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A looming referendum : Comments

By Don Aitkin, published 1/6/2021

Today's essay is about the proposed amendment to our Constitution to acknowledge the fact that indigenous Australians were here first.

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Given the dodgy moves and removal of rights during the WuFlu (which the government has got away with), does the Constitution mean anything these days? Constitutional lawyer, Professor David Flint has said on many occasions that our politicians are acting unconstitutionally now, and they always will. The average Australian drone seems neither to know nor care.

Thanks to the fear of Covid, and the increasing dependence on government under Morrison, the 'quiet Australians' have become the brain dead Australians. Our virtually free-from-opposition government will soon be able to do as it pleases, and to hell with the Constitution. Rather than being alarmed by Communist China as Jeffery Wall, above, thinks they should be, the Morrison government seems to have developed a liking for the less complicated, more convenient, Chinese system.

Will there even be a referendum given the Leftist influence on everything in Australia, including the Morrison government, that used to be right of centre, but is no more?

As for "Our present PM has been quiet on the matter", that's par for the course. Morrison will lurk until he decides on what's best for his career and survival in the job he is clearly not suited for
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 1 June 2021 8:40:52 AM
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A substantial percentage of the people of "aboriginal descent" have a minimal claim to aboriginality which makes the claims for recognition somewhat of a farce. We should just be doing more to improve the living conditions of all people of whatever race who are disadvantaged. No referendum is going to accomplish that.

Posted by VK3AUU, Tuesday, 1 June 2021 9:12:26 AM
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Right, David. But we have been trying to better their conditions for over two centuries now, without much effect, and nothing, including a referendum will fix that either. The whole aboriginal thing is a pointless, virtue signalling farce.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 1 June 2021 9:23:23 AM
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. Activists and ignorant do-gooders have rendered rational, evidence- based argument impossible by manipulating the category of “indigenous”, which opportunistically conflates Aborigines and people of aboriginal descent however tenuous. Living in totally different worlds, Aborigines in remote Australia have little, if anything, in common with self identified “indigenous” urban professionals with distant Aboriginal forebears but who are the spokespersons of the strident pressure group demanding constitutional amendment. And though they are too wilfully blind to see the self defeating contradiction, their adoption of the American category of “first nations” makes it impossible that the over 200 Aboriginal “nations” could be involved in the process.
Posted by Leslie, Tuesday, 1 June 2021 9:29:56 AM
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Whist the aboriginal youth see going to jail as a rite of passage, the number of aboriginals in custody is not going to get less either. Their elders seem to be hopeless lot who have lost control of their communities. Assaults on aboriginal women by drunken relatives is still continuing, recognition and so called truth telling wont fix that either.
Posted by VK3AUU, Tuesday, 1 June 2021 9:37:20 AM
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We've heard all the pros and cons of this previously.
And it appears to be complicated. However why can
other countries succeed in their dealings with their
Indigenous people while we fail so miserably?

If the current position is only to ask whether citizens
are in favour of there being some sort of recognition of
the historic presence of Indigenous people in this country
as the author of this article tells us - then why are
we objecting on the assumption that it won't work?

If we maintained this sort of attitude in our daily lives
nothing would ever get done.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 1 June 2021 9:45:23 AM
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The reason is just political to appease the noisy urban socalled aboriginals. It isn't going to anything to help the real aboriginals in the bush, most of whom couldn't give a stuff about it.
Posted by VK3AUU, Tuesday, 1 June 2021 9:50:09 AM
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Particularly here in Australia there's a lack of
comprehension about anything to do with the
Indigenous people.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 1 June 2021 10:06:42 AM
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Well I think you should be empathy.

Lets say someone came over your place, murdered some of your family and started building their own stuff on your lands and ran you off into the bush put other members of your family they captured to work hunting you down.

I reckon that would be pretty crap.
And it's a part of our history.

I think we should all feel some empathy towards what happened.
We should feel indirectly sorry for their plight,
- but I don't think we have to feel directly sorry, because none of us were alive then.
No-one's alive today that actually had any part in these events, and no-one should feel guilty or responsible for things that happened before they were born.

We may not have caused the problem, but we still own it.
It's our problem as Australians to resolve, no-one elses.

I think what we have is some kind of mass post traumatic stress disorder affecting a whole entire group of people.

"What to do about those who live in remote settlements, where there are no jobs, defeats me at the moment, as it has defeated every Australian Government."
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 1 June 2021 10:26:24 AM
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You must create a foolproof plan.
First you create a base-level (socialist) job system.
- The job you have when you don't have a job.
STOP wasting money policing Centrelink, give people a basic minimum
- And an opportunity - to earn DOUBLE DOLE for full time work.

