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The Forum > Article Comments > President Trump's achievements on life, faith and freedom > Comments

President Trump's achievements on life, faith and freedom : Comments

By Greg Bondar, published 22/1/2021

As a conservative Christian, and to my political recollection, no president in recent memory, including Ronald Reagan, has done as much to defend innocent unborn children as President Trump.

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The subtext of this essay called quite rightly be called:

Right-wing christian identity politics rules OK! Especially in "christian" Amerika. While pretending to be otherwise and always harping on about the alleged curse of identity politics.

Never mind too that the kind of right-wing Christian-ISM that the author promotes is a MINORITY phenomenon. Full of sound-and-fury and signifying nothing more than the LUST for authoritarian "religion"-power and control.

Joe Biden was described as self-promoting nit wit. That is of course also very much the case with many prominent politicians - Kevin Rudd and Scott Morrison being two classic examples.

Perhaps so in the case of Joe Biden but those four words provide a concise definition of the Donald (the Donald's principal mantra was/is its all about ME,ME,ME.ME,ME,ME,ME. The Donald has probably never ever done a truly other serving gesture towards anyone in his entire life - he is constitutionally incapable of doing so.

I always fall off my chair laughing when right wingers become nostalgic about the legacy of the "great communicator" Ronald Reagan - he who was one of the principal architects of turning America into a nation of Zombies - Biden seems to be a classic zombie too.

The unvarnished truth about Reagan and his all-the-way-down-the-line toxic legacy.
Posted by Daffy Duck, Friday, 22 January 2021 2:35:26 PM
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Keith Olbermann pegging blokes like this years ago.

"The most politically-agitated group of citizens left are the Evangelicals. Throw them some red meat to feed their holier-than-thou rationalizations and they won't care what else you do to this corporate nation. Be prepared then for racial and religious profiling, because you've got to blame somebody for all the reductions in domestic spending and civil liberties, just to make sure the agitators against the United Corporate States of America are kept unheard. Be prepared for those poor, dumb, manipulated bastards, the Tea Party-ers, to have a glorious few years as the frontmen, as the corporations that bankroll them slowly unroll their total control of our political system. And then be prepared to watch them be banished, maybe outlawed, when a few of the brighter ones suddenly realize that the corporations have made them merely the Judas goats of American freedom. And be prepared then for the bank reforms that President Obama has just this day vowed to enable to be rolled back by his successor (purchased by the banks, with the money President Bush gave them), his successor, presumably President Palin, because, if you need a friendly face of fascism, might as well get one that can wink, and if you need a tool of whichever large industries buy her first, you might as well get somebody who lives up to that word: tool."

Turned out it wasn't Palin but someone even worse.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 22 January 2021 4:01:43 PM
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Dear undead human,

Nostalgia for the backyard butcher? Eliminating the hard fought right to abortion by a competent medical practitioner will not eliminate abortion, but it will bring back the butcher.

A pregnant woman carries a fetus not a child. Unborn child is a term less accurate than undead human. We all will be dead but not until we die. A fetus may not become a child since miscarriage or abortion may terminate pregnancy. A step on the way to getting rid of medically safe abortions would be to eliminate female suffrage. Then men could decide what women do with their bodies.

On the issue of life a woman's life and her decisions should be respected.

Undead human concludes his essay thus: "When we have "the same mind and the same judgment," we can heal our divisions and face our future with hope. Let us pray and hope Americans work to this end for the glory of our Lord not for the glory of Mr Biden."

Mr Biden is a real human being who may care about other human beings. The Lord is an entity only existing in the human mind. I prefer Mr Biden to the Lord
Posted by david f, Friday, 22 January 2021 4:03:11 PM
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The pro-lifers have come up with the perfect alternative to abortion.

They call it infanticide.

And they have come up with a myriad of ways of doing it all based on good old fashioned historical evidence.

I reckon our good friend die Fuhrer Hasbeen is a pro-lifer.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Friday, 22 January 2021 4:46:07 PM
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Amen to this article.
God bless America and Donald Trump.

Posted by diver dan, Friday, 22 January 2021 5:58:47 PM
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Dan, Your comment tells us who you really are! Given you approve of D Trump? Then you probably approve of the sedition he incited which resulted in five deaths. One of which was a cop who had his face stove in by a right-wing nutter like yourself no doubt, who used a fire extinguisher to bash a cop to death. On the record is the 30,000 times your hero allegedly lied to his rapt, spellbound audience!

Getting your face stove in is not a pleasant experience! Nor getting it vacuumed back out with so much as a whiff of anaesthesia or the benefit of any pain-killing medication.

In my case, the weapon of choice was boots with steel toecaps! Perhaps you were there getting your hate-filled rocks off?

So, your thing is hate and lies eh?

Methinks the world would have been a far better place if you and your "Bible-bashing hero" had been aborted by backyard butchers, when still just unthinking fetuses. Given there has not been that much change since? Especially in the top paddock?

You'll have a nice day now, y'hear.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 23 January 2021 10:06:44 AM
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