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Pandemics and public health : Comments
By Peter Curson, published 15/9/2020There is little doubt that maintaining our publics’ health requires a deft balancing act – of balancing the overall wellbeing of all Australians against the individual’s rights and freedoms.
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Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 15 September 2020 11:16:37 AM
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ttbn makes the most sense in all of this.
see Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 15 September 2020 12:00:30 PM
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Let us know when you are leaving, Hasbeen and I'll make a point of coming to see you off/wave you goodbye as you go! How do you say farewell and bon voyage in Swedish? XXXOOO.
Pete you're entitled to your opinion! Even if the only one you share it with is the fool in the mirror? I'd have thought everyone here not already senile would want both the borders and economy fuly reopened? But then? And the illicit drug trade effectively demolished? But then,that's only what I believe. And silly isn't it? Who in their right mind would want a reasonably accurate result in seconds as the, up your nose test, can take several days and allow superspreaders to go about their work of shutting down/destroying the economy and knocking off a few useless, impoverished old farts? Those useless, moribund, senile old farts with a few quid can afford to opt for a different outcome! Thank heavens for small mercies and Granddad's money. Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 15 September 2020 12:38:27 PM
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Consider the death statistics I provided previously...
816 across the entire country in eight months, and 729 of those are in Victoria, and most of them over the age of life expectancy. I mean, really?!?!? Given that we all die, and most of the deaths attributed to COVID-19 are in people likely over the age of life expectancy, do you think there is a proportionate response to the virus? Just think about what's happening on the back of those very questionable figures in Victoria... And there's the dying 'with' or 'of' COVID-19 angle. And problems with the definition of 'cases' and testing, see for example: Covid-19: the problems with case counting: QUOTE What is a “case”? One issue in trying to interpret numbers of detected cases is that there is no set definition of a case. At the moment it seems that a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) positive result is the only criterion required for a case to be recognised. “In any other disease we would have a clearly defined specification that would usually involve signs, symptoms, and a test result,” says Carl Heneghan, director of the Centre for Evidence Based Medicine at the University of Oxford and the editor of BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine. “We are moving into a biotech world where the norms of clinical reasoning are going out of the window. A PCR test does not equal covid-19; it should not, but in some definitions it does.” END OF QUOTE Posted by ElizabethHart, Tuesday, 15 September 2020 1:23:14 PM
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Further to my previous comments, also consider my email to PM Scott Morrison:
Transparency for coronavirus/COVID-19 statistics - are these being beaten up? 31 August 2020: Posted by ElizabethHart, Tuesday, 15 September 2020 1:42:07 PM
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Dan, taxpayer-funded vaccination policy in Australia is a cesspool of conflicts of interest.
I've been investigating this area for the past 12 years now, starting with pet vaccination, and what a rabbit hole that has taken me down... You've obviously seen my presentation, here's the transcript if you want a closer look, also including slides: Posted by ElizabethHart, Tuesday, 15 September 2020 1:47:01 PM
That said, no infectedperson has a right as an Asymptomatic super spreader to infect others willy nilly with a virus that can and does kill people.
And no polly-waffling Polly has a right to politicise a pandemic for some obnoxious political outcome!
As for the pandemic? What we or rather our erstwhile leaders have never done, has been to acquire and roll out the, 95% accurate, Israeli Saliva test. And deploy it at all exit and entry points, at borders, bridges, Supermarkets, entertainment and sporting venues. With those testing negative for the virus/illicit drugs allowed to proceed to wherever or their jobs/a fully reopened economy.
Those testing positive for the virus/ilicit drugs, immediately sent to a currently disused refugee detainment camp, where razor wire and armed dog patrols will all but ensure a locked down compliance, the missing element in the Victorian, second wave?
Not to mention the cold turkey, enforced withdrawal, of illicit drug users!
The latter detained behind razor wire and drug free for six months could all but kill the illicit drug trade?
Why not the Saliva test and a result in seconds? Because it's not lost on the Mr bigs of organised crime/illicit drug distribution, that the same saliva can be also tested, also in seconds, for illicit drugs?
And who knows who the untouchable Mr bigs are? A pillar of society, the millionarie playboy, a butter wouldn't melt in his/her mouth, as honest as the day is long, political leader, minister of the faith etc-etc?
Alan B.