The government WINS by not wasting resources policing Centrelink.
Double Dole in exchange for full time work means the difference between paying someone $250 week to do nothing or paying an extra $250 week for a full time worker.
1/ Jobseekers have a guaranteed opportunity to better their lot
2. Taxpayers get more bang for their buck with the unemployed

On top of this the program is non-cumpulsary, but workers get training credits to use for upgrading their skills and testing.
Most training would be done by app where possible.

You implement this program onto the mygov website.
- Anyone unemployed can log on and get a work-shift.

Then all you need to do is create a big national project like high speed rail connecting every city, you section it into 5000 1 kilometre sections and you put everyone to work.

Build solar farms and an inland high speed rail rought, bring the city to the country.

Because people are being active and helping themselves, they wont go into a downward spiral so easily when things go wrong in their lives.
You'll save in mental health and all the rest of things that cost government in the long run.

Give them something worthwhile to do.
Don't have them whippersnipping nursing homes for nothing.
- It's only going to make them feel worse about their prospects.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 1 June 2021 10:31:36 AM
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Dear AC,

Some very good suggestions.

I hope that people of influence read the forum.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 1 June 2021 10:37:07 AM
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When we were at war. It didn't matter if the guy next to you was anything but another Anzac! And he'd keep your back! Today we are at war with an invisible enemy that has already claimed more lives than two world! This is not a time for humbug and activists making unfounded claims on the basis of feeling indigenous? If that's is all that's required? Why, we are all native Australians?

Here's the thing, not all first Australians arrived sixty thousand years ago, but came in waves of continuing migration! Those that came first of the first are those who have sovereign claims! Whereas all those that then followed were invaders, regardless of the manner of their arrival! And cannot be solely those who had white skins!

This latter claim has racist overtones! Given the waves of migration and the many attempts by the more recent arrivals to become the resident dominant culture! And by wars and conquest amoung warring tribes who came and took what they wanted! And where the most barbaric usually prevailed over the more peaceful!

And so when Cook arrived and the new victors found they themselves were facing a much more powerful and dominant culture, they were massacred in droves!

Yes, some of the practices of the pr-Cook primitives, were part of their survival strategies! If there's to be a referendum and a truth and reconciliation commission? Then let's have all the truth warts and all. The whites that also settled here, also came in waves, the first mainly as emaciated slaves bound in iron chains!

But if you listen to the mostly white urban activists? You'd think they had a choice about whether they did or didn't come or whether they did or didn't need to compete with the indigenous peoples for their own survival?

Albeit, some including some of my mob cohabited with their indigenous brothers and share the land and their knowledge. Some of which was bush medicine and bush tucker and some was the occasional jumbuck and passed on shearing skills etc. TBC.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 1 June 2021 11:15:12 AM
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It is the bush aboriginals that we should be worrying about. The "Johnny come lately" urban ones on the whole are doing all right and don't need any more help than the rest of the community. They are the ones making all the noise. You see them on "The Drum" on the ABC every second night.

No one, particularly city do gooders, will own up to all the damage that alcohol is causing to people in the aboriginal communities in the outback. There are plenty of jobs available for them in the mining and pastoral industries, but they need to be taught some basic skills and trades. Whole villages are becoming dysfunctional, because no one has been taught the skills needed to carry out repairs. People like Noel Pearson are doing all they can but more are needed. The academics like Marcia Langton and company are about as useful as tits on a bull. The answer isn't more money, it's these city imposters who need to get out there and actually do something useful to educate their own mob.
Posted by VK3AUU, Tuesday, 1 June 2021 11:21:19 AM
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If there's to be a successful referendum? Then some of the aborigines doing all the talking/ making endless unfounded claims about how long their mob, (three-quarters Irish, Scots or Welsh settlers) have occupied this wide brown land?

I won't concede that some huffing and puffing light-skinned urban activist, has any more rights than any other native-born Australian! And I'm very tired of spineless pollies acquiescing to these postering shite stirrers (bullies) just to win a few electoral seats!

I spent time in orphanages and foster homes, was exposed to and part of the horror stories that are also part of our history. And now live life mostly in a wheelchair.

Do I go around blaming other cultures etc, for the failings and faults of my forbears? No, but I do give credit to those Mates that stood with us in the Boer war, WW1+2, and in Vietnam!

We are in a new war and need to fight it as united and colour blind Aussies!

And so there has to be a referendum, a bill of irrevocable rights, a treaty and a voice in our parliament! And there I'd settle for an indigenous and highly educated elder, as our future governor-general/(Irish model) ceremonial President.

And a truth and reconciliation commission! And can the humbug and the guilt trips for folks not even born yet!

