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Smugglers are gonna smuggle : Comments

By David Leyonhjelm, published 30/10/2020

Across the Tasman, the New Zealand Customs Service is increasingly concerned at the record volume of illegal cigarettes entering the country through Malaysian criminal syndicates.

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The Malaysian woman deserved the sentence just for being totally thick. Customs wouldn't be interested!

Tobacco is not an illegal drug, is not as dangerous as illegal drugs, and it's all about grabbing government's exorbitant taxes on a product that they are spending millions of our dollars on telling us to stop using (hypocrites). If they ever wipe out smoking altogether, they will need to up the excise on alcohol. Get ready, boozers. They are already starting to spend more millions of your dollars broadcasting the cancers and other problems caused by your drug of choice.

And, despite the yabber about the wine industry being so important, remember that the Australian government has wrecked our economy on the dubious opinions of medical "experts". There is a steady rise of the same types trying to influence gullible, self-serving politicians in the same way they have with other health issues. And, alcohol is dangerous for everyone, including teetotallers and children, unborn and living, unlike ciggies, which mainly affect only the smoker.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 30 October 2020 9:22:15 AM
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Yes the tobacco taxes are indeed immoral.

The immorality of socialists. Devoid of productive skills, feigning superior wisdom and care for others is their profession.

And don't we have a lot of them these days.
Posted by jamo, Friday, 30 October 2020 10:53:49 AM
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If you are going to smoke, then be good enough to pay for the self-inflected harm and the passive harm you do! And pay for some of your future medical care, hospitalisation, for yourself and that of the harm you do to other passive smokers! And cop it sweet on our tobacco excise duties!

Dad, the smoke is getting in my face, gasp, choke. Well then Junior, move your face? Sounds about right for the Senator we all know and despise? Yes!?

I get that you, David, don't give a rats about others and the harm you do to them as an addicted smoker, who as a medically trained vet, should know better!

I mean it's not as if you are intellectually challenged? Just a non-empathetic A-hole? Who seems to be, encouraging tax avoidance, smuggling and breaking the law?

Smugglers are gonna smuggle cause the non-compliant A-holes in society, who just don't give a continental, are gonna provide a market! No market, ipso facto, no illegal smuggling!

Seriously, honestly, You come over as yet another self-serving elitist (big guy) who thinks they're entitled to ignore the (inconvenient) Profit harming law?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 30 October 2020 11:33:05 AM
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" And pay for some of your future medical care, hospitalisation, for yourself and that of the harm you do to other passive smokers!"

There's basically no evidence that so-called passive smokers suffer any harm.

As to the actual smokers, they are, in fact, national benefactors, willingly laying down their lives for the good of others....
Posted by mhaze, Friday, 30 October 2020 1:05:52 PM
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If you intend to hang you self in competition to smoking yourself to death, there are thirteen turns of the rope in a hangman’s noose.

Just like the topic from this author, once every blue moon it pops up. Coincidentally though, the blue moon tomorrow night coincides with Halloween. The first blue moon in seventy six years that does line itself up for the strange event.

And on the subject of strange, I wonder if this author is using the date to cynically align promoting the death habit of smoking cigarettes, with the spooky ghosts from Halloween’s past.

Laugh and play little children, little do you know there is a big bad man out there hiding in plain sight that wants to kill you.

I can tell you his name, David Leyonhjelm.

Posted by diver dan, Friday, 30 October 2020 1:54:27 PM
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I get so frustrated constantly telling friends and acquaintances it's ok to smoke around us. So brow beaten they first disbelieve you and even after you insist they stay near they still nervously watch for your reaction. It's horrific people are being made to feel like they deserve to be ostracized.
My wife and I quit several years ago and every time we're around others who smoke it's the same. We love the people around us and we always want them to feel welcome.
Fact is, it doesn't smell awful like the vocal sooks whine it does. Not at all. This was something we discovered after we gave up. Sure when someone walks back in after a fag there's a particularly pungent ash smell. But it goes away. We could smell the same when we still smoked. The tobacco smell itself is gorgeous.
The ex smoker who grizzles is only jealous after getting a whiff of that cigarette. The whining's all BS.

As for paying their way, they do. Many many times over. And still they don't get the treatments they could be getting. They're even made to feel they shouldn't seek help. That's utterly immoral.
Posted by jamo, Friday, 30 October 2020 2:30:47 PM
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