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Stop the dad bashing : Comments
By Cindy McGarvie, published 4/9/2020Destroy the Patriarchy! Women DON'T need men! The amount of times I've heard these slogans by angry women, the fruit of today's misandrist climate, is concerning.
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Posted by Alison Jane, Friday, 4 September 2020 8:01:38 AM
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The contents of this essay are essentially true.
But what does this disturbing image from the Youth For Christ outfit tell us about their "values" altogether? One could say that it communicates the same kind of applied christian politics of systematic cruelty as described in this essay: And as depicted in this stark image I say that the applied politics of cruelty and conquest is very much alive in the White House or Trump's America Onward Christian soldiers forever marching into war. Posted by Daffy Duck, Friday, 4 September 2020 8:45:18 AM
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At least the author discloses her religious affiliation, which lies behind her view. Sure, dads are important, but they're not always going to be the "central figure".
Based on my experience, plus those of my own children, and other kids I know well, I'd rather say that balanced relationships with mums and dads are both very important, plus you need other influential relatives and role models of both sexes. Posted by Steve S, Friday, 4 September 2020 8:47:46 AM
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Common Daffy D. Focus on the topic and ignore the author's Christianity/religious background. I not a fan of religions and their human failings, but these bullying misandrists are almost as bad as the dreaded "spanish inquisition"!
Posted by Alison Jane, Friday, 4 September 2020 8:49:14 AM
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It's great to be too old to care about silly women or what they think.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 4 September 2020 8:49:53 AM
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One woman a week dies at the hands of a controlling partner! One woman a week! And somebody's daughter, mother or sister!
Nobody is saying these ladies were saints, although some of them could have been. One can agree with the angry women, they don't need these men! Neither do we, the decent, caring male cohort, who value and respect our mothers, sisters and wives! Given my druthers I'd medicate the brutes who rape, bash and murder our daughters and sisters! Think marriage and its issue is some sort of title deed to property? The pill I'd give them would be lead and delivered right between the eyes! And if that then saved other human life? Justifiable? Imagine if Mr Clark had been so medicated, A mother and her kids would still be alive today! And similarly in countless cases down through the centuries? These men/monsters, started life as badly behaving boys, were allowed by over indugent or craven parents, to get away with bullying, pushing girls/their siblings around, killing harmles birds etc, with slug guns etc. Concequently, got addicted to the thrill kill? Just because it's nearly Father's day, we have to yet again see this sort of risible rubbish getting a hearing. Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Friday, 4 September 2020 11:07:35 AM
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Why use the very dramatic word bash? Especially as it is impossible to "bash" anyone with ideas or images which are ideas made visual.
Like it or not and especially taking into account the image on the YFC website you cannot separate the kind of stuff she promotes from its over all historical and cultural context, including its now-time contexts. Especially as she and her fellow traveling evangelical true believers pretend to be involved in bringing the "kingdom of 'christ'" to the entire world. Never mind that there are now more christians in the world than ever before both in total numbers and as a percentage of the human population. And yet the world is becoming more and more insane every day. Indeed some of the leading vectors of this now universal psychosis are closely aligned with Donald the orange-haired anti-christ pretending that he is going to re-"christianize" America. Following on from the Logos essay and the Dartmouth image Christians have inevitably been bashing their way to world domination ever since Chrisian-ISM became the official religion of the imperial Roman state. They have also been bashing each other too, including the countless numbers of CANCELLED "heretics". And "witches" too during the European and American "witch" hunting and murdering psychosis. The protestant versus "catholic" wars ruined much of Europe during its decades long blood bath. In more recent times there has been the Irish "catholic" versus protestant troubles. And the never ended vicious animosity between the "catholic" Croats and the "orthodox" Serbs, which, by the way has been exacerbated by the "ecclesiastical" establishment of both sides, including the "saintly" pope JP2 (during the Kosovo crisis) Posted by Daffy Duck, Friday, 4 September 2020 2:54:42 PM
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No sanctimony with this author, but sanctimonious Dafy has plenty to spare, as he berates Christianity from his own stranger than fiction religion.