With all that done? Nobody in this wide brown land can have superior rights than any other, based solely on the colour of their skin. because, that my friends, is apartheid!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 1 June 2021 11:49:10 AM
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There are even jackasses now trying to compare aboriginal identifiers with Palestinians in the hard luck story competition for publicity. Anything to stir up trouble and cause division.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 1 June 2021 1:22:13 PM
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The prior existence and survival on this land for
tens of thousands of years by the Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander people is not acknowledged
in our constitution. We know that this has resulted
in historic social exclusion and economic disadvantage.

Recognition in the constitution would provide the
basis for an important shift in policy,
and in the community's acceptance of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people's
contribution to our national life.

It would enable us to go beyond our discomfort about
our shared history and move towards a situation that
most Australians would welcome. Which is a country that
can be proud of being home to one of the oldest
living cultures in the world where Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander people have an equal chance
for a long and productive life.

This would be good for all Australians.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 1 June 2021 2:14:26 PM
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More divide & conquer of the workers by the ruling, leftist elites.
Posted by imacentristmoderate, Tuesday, 1 June 2021 3:18:58 PM
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Just read an article reminding us that most people now claiming to be Aboriginal have more of the descendants of dispossessors in them than they have the dispossessed.

Laughter is probably the best medicine.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 1 June 2021 4:02:38 PM
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The problem is differing expectations as regards the referendum.

I think there's little opposition to writing something in the Preamble to recognise that there were people here before 1788.

But the form of that is the crux of the problem.

The aboriginal leadership wants changes that gives them real additional power. So words to the effect that the people here in 1788 were dispossessed or disadvantaged in some way.

The general population on the other hand are happy to recognise occupation prior to 1788 but don't want it expressed in any way that would, now or in the future, give additional power to another group or elevate one group over another.

And ne'er the twain shall meet.
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 1 June 2021 4:46:35 PM
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"most people now claiming to be Aboriginal have more of the descendants of dispossessors in them than they have the dispossessed."

I always think of Michael Mansell complaining bitterly that his great grandmother had been raped by one of those evil white occupiers thus justifying his claims for compensation. What he never mentioned was that the alleged rapist was his great grandfather!!

Pretty much the whole of this sorry saga about aboriginal attempts for special privilege fits into that category.
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 1 June 2021 4:51:23 PM
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Since the collection of Governors from clown alley in Canberra, are determined once again to act jointly to arrive at the wrong conclusions, as they managed with bending over and touching their toes for gay rights, I vote to hand Australia over holes bolus including the saddle and bridle, to the Chinese.

Further, at least the Chinese will not make a hash of it. And also, as proved under the guidance of the Canberra experts in the past, that will save another Australian masterpiece of losses to the enemy they are so adapt at handing out.

This country is way beyond a joke.

Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 1 June 2021 7:31:59 PM
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Posted by VK3AUU, Tuesday, 1 June 2021 9:12:26 AM

"...Whist the aboriginal youth see going to jail as a rite of passage ..."

Posted by Aries54, Monday, 7 June 2021 11:33:21 AM
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Hi Aries54, Why are you gobsmacked?

MANY young Australians both Aboriginal & White "see going to jail as a rite of passage". The ruling, leftists elites trained young Australians to fail at school, think that way & turn towards a life of crime.
Posted by imacentristmoderate, Monday, 7 June 2021 2:04:30 PM
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imacentristmoderate I am so excited to have this opportunity to personally say how much I have enjoyed your recent posts. Such command of cliched jargon. For example:

The ruling, leftists elites
100% evil, radical, extreme, ruling, left wing elitists
Ruling left wing elitists like YOU are the most evil, subhuman animals in world history.

or variations of the "leftist elites" theme used more than half a dozen times.

And then of course there is the "Marxist Matriarchy" theme used at least 4 5imes but a special favorite was this doozie:

:- Leftist don't hate males. Leftists hate traditional families. Males whether boys or men, are merely collateral damage in the Marxist Matriarchy's war against the traditional family.

And then of course there was your rant about feminism.
Left wing feminism creates more poverty, creates more domestic violence, creates more child abuse & has never done anything else that could be described as being positive.

Feminism is Communist Cultural Cancer & ALWAYS has been.

Seriously sunshine, please keep it up. It keeps me amused and chuckling for hours long after I've read it.
Posted by Aries54, Monday, 7 June 2021 4:34:50 PM
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Hi Aries54, you read left wing religious literature & i actually understand left wing literature.

BTW:- You do realise that treason is a criminal offence don't you?
Posted by imacentristmoderate, Monday, 7 June 2021 8:05:52 PM
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