant and guaranteed carbon-free, safe, clean and all but free energy for quite literally, thousands of years!

Energy that cheap would have the high tech manufacturers of the world, queuing to relocate their manufacturing facilities here! Along with the jobs, training and tax liabilities, also!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 26 June 2021 11:17:30 AM
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I already knew about solar cycles, Alan B, and their effects upon solar radiation and heat distribution around the globe. There are a dozen other variables. But since your vestigial brain can only handle simple concepts, I did not want to confuse you by introducing other variables which would only befuddle you even more.

The essential point is that the Earth warms and cools in 1000 year cycles, and much of human history is explainable in that crucial fact. From the Scandinavians, Huns, Vandals, and the Helvetians from Switzerland fleeing global cooling at the end of the Roman Warm Period. To the Vikings finding "Greenland" during the Medieval Warm Period.

We are in another warm period and rather incredibly, government employed climate scientists have chosen to use this natural occurrence to claim that their rather obscure branch of science is now the saviours of he world. Then claim it is in need of massive government support from every country. They know it is crap. But they can rely upon the total ignorance of history which most members of the public, including yourself, display every day. The Climate "scientists" are dishonest and they made it all up in order to mine the gold of public funding, as well raise the status of their obscure profession. But it is a lie and the climate scientists know it is a lie. In exactly the same way that Dr Fauci and his virologist cronies knew all along that the Chinese virus was engineered in China using US (and probably Australian CSIRO) funding, and they lied about it. They were too naive and self interested to even consider that the engineered virus was probably a PLA biological warfare project.

Next we will hear from Fauci, "97% of virologists dismiss the idea that the covid-19 virus was engineered." And just like the Human Induced Global Warming myth you will probably believe them because you want to believe that science is above reproach.

For God's sake pick up some history books and forget about ferking thorium.
Posted by LEGO, Saturday, 26 June 2021 1:02:14 PM
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Fossil fuels have lifted billions of people out of poverty. But, there are still 1.3 billion with no electricity, and a further 3 billion who don't have adequate electricity. Hopefully, some of these people if not all will have their existence improved; but it will never happen with unreliable and expensive "renewables" that have to be subsidised by governments.

Just one thing that is not revealed when people lie about the economic and environmental "benefits" of "renewables" :-

It takes 542.3 tons of iron and steel to produce 1 megawatt with renewables; 35.3 tons with coal, and 5.2 with natural gas.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 26 June 2021 1:26:20 PM
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For Alan B and Lego;
Alan your advocacy of Thorium could be a winner, I just have no knowledge of that.
Lego, the current cycle is about 600 years and the previous cycle
seems to be around 1000 years.
The reason it changes is because it is made up of severn vaguely
connected cycles.
1. The variation in the radiated heat of the sun.
2. The orbit of the earth around the sun.
3. The earths orbit is elliptical.
4. The orbit itself is rotating around the sun.
5. Variation in the tilt of the earth's axis.
6. The sunspot cycle.
7. The maximum level of sunspot plasma ejection from cycle to cycle.

2, 3, 4, and 5 are known as the Milanovitch cycles.
Because of these various cycles the scientists at Turku and Kobe
universities were working on using a Fourier Transform technique to
calculate the length of the cycles and predict them.

The way it works is that cosmic rays entering the earths atmosphere
cause clouds to be formed. When the cycles all work together they
vary the formation of clouds and the earth's magnetic field is disturbed.
The allows more or less cosmic rays into the atmosphere.
When more clouds are formed more radiation is reflected back into
space and the earth is shaded more. So a cool period exists.
When less clouds are formed less heat is lost to space and the earth warms.

That is it in a nutshell.
PS The Fourier technique was developed by CSIRO to dig your weak wifi
signal out of the noise.
Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 26 June 2021 8:23:11 PM
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