And since for many years he refuses to engage in common discourse, I will never know the answer to that question. But from my reading of "it", Donald Trump is a good father, and often spoke of his mutual respect for his own father, Fred Trump. Many would object to this statement. But little evidence exists to prove a contrary view. However, with a collection of daughters myself, I'm appalled at the abysmal collection of son in laws ive accumulated. My advice to the daughters is, if you can make it on your own, in the end you'll not only be more self satisfied, but earn the greater respect of your children while doing it. I don't think it's the boys that are the problem though, but the world they are given to grow up in. It takes a very determined and tough type of boy to come out on top. The best advice I can give is, don't turn your children into whimpering victims with excuses of mental illness to cover failure. Dan Posted by diver dan, Friday, 4 September 2020 4:29:55 PM
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The pill I'd give them .......
Alan B, And, those Judges, lawyers, Sociologists & do-gooders who provide the impunity & encouragement for many culprits ! Posted by individual, Saturday, 5 September 2020 6:45:41 AM
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Limp lefty men have always made fools of themselves over women, and the usual subjects here are doing it again. The Amazons making all the noise are laughing at them.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 5 September 2020 9:50:12 AM
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ttbn. One does not need to be limp or lefty to understand that women have as many rights as you do! Are not somebody's property to be bashed into submission every time you get an erection? Are boozed outta your brain. Have to cook your own tea? Feed the youngun? Settle a fear-filled youngun down, ice the bruises, the cracked ribs, the smashed cheekbone inflicted by your senseles, knuckle sandwhich, violence? That'll toughen the SFB up? Eh?
And you do not need to be a knuckle-dragging cretin from the far right to engage in such activity? Or posses an I.Q. roughly equal to the ambient temperature? Or too old, indifferent or calloused to give a shite about anyone else? But it surely has to help? You'll have a nice day now y'hear. Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 5 September 2020 11:58:03 AM
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One woman a week dies at the hands of a controlling partner!
Alan B, And, how many of these are driving their partners up the wall ? Posted by individual, Saturday, 5 September 2020 1:40:10 PM
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The Amazons and bints are not interested in equality: supremacy is the goal. They will get it, too, if it's left up to lefty limp males and silly old men fantasising that are still attractive to women.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 5 September 2020 2:34:58 PM
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BBC's misandrist reporter bully UK Ministers
Alison jane, i watched that thing for want of a better description waffle on, giving Nancy Pelosi a run for her money. At first glance it actually looked like Abbott in drag ! Posted by individual, Saturday, 5 September 2020 5:16:18 PM
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Thanks Cindy McGarvie for the article- long over due.
Bettina Arndt- AM is also good value in this area. Alan B said "One woman a week dies at the hands of a controlling partner!" Answer- I wonder how many men die from suicide due to the current ideological nightmare of feminism in policy and law. In old times the woman got the children and the man got the property- so both sides lost something if things didn't work out- so they tried to work it out. A man that was a womanizer was an outcast in the community. Now the woman gets the children and the property and the earnings of the man for the term of his natural life. In this regime there doesn't seem to be much incentive for the woman to work out the problems. It seems that this feminist experiment will end western civilization- I hope that the feminist communists and their "useful idiot" hanger-on-ers will be happy when the end comes- Communist Cultural Hegemony. Women can also be abusive in the family- see Munchhausen Syndrome by Proxy. Solving family problems by the blunt instrument of government agencies run largely in favor of women's interests (hiding behind the interest of the child) sounds like a recipe for male slavery. But men don't complain because that is not how they deal with things. Feminist's say that Men should give up their pride... well no. In the animal kingdom male's are the soldiers, hunters, protectors; female's are the nurturers, gatherers, homemakers- this seems to be hardwired. Males and Females have different roles in group behavior and survival. Human's are not the same as animals but they are subject to the same evolutionary influences. Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 7 September 2020 3:53:36 AM
