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The Forum > Article Comments > The age of suburbia > Comments

The age of suburbia : Comments

By Ross Elliott, published 5/1/2021

Mr. Covid has been the best city and regional planner Australia has ever had. The suburbs will shine and regions will grow.

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A few of us have been arguing for decentralisation for decades! That it has taken a pandemic to overpower the obscene power of the robber baron, inner-city redevelopers speaks volumes about corruption in this country?

Decentralisation needs the rollout of rapid rail and every boy and his dog knows it! And no better time to do it as an adjunct to a more rapid recovery.

What we should have is a VLT. A VLT would allow a commute from Sydney CBD to Melbourne CBD and or, Brisbane CBD and several points in between! Or all of the above! Would allow several new cities to grow, prosper and spread! The entire project could be self-funded over time by the resumption of a ten-mile-wide corridor and the subsequent rezoning of areas around station stops!

Some temporary debt would need to be carried but completely offset by the issue of thirty-year, self-terminating, tax-free, government issue, bonds!

Affected landholders could be compensated with the transfer of title of some urban blocks? Land in between the new cities could become the megawatt solar farms Or MSR thorium facilities, that would power them, their desal plants and the VLT!

A project this large would require every available able-bodied and mentally able to be employed as full-time employees! And result in a recovery of epic proportions the envy of the world!

Will we do it? No way Hosa! Corrupt pollies and their handlers will never ever allow it! So bring on Great Depression mark two instead! Glad I'm old and not here too much longer!

If I were young and saddled with our administrations? Would probably blow my brains out than allow my fate and that of this nation to be left in their hands! And their trickle-down ideologies! Along with their me first and foremost, reelection agendas!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 5 January 2021 10:37:23 AM
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I'm happy just as long as the Chinese stay out of the Blue Mountains where I live.

They can stay in Sydney squashed in like sardines in a tin. Half the population of Sydney is Chinese and that's where I hope they stay.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 5 January 2021 10:48:26 AM
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Mr O. Hope springs eternal!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 5 January 2021 12:11:17 PM
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In the exotic glow of imagination, an exodus of the population into the suburbs and regional centres, must seem like an exciting trend.

But decentralisation has been tried before and failed under the heat of reality.

Cities exist for a reason. Convenience.

I think what this author imagines as regional, is anything clinging to the fringes up and down the coast line.

The further from the major cities, the more regional towns and cities will suffer from isolation and lack of resources to support growing populations.

This is particularly noticeable in health and education. Added to the difficulties are job prospects and limited housing.

Moving for retirement is one aspect which favours this trend, if you have a wish to die a neglected death, and to anticipate a smooth transition is just not realistic.

Bumping over corrugated roads in a community minibus or ambulance to underfunded and third world standard regional hospitals, is not my idea of sophisticated living.
And this is what awaits the unwary.

The suburbs of Sydney are only climatically tolerable in the eastern suburbs. with temperatures ten degrees below the western counterpart, where summertime temperatures not unusually reach forty nine degrees, at times for days on end.

Added to that ignominy, are rolling black outs which leave residents without air conditioning for hours on end during peak heat periods.
This is the reality of the authors dream.

Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 5 January 2021 2:49:36 PM
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Eerrr; the article advocates the population moving to the suburbs !
Where the hell do you think they live now ?
Those that have always put the suburbs down are now going to move there !
Somehow I don't think we want the hoi poloi moving here.
In the future world those trying to live on expensive energy will
be considering the regional towns. It has already started.
Once Tight oil declines there will be a major shift in how our
economies are run. Both Shell & BP have declared their long term
non oil industrial plans. They are not saying that for fun.
The mix of fuels needed from the available grades is a major problem.

The era of the giant energy intense manufacturing and financial
industry is coming to a close. Everything will be based on local
small factories producing for the regional towns. Long distant freight
will be by rail with distribution from major rail centres by trucks.
Aviation is at present dreaming of airliners running on errr what ?
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 5 January 2021 4:28:16 PM
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