The Forum > Article Comments > Time to play dirty? Lessons from the David Starkey affair > Comments
Time to play dirty? Lessons from the David Starkey affair : Comments
By Paul Collits, published 21/7/2020Cancel culture is all around. It crushes rational debate and destroys freedom of thought and speech. The latest victim is the eminent British historian David Starkey.
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Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 21 July 2020 11:46:15 AM
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Sorry, nothing of merit here, just a risible rant? And, in my view, a diabolical diatribe against all those he disagrees with? All of who can be dismissed a lefties. [The holocaust can't have been too bad, given there are plenty of Jews left?] To use the Gentleman's BLM, logic/arguement.
And I believe, typical of the lunatic right? Who don't understand why they no longer win debates? Time to play dirty? Have those on the extreme right, utra priveleged elite, ever played else? Or ever listened to the other side, save to counter opposing views, with their lunitic's logic? Alan B Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 21 July 2020 12:24:46 PM
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Meanwhile the real cancel "culture" with its "beautiful bombs" and its murderously reasonable intentions is getting bigger and stronger every day: Posted by Daffy Duck, Tuesday, 21 July 2020 2:45:03 PM
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Paul Collits- Thanks for your article. We need people like you in times like these.
Posted by Canem Malum, Friday, 24 July 2020 5:09:15 PM
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Instead they made a bonfire celebration out of it
A celebration we Aussies can't celebrate on 5th of November bushfire season.