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Humanity's response to escalating global cruelty : Comments

By Ken Macnab, published 24/11/2020

Rees makes clear from the outset, current cruelty is worldwide, deliberate and escalating.

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I'm not sure it's getting worse? Just more acceptable/out in the open/justified for this or that bogus reason and role models that excel in famous calloused indifference/mountainous horse shite? And others hiving off their own shortcoming onto others and refusing to own their own actions and any and all following consequences!

[With the exceptions of damaged goods? No infant decides the circumstances of their birth or their early development (horse shite) environment!]

Usually, done to protect or stay in positions of seductive power? Putin, Netanyahu, Erdogan and Trump just to mention a few perceived, self-evident power addicts?

Even as we like herded lemmings are herded toward the long drop/cliff edge/exit stage left forever/extinction!

And because we have turned a blind eye, embraced self-delusion/horse shite as a self-serving survival strategy, refused to stand up and call it out for what it is, when it's right there in front of you! And can be bribed to look the other way for a pittance or a nice shiny new Humvee?

When Herr Hitler came to power and started to, make Germany great again, most Germans thought the sun shone out of his bum! And believed his horse manure that an ethnic minority was responsible for all the bad and horrible economic reversals!

And that they the ethenic minority would be treated humanely in Stalags that were virtual holiday camps! Some folks/delusional dribbles, will chow down on horse manure and say, yummy, when they've consumed all the horse manure, if the lie is too big to disbelieve!

Think, we can only leave this world we what we bought plus memories and the love we found here, if we ourselves, made that the superior priority! And all the better more humane humans for it? Hopefully, occasionally?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 24 November 2020 11:08:55 AM
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Very well presented article on an extraordinarily important subject - Man's Inhumanity to Man, and to Nature, and to Truth.
A worthy review of the findings:- 'by Emeritus Professor Stuart Rees in his latest publication, Cruelty or Humanity: Challenges, Opportunities, Responsibilities, Policy Press (2020).

Quoted by Dr Macnab from Prof Rees' work:
'There comes a time when abhorrence over cruelty should be expressed spontaneously and passionately, separate from academic references, scholarly analytical theory, legal punctiliousness and political hypocrisy.'

But, but, but? Where's the clamoring cry of outrage?
Where's the current, modern-day, truthful 'Hollywood Spectacular Revelation' of the pitiful state of "Humanity" - as a life-force?!

Words, words, words, I'm so sick of words!
Where have we heard that - and so very often!

If we truly want a better world, then we've got to get tough - Cruel to be Kind.
All this soft-peddling around dictatorial and repressive regimes and political movements only ensures their continuity.
Dispense with Capital Punishment and you confirm yourself as weak.
Make faux ceasefires and treaties with rogues and you ensure fear, instability and uncertainty.

No protests in the streets, no looting and burning by louts and vandals, just law and order enforcement on a local, community, national and global scale.

Diplomacy to sort out silly local border and resource disputes - live and let live, get over differences, be honourable and understanding and sharing - or get clamped-down with 'real' threat of overwhelming force with resultant restrictions until all the parties learn the lesson.
Who? A United Nations with real teeth and real global support.

This world of 'entitlement' of some - to the detriment of 'others'; and of greed, materialism and intolerance is ultimately self-destructive and must be corrected - by enforcement - and honest sharing.
All else is delusional and futile.

Peace and preservation can only come from honest and responsible 'sharing'.
So be it.
Posted by Saltpetre, Tuesday, 24 November 2020 1:21:48 PM
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Man is a paradox of conflicted emotions. To expect peace to flow from an academic desire for a heavenly world, belies a tendency in those sorts of people to believe in fairies at the bottom of the garden.

Truth is, without wars there is no peace. History repeatedly proves the truth to this outcome. It was possible to live in peace under the brutality of Genghis Khan.
He simply demanded compliance to his authority, the payment of taxes and military service. Same with Rome.

But what is interesting following through with the lead of history, is the repeated overthrow of those powerful regimes by the dispossessed hordes, marching aggressively towards the defensive walls.

Eventually the dispossessed hordes create the imbalance required to topple law and order, usually with brutality equal to and above the need for brutality by the ruling classes to retain possession of their own riches of conquest.

History is a continuous road of war and peace. No academic neurotically arrived at conclusion will change the state of play.

Enter Christianity. In this creed, there are the seeds of peace waiting to be sown on fertile ground such as the wishful ploughed paddock of this Author. Unfortunately though for peace, his wish is futile. Since it lies with his church of Academia, the reason for change is resisted by its stand against religious thinking and its belief system which shows clearly the road to peace for mankind.

Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 24 November 2020 5:15:55 PM
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Applied christian peace-making 101 in two stark images.

And one essay:
Posted by Daffy Duck, Tuesday, 24 November 2020 7:22:15 PM
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From what I see cruelty is declining.
Posted by shadowminister, Monday, 30 November 2020 1:47:45 AM
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"Eventually the dispossessed hordes create the imbalance required to topple law and order, "

Yes! But, when there is more to live for than to die for, then can be stability and Peace!
How? Equality, opportunity, sharing and trust.

Fairies at the bottom of the garden?
Try Christianity - or Islam - or Judaism - to find conflict of ideas and ideals, a never-ending source of dissatisfaction and disagreement, and more 'Fairies' than you can poke a stick at - you wrong, me right, my way or the highway - conflict, destruction, hate, death.

Waiting for a new Messiah?
Xi? Biden? Putin? Boris? Joe Bloggs? 'Starman'?

Blessed are the Peacemakers!
Love thy Neighbour!
Do unto others!

When Humankind can conform with the Spirit of the Law - and the Spirit of Brotherhood - then may be Peace on Earth, but not before!

All for one, and one for all - or we are just kidding ourselves.
Posted by Saltpetre, Tuesday, 1 December 2020 10:43:12 AM
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