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Addressing the threat of pandemics : Comments
By Peter Curson, published 22/2/2021If nothing else coronavirus brings to the fore how poorly we are adapted to dealing with epidemic and pandemic outbreaks of infectious disease.
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Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 22 February 2021 8:48:10 AM
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There'll be many more Viruses plaguing humans until they wake up & curb their willy-nilly breeding & willy-nilly travelling !
The real dilemma is how to find an alternative to the lucrative Travel Industry. Posted by individual, Monday, 22 February 2021 9:20:08 AM
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We got it right in the past with island quarantine and the boiling of our linen and attire, etc.
But back then we had pragmatic bipartisanship and newspapers that printed validated facts! With opinion pieces, we all knew was just opinion left to the reader input commentary and the editorial page. Now we have a P.M. that needed to talk to his wife to enable empathy for a rape victim, holidaying in Hawaii as the nation burned and he first in the queue for an antiviral/covid-19 vaccine followed by all the (couldn't in truth, care less) federal and state parliamentarians. While those in the regions might have to wait until October or perhaps the 12th of never? At every turn, we have been in the hands of a self-serving, incompetent, political elite, who took every political advantage? To politicise a pandemic? With cage-rattling right-wing shock jocks spreading Fake news and blatant BS front, left and centre! And numbskull anti-vaxers adding their ignorant crap to the mix? None of which helps or gives confidence that we joe public matter in the minds of the aforementioned privileged? One ray of hope has been the emergence of a new code of (eliminate fake news) practice among the online media? Unfortunately, this code will never stop the right-wing shock jocks from filling the airwaves with their blatant BS! And spreading dissent and division/conspiracy theories etc, i.e., their modus operandi! In a pandemic, the truth is our major weapon and we need to close down those who quite deliberately spread rumour, gossip and downright mendacious mischief! Not for nothing is it writ large, that the first casualty of war, is the truth! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Monday, 22 February 2021 9:33:08 AM
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I thank Peter for his very lucid review of the history of mankind. It does put the present situation in perspective, and warns of the dangers of climate change. As custodians of planet Earth, we need to respect the fragility of life and our environment, especially as we now possess weapons of war, which could destroy much of what we cherish. Of course, the ongoing change in our climate due to rising temperature, becomes the major challenge we face. It is a 'war' which all of the world faces and so, must act collectively to change the way we live, otherwise our extinction would follow.
Posted by Cyclone, Monday, 22 February 2021 10:18:12 AM
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The travel industry and universities operating as business models can and must be replaced!
First, with strict month-long, offshore island, mandatory quarantine that is installed as a permanent feature for all inbound for the foreseeable future! Followed by the production of virtually free bismuth 213! This will result in a 2 million or more strong annual medical tourism, that if we are finally intelligently led by competents who actually give a rats? All of it directed at the regions and rural Australia! This will require of us to build and roll ut MSR thorium and with that, enable the world's cleanest safest, cheapest energy to underpin a giant wave of re-industrialisation in the areas of dense population! MSR thorium is not the cheapest option, but also carbon-free MSR, nuclear waste burning is! Given we could be paid annual millions or billions to become the world's premier repository for this material? Which in reality is just mostly 98%+ unspent nuclear fuel! Nuclear fuel we can burn around 93% of to power energy dependant high tech manufacture and affordable recycling of everything, for thousands of years! [With this virtually risk-free pragmatic paradigm installed, we will require every able-bodied/mentally competent person to be employed in high reward fulltime employment and then some!] The finally depleted product, absolutely unusable in nuclear weapons but eminently suitable as very valuable, long-life space batteries. That stabilise in around thirty years, then burn up with reentry! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Monday, 22 February 2021 10:18:55 AM
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I am predicting that this virus a mutant hew strain that is vaccine-resistant, will one day not too far ahead in time, wipe off of the face of the planet around two-thirds of the population of the world?
And in those areas not able or willing to install mandated quarantine for all incoming arrivals! I also predict that the no mams land alongside mutual borders will be mined and have heat-seeking, self-actuating metal storm weaponry that eliminates any who avoid the mines? While this may seem over the top right now? It will not iF my predictions come to pass? Given this may well be the only way to eliminate illegal border-hopping by infected and highly contagious superspreaders? N.B. I predicted this would become a pandemic, that the USA would become the epicentre, that it would claim more lives than 2 world wars and mutate! [Ignore my predictions if you want? I am a lone voice in the wilderness and almost beyond caring. And a disrespected old fool for caring at all!] Where vaccines are not doable? Purging the lungs with a mixture of oxygen, helium and disinfecting ozone in three atmospheres in isolating hyperbaric chambers might? Ozone may also be found to be useful as low-pressure treatment of, antibody resistant, cervical STD's? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Monday, 22 February 2021 11:00:20 AM
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If you think we do it badly just take a look at how they messed up the Black Death in 1347-51.
But then they didn't have a Jen to ask what to do! Posted by Mr Opinion, Monday, 22 February 2021 11:14:53 AM
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I find it remarkable that the people here are so narrow minded that they think they have a right to stop travel? Travel to where? Intercontinental? Around Australia? End of the street?
