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Servitude, torture and rape in China's surveillance state : Comments

By Sayragul Sauytbay and Alexandra Cavelius, published 6/5/2021

Book extract from The Chief Witness: the harrowing testimony of a Kazakh Muslim woman who escaped from a modern-day concentration camp

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We all know what is happening there and the monsters overseeing it! Their breathtaking inhumanity has parallels in Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia! As does the calloused and indifferent leadership.

What can we do? SFA! We have almost as much power to change outcomes as a sick old man waving a disapproving finger from a deathbed!

And this will continue under the current recalcitrant, tin-ear government, who seem to believe shouting from the rooftops will change anything for the better.

We need to become a self-sufficient, nuclear powered, self-reliant manufacturer! And only possible if the power we chose Is MSR thorium.

We need to speak softly but carry a big stick as opposed to shouting and carrying a twig!

What has decades of diplomacy and appeasement achieved? Time for a reset and a new paradigm/policy. And start growing a big stick! And keep our progress on that to ourselves as much as possible!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 6 May 2021 1:30:21 PM
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I've written elsewhere in these pages about the genocide that is currently being perpetrated in Xinjiang against the Uighur minority. This is just one of myriad stories about what the Chinese government is doing to destroy this 'troublesome' group.

What I find extraordinary is the way this current ethnic cleansing is being ignored by all the usual suspects. Clearly there is a large number of people here who just can't bring themselves to criticise their ideological allies in Peking.

This is a story about wanton and government approved, even government sponsored, rape. Yet the response is silence. Some air-head gets pissed and gets it on at 1am in Parliament House and the virtue signallers rise up in rage. An entire population of young women become the sex slaves of their ethnic masters and the response is to avert their eyes.

Even in these pages, when I tried to raise the issue, the China apologists diverted the discussion to attacking Israel so as to avoid criticising the CCP.

Given that China is winning the battle to become the next global hegemon, these type of acts will become more prevalent in China and more acceptable throughout the world. The 21st Century will be a disaster for all unapproved groups. But it seems many are just fine with that. I'm guessing they believe they and their's won't be in the unapproved groups.
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 9 May 2021 11:11:21 AM
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Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 9 May 2021 12:04:58 PM
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And, after all Beijing's racist atrocities and rape of Muslim Chinese citizens...China expects Australia/Australians to have friendly, happy trade and political relations with China?!

I don't know how Australian tourists could stoop so low to have happy-clappy trips to China given China is built on the bloodshed of Chinese, Tibetans, Koreans and Vietnamese (all invaded by China in the last 70 years). Meanwhile Hong Kong, democratic 2 years ago, has since fallen under the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) jackboot.

Come see the mystical Great Wall of China (near Beijing). Even that was built on the bodies of slaves worked to death by for Chinese Emperors. Then parts of the Wall was rebuilt by Mao-onwards using more recent Slave or low paid labour see

Now Xi is China's unquestioned Red Emperor - in Mao's Bloody Communist Tradition.

Will Xi launch a Great Purge of his fellow Han Chinese after he's slaughtered Muslim Chinese citizens.

Remember the Tiananmen Square Massacre by the Chinese Communist Party of Students and ordinary Chinese people in 1989
Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 10 May 2021 12:12:26 PM
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Muslims are our enemies. Muslims have been our self declared enemies for 1400 years, and their own holy books make no bones about the fact that they regard us as their enemies. It is there in black and white in the Koran.

The Chinese Communist government of China is our enemy. As a matter of fact they are no longer Communist but Fascists which make them even more efficient enemies. Why any sane person in the west would worry about what one of our enemies is doing to another of our enemies is beyond me. Quite simply, the Chinese Fascists are doing to the Muslim religious Fascists what the Muslim religious Fascists have been doing to everybody else for 1400 years.

The Chinese are an intelligent race. It is true that their stupid government was dumb enough to embrace left wing socialism and stuff everything up, but now they have embraced right wing socialism and become fascists, so they are now much more efficient totalitarians with an economy which now works.

But one thing the intelligent Chinese government was smart enough to figure out was that multiculturalism means division, and division means trouble. So the smart Chinese government is making every ethnic group into Chinese by making them integrate, whether they like it or not. That's smart.

Here in the west we do the opposite, which is dumb. Diversity means division.

As for these tales of systematic rape, where apparently any Chinese man can have sex with any ethnic woman he pleases, that sounds like propaganda to me. In any case, Muslims can hardly complain about that even if it was true, since taking your enemies captured females as your wives has been the official policy within Islam for 1400 years.
Posted by LEGO, Friday, 21 May 2021 4:05:04 AM
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China has been in an alliance with the Islamic world for some time.
That is why you do not hear of much noise from moslem countries about
the Chinese treatment of their pet moslems.
China is using the Belt and Road to get bases in such places as Iran
in the Persian Gulf and Pakistan on the Arabian Sea.
They are also negotiating for Atlantic Ocean bases with a number of
African countries. The aim of course is to be an Atlantic Maritime
Power and dominate the Arabian Peninsular, as a direct confrontation
to the USA Navy.
Now at some point, as the Chinese cannot help themselves, they will
stir up the Islamic world by showing them what they think of them.
Just like they have stirred up Australians.
However having Allah on their side the Arabs and other moslems will
think they can take on the Chinese, but will soon have to call on the
"West" to bail them out.

The "West" has the means to cripple China without firing a shot.
They must use China's tactic of trade sanctions. A concerted campaign
of denying resources, or just releasing enough for them to maintain
their necessities without forcing them to war.
Stop buying their cheap electronics and other manufactured goods.
Alternatively just buy enough to keep them ticking over.

Such a policy however requires a rebuild of our manufacturing ability
for small low value products on a large scale.
Because it is something of which I am aware an example would be the
manufacture of small single purpose populated printed circuit boards.
We do make these here and now but the cost can be so high that many
email the design to China and one, or two or a hundred boards will
come back in a week. I had some boards made locally a few years
back and they cost $20 each. These days China would probably charge
about $5 maximum.
That the sort of thing we are up against. So it won't be easy.
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 21 May 2021 2:24:48 PM
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