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There are those that believe in the Tabula rasa theory of gender nihilism- this is similar to other theories of "class nihilism" present in Communism. I don't agree with everything here but it covers the subject reasonably well. Family issues are complex and emotive and ultimately may be unsolvable. Hopefully as a society Australia will be able to return to some level of sanity with more traditional cultural norms where all parties can reach some sort of closure- however painfully- and continue with their lives wiser and more productive. Thanks again Cindy McGarvie for the article. Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 7 September 2020 3:55:41 AM
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Today for their part men, after some hesitancy,
have generally reacted positively to the growing equality of women. In fact, their own roles, being complimentary to those of women, are inevitably in some flux also. Men are now permitted a more gentle and expressive personality than would have been considered appropriate a few decades ago. The 1950s "John Wayne" image of manhood has less and less appeal to both sexes. Like the feminine role, the masculine role is now more ambiguous, more flexible, more subject to interpretation by the individual. Resolving this kind of ambiguity is part of the challenge of social and cultural change. Under the old system, everyone knew what their roles were, and most people unquestionably behaved as they were "supposed" to. The system constrained people, but it freed them from the need to make choices. There are fewer constraints today, but the individual now has the liberty (or the burden) to choose his or her own path to self-fulfillment. Our society today is more individualistic and highly open to change and experimentation. Today men and women are exploring a wide variety of possible roles. True liberation from the restriction of gender would mean that all possible options would be open and equally acceptable for both sexes. Then a person's individual human qualities, rather than his or her biological sex, would be the primary measure of that person's worth and achievement. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 9 September 2020 4:44:35 PM
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I look forward to "Foxy" explaining us all to its version of evolution etc...!
Posted by Alison Jane, Wednesday, 9 September 2020 7:32:06 PM
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Dear Alison Jane,
Please explain what on earth you're talking about and why. There's lots of books available on evolution at your local library. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 9 September 2020 10:46:10 PM
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The evidence is in that the predictions of the social constructionist is completely wrong and that while all options are now available, the choices by men and women overwhelmingly tend to deviate along gender lines especially in countries where there is the strongest equality of opportunity. Posted by shadowminister, Friday, 11 September 2020 5:08:16 AM
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Foxy said- "True liberation from the restriction of gender would mean
that all possible options would be open and equally acceptable for both sexes. Then a person's individual human qualities, rather than his or her biological sex, would be the primary measure of that person's worth and achievement." Answer- According to communist writers and thinkers, the goal of communism is to create a stateless, classless society...(compare this to Foxy's gender stateless, classless society or- "liberation from ...gender") Communist thinkers believe this can happen if the people take away the power of the bourgeoisie and establish worker control of the means of production (Compare this to Feminist views that power needs to be taken away from the male patriarchy- as if they ever had all the power). Communism is not anti-individualist (I would say it's anti-family as are Locke Liberals). However, it does say that decisions should be good for the population as a whole (who says what is good for the population as a whole- some small group of academics), instead of just being good for only some part of people in the country. Does Foxy question the "traditional morality" of her own parents? The thing is there will never be complete "open(ness) and equality"- The way Jordan Peterson puts it- humans need values (there is no tabula rasa- blank slate), values create hierarchy, hierarchy creates inequality. Also the way power is structured in the hierarchy determines the steepness and the level of tyranny. A global hierarchy will create more inequality not less. Liberalism justifies greed and creates scarcity. There are those that favour anarchism for their own benefit. Posted by Canem Malum, Friday, 11 September 2020 8:44:33 AM
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Warren Thomas Farrell, American political scientist
