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Getting the budget back in order : Comments

By David Leyonhjelm and Bob Day, published 8/3/2021

Getting the budget back under control is vital if workers are to avoid paying exorbitant taxes for generations.

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Let's start with working for the dole instead of having foreign workers picking fruit, with the latest threat to allow them to stay here. Get the local bludgers off their arses - "many of whom would welcome the opportunity to earn extra money". Like hell they would! They need to be made to do it.

Rather than getting rid of federal/state duplication, get rid of the states altogether. The China virus should have shown everyone what a burden the states are on the economy and freedom. And a big yes to privatising education.

But now, thanks to what is supposed to be a 'right of centre ' government, we are pretty much a welfare state, past the point of any chance of getting our act together.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 8 March 2021 8:42:47 AM
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An IPA investigation has shown that the lower end of the job market has been wiped out by draconian lock downs, while the people with the best jobs and biggest share of the economic pie have seen opportunities increase by 200,000. Lower income workers are paying the price for government incompetence and lockdown panic.

Nobody could seriously think that our current crop of politicians - irrespective of brand - are capable of getting us out of the mess that they alone have caused.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 8 March 2021 9:10:31 AM
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Why not suggest politicians and media insult China even more so as to reduce more of our exports?

A big wake up is needed.
There is evidence the so named covid strain of coronavirus was in other countries prior to December 2019 in Wuhan.
Blaming China is an insult that was part of Trumps US trade war.

Due respect for China could help get Australias budget back in order?
Posted by JF Aus, Monday, 8 March 2021 9:11:13 AM
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Why doesn't David Lyonhjelm recommend curbing the insanely immoral salaries of senior Public Servants ?
These people are just so out of touch that I wonder if it ever enters their mind what could happen if they keep going like that ?
Surely they're not that insipid, are they ?
Bringing the Budget back in order entails stopping rorts & re-introduce accountability !
Would he actually know what that means ?
Posted by individual, Monday, 8 March 2021 9:28:42 AM
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They will have to start bringing in millions of cashed up Chinese migrants to get the budget back in surplus.

I'm sure the CCP will oblige them. A Chinese Australia is just what the CCP wants to see.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Monday, 8 March 2021 10:33:03 AM
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I can understand why the authors of this piece think the way they do. It's because of their narrow-mindedness and vested interest in putting the workers down. What about trying to retrieve Jobkeeper money from the big companies, like Harvey Norman & AP Eagers, to name a couple- there are many more owned by billionaires, who benefited handsomely from the Australian Treasurer's generous package designed to put people into work- instead it has put taxpayers' money into the pockets of the rich.

So, let's be real about the world we live in. The 'preaching' by this pair, that the workers should be saving their money; and that house prices are cheap are in Fantasy Land, or Cloud Cuckoo.
Posted by Cyclone, Monday, 8 March 2021 10:34:28 AM
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