I understand Chinese Andrews the filthy Victorian sociopath wants to have us all carrying papers and unable to leave our houses without his express permission because he is demonstrably insane, but you lot? If I understand you we now have to dig slit trenches and hide in them until? I do not know? You gutless, cowardly bullies. I hate people telling me what to do especially when they are as stupid, bigoted and left wing as you lot! Be very careful, any attempt to try this on in the real world could lead to others being made very angry by your silly views and it will not go well for you. Posted by JBowyer, Monday, 22 February 2021 12:21:46 PM
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Dear Alan B.
I must take issue sir, with your gratuitous statement "absolutely unusable in nuclear weapons". Are you loco man? Rinse your keyboard out with soap and beg mercy on the alter of LEGO. Its the lack of nuclear weapons potential that has made Thorium a nuclear no-use substance for 76 years. No bang, no Thorium in extremely expensive nuclear reactors. Solar power, which harnesses Fusion energy from the Sun, working to Lithium batteries and to pumped/gravity hydro, is the way to B, Alan B. ____________________ What's wrong with absolutely nuclear weapons anyway? Did not nuclear weapons, used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, benefit Japan, the US and Australian servicemen? This was achieved by saving the projected millions of deaths (mainly Japanese) that would have accrued from a conventional invasion of Japan in 1945-47. See _________________ THE ACTUAL ARTICLE? BTW on the actual article, where author says: "What we need is a better international and national surveillance system involving global watch and response to animal and human infections." is a major reason why the WHO was set up. "The WHO's broad mandate includes advocating for universal healthcare, monitoring public health risks, coordinating responses to health emergencies, and promoting human health and well being. It provides technical assistance to countries, sets international health standards and guidelines, and collects data on global health issues through the World Health Survey." see Massive reform of the WHO, especially by large democracies, with less control of the WHO by China, is an answer. Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 22 February 2021 2:05:40 PM
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The Wealth Hoarders Organisation is like all other international Academic yuppie outfits. Posted by individual, Monday, 22 February 2021 4:28:49 PM
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Pete. what is wrong with totally unusable nuclear weapons? Sorry, never have been able to work that one out or justifying the eternal and expensive upgrades!
As for thorium reactors way off in the distant future? The Chinese have built and installed several operational thorium reactors and installed several in their warships and subs? The Indonesians are reportedly taking delivery of an operational, double-hulled, floating, 500 MW prototype, around twelve months out? Just two outstanding problems needed to be licked, the corrosion factor and sequestering the tritium production. And smart given plain old water, a barrier against neutron exchange! [Incidentally, the very reason why the old rods sit in water for as long as it takes for the rads to come down!] Well, the corrosion prob is addressed by adding a skin of heat applied carbon to all the metal surfaces or just using a different salt mixture or both. The second, done by using tritium absorbing nitrate salt as the heat transference liquid salt. Tell us this? Do any of your stated preferences produce reliable carn-free dispatchable power 24/7 or unsubsidized power for as little as 1 cent PKWH Or have recorded against any with a lower death toll Per gigawatt-hour than nuclear? And do you have skin in any of these, stated personal preferences? I await full disclosure with bated breath, mate. Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Monday, 22 February 2021 7:44:06 PM
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Hi Alan B.
Yes China has some experimental Thorium reactors and may have 2 commercial ones by 2030 You've claimed China installed Thorium reactors in several of China's warships and subs before. I asked you for evidence in the form of links to back up your claim. I'm still waiting. Indonesia has had glacially slow talks (10+ years) about buying a Russian floating nuclear power station. No discernable progress that I've noticed - may a big Russian bribe is expected. See Note that the Russian floating reactors are convention U235 PWRs. ___________________ Alan B. I suggest you learn to provide links to backup your frequently fanciful nuclear claims. You'd be more convincing if you did. Cheers Pete Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 22 February 2021 10:03:38 PM
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so narrow minded that they think they have a right to stop travel?
JBowyer, Would you rather have the right to spread a deadly virus & make it even more deadly just so some people can travel for no other reason than travel ? Most people who travel return none the wiser so, what is so necessary to give them this right other than fill the travel industry's pockets & perpetuate pollution both chemically & morally ? Posted by individual, Monday, 22 February 2021 10:48:21 PM
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Sorry to break into this thread boys but would like to inform you all that last Friday we lost Joe ( Loudmouth).
It was unexpected, a burst cardiac aneurysm, I’ve only just found out about it now RIP Joe, hopefully you find someone there to debate with.. Posted by Big Nana, Monday, 22 February 2021 10:54:37 PM
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Posted by Galen, Monday, 22 February 2021 11:56:10 PM
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Indeed RIP Joe.
I'll miss you :( Pete Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 23 February 2021 11:27:09 AM
It is the World Health Organization that must be rise from being a passive stooge of China.
The World Health Organization must become an instrument of World Government.
All zis to create a new Aryan Germany.
And in doing so the World Health Organization must re-engineer the Trump-Bot's Brain from the evil loser that he has become.
To lead us to a New Age. A New Dawn.
Vatch this video. Trump ist der one vith zie back-packen
(SomeVere in Hitler's Hideout)