who's generally considered "The father of the men's movement" and who the female author of this article has referred to - advocates that: "There should be neither a women's movement blaming men nor a men's movement blaming women but a gender liberation movement freeing BOTH sexes from the rigid roles of the past, toward MORE FLEXIBLE roles of the future". Not sure what communism or totalitarianism has to do with this discussion. But I guess some people will try to bring anything in as an attempt to score points. However it should be clear to most rational people - that - This does not mean that women will gradually adopt the characteristics of men or that the two existing genders will converge on some happy medium. It does not mean gender similarity or a "unisex" society. What is being suggested is that in the future, there probably will be fewer constraints then there were in the past, and that individuals will be able to choose his or her own path to self-fulfillment. Where various options will be open and acceptable for both sexes. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 11 September 2020 1:22:19 PM
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It's worth reading a more objective text on Warren Farrell. Not that I agree with all of his views. He's seems to be a bit of an out of touch theatre goer and was initially a second generation feminist but he makes some approapriate observations. Interesting reference to "Cassie Jaye's 2016 documentary film about the men's rights movement, The Red Pill". Even Nietzsche talked about "fewer constraints then there were in the past, and that individuals will be able to choose his or her own path to self-fulfillment" Read "Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and None". I'm suspicious of this academia/ expert authority/ Burnham Managerialism laden view and people aren't allowed to have an opinion- sounds much like totalitarianism to me. The cover to "The Godfather" says "Power cannot be given- it can only be taken". I've been reviewing the concept of propaganda and the Institute for Propaganda Analysis of 1938. Father Coughlin’s radio talks were selected by the IPA for analysis since they represented "a fairly typical borrowing of foreign anti-democracy propaganda methods by an American propagandist."[3]:x Seven tricks of the propagandist were outlined and illustrated by reference to the radio talks in a book The Fine Art of Propaganda, edited by Alfred McClung Lee and Elizabeth Briant Lee. As Clyde Miller explained in the Preface, "So far as individuals are concerned, the art of democracy is the art of thinking and discussing independently together." The book is presented as a "candid and impartial study of the devices and apparent objectives of specialists in the distortion of public opinions."[3]:viii Chapters four through ten described the following propaganda tricks: Name-calling Glittering generalities Transfer Testimonial Plain folks Card stacking Bandwago Posted by Canem Malum, Friday, 11 September 2020 2:01:20 PM
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Public opinion is the sum of the decisions of
the members of a public on a particular issue. Because people may constantly change their views, opinion on many issues is often in a state of flux. An assessment of public opinion is therefore valid only for the time and place in which it was made. People may be quite willing, however, to express opinions on subjects they know nothing about. Despite this, in our society, considerable importance is placed on public opinion. A great deal of money is spent annually on public-opinion polls and market surveys and on media campaigns to build favourable public images of policies, corporations, products and political parties. These campaigns are actually forms of propaganda - information or viewpoints that are presented with the deliberate intention of persuading the audience to adopt a particular opinion. Propaganda may be true or false, but its objective is always the same, to influence public opinion toward a specific conclusiopn. Public opinion arises in an informal way, making it difficult to study. We do know, however, that people are not the passive victims of advertisers and other media persuaders. Opinions are not formed in a vacuum. They are made in a context of existing cultural and personal preconceptions. Moreover, people don't necessarily get their opinions directly from media sources. Information and viewpoints are sifted through other people particularly family, friends, and workmates. For example we are more likely to be influenced to see a movie by a friend who recommends it to us than by a newspaper advertisement. We're also influenced by opinion leaders, usually people we admire - whose views mirror our own. We can see this from the rise of minority political parties - such as One Nation. There are various propaganda techniques that are used and the expressed opinions of the public can now be measured by opinions polls with a high degree of accuracy. But there are significant problems of constructing, using, and interpreting measure of public opinion. And as we have seen in the past a notorious misreading of opinion can occur. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 11 September 2020 3:46:17 PM
Having heard the BBC's misandrist reporter bully UK Ministers over their acceptance of that nasty, homophobic, misogynist ex PM Tony Abbott, in an attempt to stop him becoming a UK Trade Board member, it is clear that the misandry network has global tentacles.
One day balance may return, but given the "power" misandry delivers feminists/BLM/Socialist thugs, why would they even listen to this authors thoughts.